Adsense page level policy violations

Discussion in 'Guidelines / Compliance' started by Sunx, Jun 1, 2017.

  1. #1
    Got this mail from Google today.

    Dear Publisher,

    This Google Publisher Policy Report gives you an overview of recent activity related to violations found on specific pages of sites associated with your account. More details can be found in the “Page-level enforcements” section of the AdSense Policy Center.

    Please note this report doesn’t cover violations that may happen on an overall site or account level. You may be notified by a separate email if site or account level violations are found. Ads will continue to serve where no policy violations have been found, either at the page or site level.

    In the last 24 hours:

    New violations were detected. As a result, ad serving has been restricted or disabled on pages where these violations of the AdSense Program Policieswere found.

    Further details on enforcements can be found in the AdSense Help Center. To learn more about our program policies, please view the AdSense Program Policies.

    Kind regards,
    Google Publisher Policy

    How can I know the pages affected? Any idea?
    Sunx, Jun 1, 2017 IP
  2. Agent000

    Agent000 Prominent Member

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    You read the policies and them you check every page of your site for compliance!!!
    Agent000, Jun 1, 2017 IP
  3. Sunx

    Sunx Member

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    I have thousands of pages on my site
    Sunx, Jun 2, 2017 IP
  4. Agent000

    Agent000 Prominent Member

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    You don't have an option. You have to check them for policy violations!!!!!
    Agent000, Jun 2, 2017 IP
  5. lapidus

    lapidus Well-Known Member

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    Have the same problem,and i have receive that same email today.

    Agent i want to share with you and with others here one thing,which i found in this message from Google i have received. Before 3 days i have buy one domain and i see when i open that domain is showing a red page this website is blocked,and then user must go out there,or to press: "Ignore this warning" . Google has send me this message because i was place ads on that domain name and then i was waiting to they appear. Then i see something go wrong and i remove ads from that domain before 2 days. And today i have received this mail from Google. Now tell me: How to remove that red page on my website? Just to tell you i have new script and no malware or other threats can be on my server. How to remove that message,because then visitors go from my site,and i can't put adsense.
    And i have check Policy center and there i found why ads are disabled on that website :

    Malicious software
    Ad serving disabled help_outline

    Enforcement date
    Jun 7, 2017

    Now tell me how to remove that page to i can again put adsense and waiting for approval.

    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
    lapidus, Jun 8, 2017 IP
  6. Pollos

    Pollos Active Member

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    "You read the policies and them you check every page of your site for compliance!!!" Not a very helpful answer, not what I'd expect on here.

    Sign into your adsense account

    Settings =>Policy centre. There it will show:- Page level enforcements, site affected and pages effected click "show details" and it gives you the URL of the page concerned.

    You then have the option of correcting the violation and asking for a review.

    I had the exact same e-mail "Valuable Inventory: No content". The violation was no content on the login page which had an adsense advert on. So I removed the ad and asked for a renewal.

    Two days later I received another e-mail, same site, same page. I re-checked the page and asked for another review. Two days later I get yet another email same site, same page saying I'm in violation because there is no content. So how does one get google to look at the page rather than what I presume is a cached copy.
    Pollos, Jul 16, 2017 IP
  7. Lisa Green

    Lisa Green Banned

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    I used to have the same problem. Google doesn't show their ads on violated pages.

    To solve the problem, sign in your Adsense account => Settings => Policy center.
    There you can see all pages related to violations. Click "show details" and check the violated urls. You can see the reason in "Violations". Then you solve the problem. I often remove the violation contents such as film/movie videos, adult images... and request a review. Wait for a few days, if the problem isn't addressed, Google continues to send you the same alerting emails as before. You need to re-check further. If it is done, the urls will disappear in Policy center.

    Note to clear cache before requesting a review.
    Lisa Green, Sep 28, 2017 IP