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Are you thinking of Outsourcing your SEO?

Discussion in 'Search Engine Optimization' started by geetu22, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. #1
    Ever thought which would be a better option - Outsourcing some of your services or Doing it all by yourself?

    In my view,Outsourcing is a far much better option than doing it yourself. If you are a start-up and don't have that expertise you need then just hire someone to do that for you. It is much more cost - effective and you can focus on your key services. No need to setup a whole department, maintain the infrastructure, hire experts , etc.

    Contact me @ geetu.creativelipi[at]gmail.com if you are thinking of Outsourcing your Digital Marketing Process.
    geetu22, Dec 13, 2011 IP
  2. adhyatma3010

    adhyatma3010 Member

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    if you can do by your self your better with your self or if you think its to hard/much for you, your better outsource your work :)
    adhyatma3010, Dec 14, 2011 IP
  3. steve_gts

    steve_gts Active Member

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    I always suggest that if people are looking for an seo company they search for them, if you reply to a post in a forum (without knowing what you are doing yourself), or reply to spam emails you are likely to get a very low quality service. Always chose a company who can do for themself, what they claim to be able to do for you.
    steve_gts, Dec 14, 2011 IP
  4. geetu22

    geetu22 Peon

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    I agree with Steve, however what my dear friends Steve has done here is that he has shifted the focus of the post towards the services he himself is providing.
    geetu22, Dec 29, 2011 IP