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    Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

BIG Sale - 32 LLLL.com's *Triple prems included*

Discussion in 'Domains' started by StevieBoyWatts, Feb 18, 2008.

  1. #1
    Looking to sell the following LLLL.com's, for anyone looking to get a piece of the LLLL.com action this is your chance.

    Godaddy Domains:
    BYJV.COM - 9/20/2008 - BIN 72$
    DFFQ.COM - 9/20/2008 - BIN 120$
    EYVN.COM - 12/8/2008 - BIN 72$
    GGZV.COM - 9/21/2008 - BIN 68$
    MIGQ.COM - 2/25/2009 - BIN 120$
    PSMZ.COM - 6/21/2008 - BIN 110$
    XIGF.COM - 9/26/2008 - BIN 110$
    QEPH.COM - 7/19/2008 - BIN 450$
    YVGL.COM - 9/28/2008 - BIN 72$
    GRQR.COM - 8/19/2009 - BIN 120$
    Hjoz.com - 6/9/2008 - BIN 72$
    Qjoz.com - 6/9/2008 - BIN 77$
    Xjoz.com - 6/9/2008 - BIN 72$
    Jozq.com - 6/9/2008 - BIN 72$
    Jozv.com - 6/9/2008 - BIN 72$
    Jozw.com - 6/9/2008 - BIN 72$
    Xohz.com - 6/9/2008 - BIN 75$
    OMXJ.COM - 10/11/2008 BIN 65$

    1and1 Domains: (Transfer Fees Apply)
    Lqsp.com - 17-Mar-2008 - BIN 110$
    Lxrn.com - 17-Mar-2008 - BIN 100$
    Zcdm.com - 17-Mar-2008 - BIN 110$

    NameCheap Domains:
    ztfj.com - 07/22/2008 BIN 65$
    qedq.com - 08/03/2008 - BIN 75$
    vpfb.com - 03/05/2008 - BIN 130$

    NamesPoint Domains:
    IZPQ.COM - 10/18/2008 BIN 65$
    ODVQ.COM - 10/18/2008 BIN 65$
    ODXQ.COM - 10/18/2008 BIN 65$

    Manage.Snapnames Domains:

    MQHL.com - Dec 19, 2007 - BIN 110$

    Fabulous Domains:
    fqkp.com - 31 Mar 2009 BIN 65$
    fqnj.com - 31 Mar 2009 BIN 65$

    EuroDns Domains:
    vfqp.com - 31/10/2008 BIN 62$
    xqgn.com - 31/10/2008 BIN 62$

    All offers welcome, there is no Bulk BIN at this time so make an offer!
    Looking to make some quick sales, offering a near BIN offer might make the cut.

    All domains are free push unless otherwise specified. Payments are via Escrow, however I will accept Paypal from reputable members/frequent customers. (Buyer pays any additional fees)
    StevieBoyWatts, Feb 18, 2008 IP
  2. StevieBoyWatts

    StevieBoyWatts Guest

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    Looking to make a few deals. 10% off all BIN prices for 24 hours.
    StevieBoyWatts, Feb 19, 2008 IP
  3. StevieBoyWatts

    StevieBoyWatts Guest

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    Closing this thread 48 hours from this post. Remember you have to be in it to win it :p
    StevieBoyWatts, Feb 19, 2008 IP
  4. StevieBoyWatts

    StevieBoyWatts Guest

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    Updated Prices:

    Godaddy Domains:
    BYJV.COM - 9/20/2008 - BIN 65$
    DFFQ.COM - 9/20/2008 - BIN 110$
    EYVN.COM - 12/8/2008 - BIN 65$
    GGZV.COM - 9/21/2008 - BIN 62$
    MIGQ.COM - 2/25/2009 - BIN 110$
    PSMZ.COM - 6/21/2008 - BIN 100$
    XIGF.COM - 9/26/2008 - BIN 105$
    QEPH.COM - 7/19/2008 - BIN 400$
    YVGL.COM - 9/28/2008 - BIN 65$
    GRQR.COM - 8/19/2009 - BIN 110$
    Hjoz.com - 6/9/2008 - BIN 62$
    Qjoz.com - 6/9/2008 - BIN 65$
    Xjoz.com - 6/9/2008 - BIN 62$
    Jozq.com - 6/9/2008 - BIN 62$
    Jozv.com - 6/9/2008 - BIN 62$
    Jozw.com - 6/9/2008 - BIN 62$
    Xohz.com - 6/9/2008 - BIN 65$
    OMXJ.COM - 10/11/2008 BIN 60$

    1and1 Domains: (Transfer Fees Apply)
    Lqsp.com - 17-Mar-2008 - BIN 105$
    Lxrn.com - 17-Mar-2008 - BIN 95$
    Zcdm.com - 17-Mar-2008 - BIN 95$

    NameCheap Domains:
    ztfj.com - 07/22/2008 BIN 58$
    qedq.com - 08/03/2008 - BIN 65$
    vpfb.com - 03/05/2008 - BIN 115$

    NamesPoint Domains:
    IZPQ.COM - 10/18/2008 BIN 58$
    ODVQ.COM - 10/18/2008 BIN 58$
    ODXQ.COM - 10/18/2008 BIN 58$

    Manage.Snapnames Domains:
    MQHL.com - Dec 19, 2007 - BIN 90$

    Fabulous Domains:
    fqkp.com - 31 Mar 2009 BIN 58$
    fqnj.com - 31 Mar 2009 BIN 58$

    EuroDns Domains:
    vfqp.com - 31/10/2008 BIN 57$
    xqgn.com - 31/10/2008 BIN 57$
    StevieBoyWatts, Feb 19, 2008 IP
  5. StevieBoyWatts

    StevieBoyWatts Guest

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    2000$ PM offer for the lot (DP User)
    StevieBoyWatts, Feb 19, 2008 IP
  6. honeytech

    honeytech Banned

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    Hjoz.com - 6/9/2008 - BIN 62$
    Qjoz.com - 6/9/2008 - BIN 65$
    Xjoz.com - 6/9/2008 - BIN 62$
    Jozq.com - 6/9/2008 - BIN 62$
    Jozv.com - 6/9/2008 - BIN 62$
    Jozw.com - 6/9/2008 - BIN 62$
    Xohz.com - 6/9/2008 - BIN 65$

    will take most of the 60 bin's
    honeytech, Feb 19, 2008 IP
  7. casinotripreports

    casinotripreports Peon

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    OMXJ $55 offer
    casinotripreports, Feb 19, 2008 IP
  8. siteman

    siteman Guest

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    $45 for
    NameCheap Domains:
    ztfj.com - 07/22/2008
    siteman, Feb 19, 2008 IP
  9. StevieBoyWatts

    StevieBoyWatts Guest

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    Prices are quite firm, however if domains were purchased in Bulk I could sort something out. Lower tier domains are going for at least 60$ now, I wont accept anything less for these.
    StevieBoyWatts, Feb 20, 2008 IP