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Any Photoshop advantage over GIMP?

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by chrisj, May 21, 2019.

  1. #1
    The web video script that I’m modifying adds a watermark to uploaded videos. I’m trying to find a solution where the watermark image .png doesn’t look blurry in the ‘full screen’ mode.

    The watermark.png is just text. Would using photoshop have an advantage of as to the quality output of a .png image opver GIMP?

    And any ideas or solutions to keep the image sharp not blurry (upon resizing) is welcomed
    chrisj, May 21, 2019 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    No advantage to photoshop in that instance. I'd look at the dpi of the image and ensure that the video script isn't resizing the image.
    sarahk, May 22, 2019 IP