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    y u no do it?

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    Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

Selling BloggingList.com // PR4 Blog Directory, Good Name, Good PR, Good Alexa

Discussion in 'Sites' started by profmustamar, Mar 6, 2011.

  1. #1
    Hello, I am selling my Blog/Web Directory site: blogginglist.com

    This site is a web/blog directory, with features:
    - Fully manageable via Admin CP (dashboard).
    - You can choose it's for public (with user registration) or not.
    - Featured listing.
    - Admin Rating (admin can give rating to listing)
    - recaptcha
    - separate theme files (if you are a web designer, you can build your own theme)
    - widgetized
    - And many more.

    For your information, this site has:
    Page Rank: 4
    Alexa: 300k
    Nice, easy to remember, and old aged domain name.

    For serious buyer only!
    profmustamar, Mar 6, 2011 IP
  2. blogatom

    blogatom Peon

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    As Seller:
    100% - 0
    As Buyer:
    100% - 0
    can u pls send me traffic proof (awstats)?
    blogatom, Mar 7, 2011 IP