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Born To Win [Dear Friends]

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by umajaya, Jul 21, 2011.

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  1. #1
    Hard Working Person,like to face challenging tasks .My ambition is to help the persons in technology and career.According to me,Postponing is the decent word for impossible.SO DO'NT SAY TOMMARROW,BECOZ TOMMARROW MAY NOT COME IN YOUR LIFE AT ALL..SO WORK TODAY,ACHIEVE TODAY.Everything is possible,but needs plan and dream to achieve the goal.Take things in positive manner,becoz positive thoughts are wings of success..Even the word impossible contains i'm possible...So try.. try till you succeed...because everybody are Born To Win.
    umajaya, Jul 21, 2011 IP
  2. terrywilson175

    terrywilson175 Peon

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    Welcome dear, nice to have you here on DP.
    terrywilson175, Jul 21, 2011 IP
  3. umajaya

    umajaya Member

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    Thanks for your kind and warm welcome..
    umajaya, Jul 21, 2011 IP
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