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Bidding Web Directory Market

Discussion in 'Directories' started by WallaceYeung, Sep 7, 2009.

  1. #1
    the revenue form my bidding web directories has dropped from hundreds monthly last year to $XX right now,
    you are very hard to find a new bid that up to $100,
    i am worrying about the bidding directory market,
    is it dead or the market goes back to the basic general web directory?
    how about your bidding directories? let us know, hah.
    WallaceYeung, Sep 7, 2009 IP
  2. pipes

    pipes Prominent Member

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    I said in the past, after i had contemplated setting one up myself that i couldn't see a long term thing for them.

    See to me they seem to hit a brick wall, even those flush with cash are only going to bid so high at any bidding directory before deciding that they wont go any further.

    If no one goes higher it pretty much grinds to a halt, all that can happen is maybe (note maybe) some of the lower bidders throw in another few $ every now and then.

    Compare it to ebay for a moment, where the bidding is set to end after a number of days, with a bidding directory though theres no end that is set, and thats not realistic, theres no bidder that will keep upping the bid for the sake of it.
    pipes, Sep 7, 2009 IP
  3. Ibn Juferi

    Ibn Juferi Prominent Member

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    After the Google penalisations, there really is no hope for this niche any longer. I've pretty much abandoned my bid directories and moving back to the conventional general / niche directories type. I didn't even bother renewing one of my bid directory domains when it expired last month. Revenue from the directories has grinded to a halt, whereas the general type directories are consistently providing revenue for me.
    Ibn Juferi, Sep 7, 2009 IP
    WallaceYeung likes this.
  4. humm

    humm बहादुर बच्चा

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    I have seen some stupid bid directories and sales. Often people boost on temp/fake PR and earlier paid submissions, Truth is Bid directories are a total crap and piece of SHIT!

    Bid directories cannot survive in this industry, they are a complete nonsense and 1000% against Google and its campaign against Paid links.

    I personally will never spend a single buck on Bid Directories nor purchase a Bid directory even if given FREE!
    humm, Sep 7, 2009 IP
  5. blomstervand

    blomstervand Well-Known Member

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    I think that if there are market for bid directories if you can get your site VERY popular. Like pr7+ and all the shit. So people would actually see a reason to always be number 1. Problem is those directories (bid) doesnt exist as i know of.
    blomstervand, Sep 7, 2009 IP
  6. fastreplies

    fastreplies Banned

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    Well, as everything on Internet trends are coming and going out off fashion
    but if you stick around long enough, you may get some benefits.

    The trick is to be patient and do what you want to and follow your guts
    instead of listen to what others think is good for you.

    my 2c.

    fastreplies, Sep 7, 2009 IP
    scoobby likes this.
  7. scoobby

    scoobby Active Member

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    i agree with fastreplies.My bid directory is steady on all terms for 2 years now.So better to have a recision so all fake pr bid directories ,or with free templates and scripts, or without any promotion and with no editorial fade away and remain just a few that the market needs.
    scoobby, Sep 7, 2009 IP
  8. WallaceYeung

    WallaceYeung Notable Member

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    agree with you that bidding directory maybe against Google guidelines,
    you see http://directory.phplinkbid.com/ has lost PR as well. :(
    WallaceYeung, Sep 7, 2009 IP
  9. swedal

    swedal Notable Member

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    Personally I stopped submitting to bidding directories long ago but it had nothing to do with google in any way. The reason I ceased all submissions to bidding directories was the complete lack of editorial standards nearly every single one has for approving submissions.

    The predominant bidding script is typically set to auto approve submissions - what else can be said? Any example of a bidding directory I see is typically nothing more than a online casino, porn and escort service directory. Which is fine if they want to call it a niche bidding directory for topics related to smut and vices - not the general directories they pass them off as. I made a personal decision to not have my sites submerged in unedited smut and vice related sites.

    My opinion in regards to google as it relates to bidding directories is best exemplified by al*ta*t* (dot) com. (yes I substituted * for three letters) If that bidding directory - with what it is - in all the things it does - can not only have index page pr but also internal pr. Well I have little faith in google getting much of anything correct when dishing out their "penalties".
    swedal, Sep 7, 2009 IP
  10. humm

    humm बहादुर बच्चा

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    Absolutely and next what you might notice is, see the editorial levels the site is nothing but a piece of dirty crap.

    Useless listings, sitewides being sold though a bidding directory. Thus that's one reason also why bidding directories are useless.

    I can soon see the 'Death' of bid scripts itself because of Google being against the Bid concept and I don't blame them.
    humm, Sep 7, 2009 IP
  11. scoobby

    scoobby Active Member

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    I hear those predictions more than 2 years now...but nothing happen.Dont be so naive,there are 100s of normal directories for every low quality bid directory.As for the gambling links and sex sites,i think you have never go deeper to a normal directory,because even the big and reputable directories have 100s of that kind of sites listed.Anyway,i am not saying that average bid directories are good,i am just saying that is the same sh*t like average normal directories.
    scoobby, Sep 8, 2009 IP