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Boot to Gecko to kill cheap android phones?

Discussion in 'Google' started by JustCause, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. #1
    Just read an interesting article on CNET about a new mobile web based OS being developed by Mozilla. It looks amazingly smooth and is built entirely around HTML 5. I think this is potentially a great step in the right direction by mozilla into the already crowded mobile OS market. I think that having web based OS's is a great idea and looking at the capabilities of HTML 5 i think it is also a reality. I think that they may well be a challenge for lower end smart phones such as google's android and Nokia's Symbian but i would love to see this get widely adopted.

    Read the article yourself here: http://crave.cnet.co.uk/mobiles/will-boot-to-gecko-kill-cheap-android-phones-50007187/

    Try the demo simulator here: http://paulrouget.com/gaia/

    What do you guys think of mozilla's venture into the mobile OS world? Think they have the right idea?
    JustCause, Apr 2, 2012 IP
  2. janiali

    janiali Peon

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    Great one and you are right it will really be hard but challenging . thanks for sharing such nice information
    janiali, Apr 5, 2012 IP