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Blogger fear

Discussion in 'Blogging' started by Rubyrubyruby, May 19, 2017.

  1. #1
    Hey everyone!
    I'm just looking for a bit of advice! I would like to start my own blog and I have a decent idea of where I would like to go with it. I have such a passion for makeup but I have no idea where to begin. I was wondering if there is anyone who has their own blog that could give me any advice on how to start up.
    Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!
    Rubyrubyruby, May 19, 2017 IP
  2. JoeSpirit

    JoeSpirit Well-Known Member

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    That depends on where you are now Ruby.

    If you don't know anything about the blogging platform you need to learn that first. You can go to WordPress dot com to start posting or you can download a copy of WordPress from WordPress dot org and install it in your hosting account (or use an installation service like softaculous which many hosting providers make available in cPanel).

    If you do know that you just have to start creating articles about your subject (makeup) and post them on your blog site.

    The key is to just start. You'll learn over time by doing and if you have any specific questions as you go along ask. Plenty of people here to help you as you grow.

    Embrace the old cliche: Fail Forward Fast.
    JoeSpirit, May 20, 2017 IP
  3. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Makeup blogging is a very competitive niche. It's fine if you are at school and want to do it for a bit of fun but if you expect results (freebies, job offers, income) from it then take a bit of time and see what everyone else is doing with instagram, youtube. AFAIK the hard part is making the videos. Getting them presented is easy, getting people to watch them takes time and effort.
    sarahk, May 20, 2017 IP
  4. Abdelkrim Amrani

    Abdelkrim Amrani Member

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    There are many options available. I think the easiest one is blogger. It can be linked with Adsense. My advice to you would be to start and carry on posting. It takes a bit of time to reach your goals but it is still better than not starting at all.
    Abdelkrim Amrani, Aug 11, 2017 IP
  5. MrKing01

    MrKing01 Active Member

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    OP might have started her blog by now. But if she hasn't she should use Wordpress and host it. This will give her blog a professional touch. The reason I suggest Wordpress is that it has plenty of good templates, especially when it comes to blogging. You shouldn't forget that Wordpress as a platform was made for bloggers. Blogger will look outdated by now. It's not that we still live in 2005/2006.
    MrKing01, Aug 11, 2017 IP
  6. Spartan14

    Spartan14 Well-Known Member

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    First time its complicated because your comfort zone stop you dont do this mistake .Just create a blog with wordpress ,if you search on youtube you can find a lot of tutorials on how to instal it .When you create your blog start by ading value content to it .Then start creating a free report on make up and oper it in exchange for email adress .Then when you build an email list start by developing a good relation with your list and people will like you .Subtle start promoting some affiliate products
    Spartan14, Aug 11, 2017 IP
  7. Sumit_Singh

    Sumit_Singh Well-Known Member

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    The very first thing is what is your niche and then what platform you will choose, you seem a newbie, I recommend WordPress to you and then second thing is Hosting, what type of Hosting will good for you (there are many hosting providers, it is up to you with whom you will go).
    These below mention things also matters
    Website Design or Blog Design (Choose that best suit to your Niche)
    On-Page Optimization (Choose YOAST SEO Plugin for WordPress)
    There are more things and problems that you will face when you will start doing it and you will learn so many things by doing it.
    Thank You
    Sumit_Singh, Sep 1, 2017 IP
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