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Adsense styling issues with Wordpress

Discussion in 'AdSense' started by solid7, Nov 27, 2015.

  1. #1
    Ok, I don't have the greatest skills, and I'm basically running a hobby site. But since is about the best forum that I've ever found for knowledgeable people who will help with the least amount of hassle, I'm compelled to post here.

    If this is not the correct forum, please move accordingly. I just want to get the best possible help, and I'm not sure the best place to ask the question.

    So my problem is, I am using AdSense for search. I cannot get the styling that I want from the results. When I create my custom search with Google CSE, I get EXACTLY what I want from the styling. However, I don't prefer the way that CSE returns the results in a Google CSE SERP. I'm looking for the best of both worlds... That is, the CSE styling and results display, but in my own site.

    AdSense likes to use the Wordpress settings for the search form and button, whereas CSE uses the styling defined by me, before acquiring the code.

    If anyone has CSS tables already defined for the the Adsense code, that would be awesome, too.

    Thank you in advance.
    solid7, Nov 27, 2015 IP
  2. solid7

    solid7 Well-Known Member

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    So, nobody knows the answer to this question?
    solid7, Dec 8, 2015 IP
  3. solid7

    solid7 Well-Known Member

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    Let's try this another way... Could somebody at least recommend me to a better place to ask the question? Or maybe I'm not asking quite right? Anything?
    solid7, Dec 14, 2015 IP
  4. iwebsocial

    iwebsocial Well-Known Member

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    You may be hired some freelancer to create some custom css for your adsense search to blend with your blog design. I have seen some bloggers having thesis or genesis framework and have custom style css for adsense search button.
    iwebsocial, Dec 16, 2015 IP