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Anime Streaming Website help!

Discussion in 'HTML & Website Design' started by Seirin Matibay, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. #1
    I'm interested in creating an anime streaming website with a few ideas to implement into it not like just other sites. I would like to get started with this, but need the most help I can get. Would you tell how I may go into doing this? Tips? Advices?
    Seirin Matibay, Nov 16, 2013 IP
  2. monkeye

    monkeye Active Member

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    What about the copyright?
    monkeye, Nov 16, 2013 IP
    ryan_uk likes this.
  3. shemseddine

    shemseddine Active Member

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    Copyright will be a big issue. If you do ever get noticed, you will be shut down and maybe charged.
    shemseddine, Nov 17, 2013 IP
    ryan_uk likes this.
  4. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Without knowing your plan and your current skill set it's hard to know what advice you need.
    Have you written a business plan?
    Have you bought hosting?
    Have you bought a domain?
    Have you decided on which CMS you need to use?
    Do you know which plugins it will need?
    And which plugins you need to write?
    Do you know how much admin the site will need?
    Do you know how to promote it?

    And have you covered all the legal angles so that there are no copyright issues?
    sarahk, Nov 17, 2013 IP
  5. wiicker95

    wiicker95 Well-Known Member

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    Good question. There is a catch, which I figured when I had the similar project as the OP, some half a decade ago.
    The most important part is NOT to host videos on your server. You must also have a legal disclaimer, which states clearly that your website doesn't host any content, and that it only provides links to respective video host services.

    This is a good example how to do it: http://www.animefreak.tv/watch/legal-disclaimer

    On the other hand, you won't have to worry about your video host suing you -- THAT WON'T HAPPEN! As per each and every one of them, it's not their problem! They, obviously, cannot keep track of all uploads, so they cannot know if your uploads are breaking the ToS. However, if someone complains about the content, it will be deleted, so make sure you back it up.

    And that is, in a nutshell, how piracy works: everybody's a culprit (hosts and posters), but no one is responsible for anything! So the only thing anti-piracy organizations are left with is blaming internet users. Go figure!

    I guess I should also mention why I quit that project, since you'll be tempted too, no doubt. Processing only ONE episode (translating+editing+uploading) takes a HUGE amount of time. You would need a group, that you most likely will have to pay. Having in mind that you'll need at very least a couple of k's of episodes (only THE most popular anime, i.e. OP, Bl, DB, NAR, FT). Do the math. :eek:

    Hope it helps, and good luck!
    wiicker95, Nov 18, 2013 IP
  6. rahahm33

    rahahm33 Well-Known Member

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    No you won't. Look at how long some of the huge anime streaming websites have been around. No one cares about the anime scene enough to actively hunt down its pirates.
    rahahm33, Nov 18, 2013 IP