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Bing Ads and Clickbank direct linking case study

Discussion in 'Bing Ads' started by Dave Mac, Nov 12, 2020.

  1. #1
    Hey Guys! [​IMG]

    I wanted to share a case study on one of the ways I've been successfully making affiliate sales on Clickbank.

    This case study involves paid advertising so if you're looking to make money with free methods this is not for you.

    You can read below for details or you can watch the system in action in the video. Note: I'm not selling anything here or capturing email addresses (although if you find the video useful I would appreciate a like and subscribe).

    What you need:
    • Clickbank account
    • Bing Ads account
    • Find a product in the Clickbank marketplace that converts but doesn't have crazy competition
    • Set up a direct linking campaign using Bing Ads (no tracking software like Clickmagick required)
    • Prove your campaign's stability by making commissions over a few days and then repeat with a different product to build up a suite of money-making Bing Ads campaigns
    In the rest of this post is a description of exactly what to do. I have made a video with a case study showing the exact steps below being put into action from choosing a product and launching a Bing campaign to the results.


    1. Find a product

    Head over to the Clickbank marketplace and hit the search button to list all marketplace products. At this point the products will be listed in popularity order.

    Go to the filters bar on the left and filter on the following:

    Gravity: Filter to a gravity of between 20 and 70. This filter will give you a list of products that are seeing success with affiliate promotions but haven't been overrun with affiliates yet (ie. 600+ gravity products)

    Date added to marketplace: Filter to the last 2 months. This filter (combined with the above gravity filter) will give us popular products that are new.

    Check out the products that remain and decide which one you want to promote. One of the criteria I use to decide what *not* to promote is that I avoid promoting MMO products on Clickbank. That's because most people interested in MMO already know about Clickbank and are likely to buy a product they like through their own affiliate link, or refund, or both [​IMG]

    2. Setup a direct linking campaign

    Now that you've got a product to promote, head over to Bing Ads and set up a campaign.

    We're going to create a campaign to get clicks for people searching on the product name- so make sure you check the vendor's affiliate terms to ensure they allow (or don't specifically disallow) brand bidding.

    The campaign should target the product name on exact match (product name in square brackets). That way, when someone searching Bing types in the product name your ad is going to show up. It's important we target these people because they are warm leads.

    When you set up your ad you don't need to make any crazy promises, the traffic is warm afterall.

    The most important part of your ad setup is the urls you use. The final url (which is the url displayed in the ad should be the url of the sales page, ie. not your hoplink). Your hoplink goes in the tracking template field (under "Ad URL options").

    The tracking template is traditionally used by tracking software and Bing sends the traffic through this link rather than the final url (provided that the visitor eventually lands on the final url). You can test that this all functions correctly using the Test button.

    3. Prove your campaign

    Let your campaign run for a few days and prove that it can be profitable. Traditionally, you should not make a decision on the profitability of a product until you have spent 3 times the payout commission on ads. So, if the product pays $24 in commission you let the campaign run until you've spent $72 and then decide whether to junk it or not. Because you're running to warm traffic you can junk a campaign earlier if it's not making sales.

    That's it!

    Let me know if you have any questions!

    Dave Mac, Nov 12, 2020 IP
  2. jimmyt200388

    jimmyt200388 Well-Known Member

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    Do clickbank not care about using PPC ads? I know on other affiliate sites they are not happy about using paid traffic. Great post though!
    jimmyt200388, Jan 19, 2024 IP
  3. cintasejati

    cintasejati Well-Known Member

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    Is clickbank still exist ? They hold very long for payout when other company able to release the fund immediately.
    cintasejati, Sep 4, 2024 IP