Anyone else get dumb emails via your contact us script?

Discussion in 'Site & Server Administration' started by mdvaldosta, Jan 17, 2006.

  1. #1
    Just wondering, I mean some of the dumb questions there's just no way someone would ask them. I'm thinking their must be a reason, I dunno if they want me to respond... maybe giving them header info will help them try to abuse it for spam or something?

    I'm getting emails from people that barely speak english asking stupid stuff like "I want to buy a car but need someone to ship it" and other stupid stuff. It's always related to the content I have on the pages, but it's just stupid as hell that anyone would ask questions like this.

    For example, I have alot of information about the Mustang Shelby Cobra GT500 - so about once a week I get someone with broken english asking me "where do you produce your cars?". What the hell, I'm not a car manufacturer and nobody would read my content and think that.
    mdvaldosta, Jan 17, 2006 IP
  2. Stevie

    Stevie Guest

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    I run a football/soccer website, over the years I've had hundreds of Africans asking me to be their agent! :)
    Stevie, Jan 17, 2006 IP
  3. Roze

    Roze Guest

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    Yeah I get emails all the time asking for prices on things that I don't sell. I usually just ignore or send them to one of my sponsors if relevant.
    Roze, Jan 17, 2006 IP
  4. Jac0bsnn

    Jac0bsnn Peon

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    Even worse. I was getting emails of such a kind:

    I don't know what it is but I had to remove the script (my host asked me to do it)
    Jac0bsnn, Jan 19, 2006 IP
  5. FeedBucket

    FeedBucket Well-Known Member

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    There's an open visa request form for this conference site my company runs -- we get something like 10 requests a day from people in Nigeria. :p
    FeedBucket, Jan 19, 2006 IP