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Anyone Else Noticed Their Twitter Stats Fall Off a Bit?

Discussion in 'Twitter' started by accel, Jun 22, 2015.

  1. #1
    Hi Guys

    I have a commercial Twitter account for my UK price comparison site. Recently, I've got the impression from Twitter analytics that my Tweets' reach seems to have fallen off a bit. It's almost as if my account has been dialled down. Now if I use popular hashtags, they don't seem to have the effect they used to. Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just my imagination?

    accel, Jun 22, 2015 IP
  2. NIL8U

    NIL8U Peon

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    Yes, I think I'm probably having similar type issues as you & I think "dialed down" is a good way of describing. I'm a musician and my Twitter account is my primary social media tool. For the past year I'd estimate I got 20-30 new Twitter followers (fans) daily & about 3 weeks ago completely flat, actually I think I've lost a few followers. Also historically when I'd send out a tweet I'd get a good number of people to favorite, retweet, etc. But now when I tweet it's like it goes into a black hole & no one notices. I've tried to contact Twitter with no response & cannot find anything helpful online. There's clearly something going on with my account ...but it's definitely not suspended or locked.

    A couple other things I've noticed is that I no longer get the pop up notifications when someone follows me or favorites/retweets me. Also followers (mine or other people's) are no longer sorting chronologically. Neither of these are system changes I've seen communicated by Twitter so I'm lumping them into the category of something is going on with my account.

    Right now my Twitter account has pretty much been rendered useless & it's frustrating given how much effort I've invested into using it as a social media & promotion tool.
    NIL8U, Jun 29, 2015 IP
  3. Nicholas Goddard

    Nicholas Goddard Greenhorn

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    Interesting observation guys, can't share the same views on twitter traffic/impressions, but there are changes. In my opinion it has something to do with Google crawling and indexing tweets. The search engine indexes 5 percent of Tweets from users with 10,000 to 50,000 followers, and 30 percent of Tweets from accounts with 1 to 3 million followers. After that happened Twitter began to 'change' either for the better or worse.
    Nicholas Goddard, Jun 29, 2015 IP
  4. RafaelTorres324

    RafaelTorres324 Greenhorn

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    I am having the same problem I have gone from 28.3k followers to 27.7k in the past weeks.
    RafaelTorres324, Jul 1, 2015 IP
  5. BranTheMan

    BranTheMan Greenhorn

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    I guess I have, but only a bit. I run a lot of Twitter accounts so the stats are pretty mumbled when I just glance into them. I've noticed one of my main accounts has been hit pretty hard with the same thing lately. I have started using another one of my accounts to retweet and fav though which helped pick up the slack a bit.

    Maybe something to do with the spam updates or something...Who knows really
    BranTheMan, Jul 6, 2015 IP
  6. livelife09

    livelife09 Active Member

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    Interesting thread . . . I have not really noticed any changes in my accounts. But then again, i have not really zoomed into the analytics, but everything seems the way it was before.

    Will def take a closer look
    livelife09, Jul 20, 2015 IP
  7. accel

    accel Well-Known Member

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    I don't think I'm imagining this. I have a few commercial Twitter accounts, and I'm seeing the same thing with the other accounts. Use of big hashtags, such as #Fashion, no longer seems to have the same effect, and Impression numbers are down.

    I am just wondering if Twitter recognises an account is totally commercial, (all of mine are affiliate related), and flags the account to mute it somewhat. I'm definitely not getting the numbers I used to.
    accel, Jul 22, 2015 IP
  8. JEET

    JEET Notable Member

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    Why would your followers unfollow if it's just twitter muting your account?
    Try to post a tweet with a hashtag and then logout. Go to the hashtag page to see if your tweet is showing up without login etc.
    I read that some tweets don't show in hashtag search page. People have been asking so many questions about this... May be this is the case.
    But people unfollowing is still confusing.
    JEET, Aug 17, 2015 IP