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Articles by Serenity

Discussion in 'Services' started by aeroz1, Jun 16, 2010.

  1. #1
    I hope it's appropriate to recommend someone on the forum.

    If you need custom written articles, I can definitely recommend Serenity. Her work was fast, professionally done, and very affordable. I intend to use her for articles on all 50 states in the US for my travel site.
    aeroz1, Jun 16, 2010 IP
  2. patrich

    patrich Peon

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    Why does it smell like someone just opened a can of SPAM in here? It appears a new user posted this exact same thread, word for word, here http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=22209

    Just a thought, but you wouldn't happen to be Serenity would you? ;)

    p.s. This isn't even the right forum, this is services for sale, not a review section.lol
    patrich, Jun 16, 2010 IP