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AdSense not working correctly on my website

Discussion in 'AdSense' started by Ascari, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. #1
    A few days ago I clicked on an ad on my website (not sure if thats really allowed but it was an ad for something I was interested in!). Anyways, I checked my adsense account the next day and it was showing up that I had had zero click for that day. So yesterday I clicked on an ad from my girlfriends tablet and again it hasnt shown up on my account.

    Why would this be happening and what can be done to correct it? Is there any way of testing ads? I dont want to keep clicking on them myself. Also some ad clicks are still registering on my adsense account so Im really not sure whats going on with it! Anyone able to help?
    Ascari, Aug 4, 2013 IP
  2. adsenseplr

    adsenseplr Active Member

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    Well their tracking is such that you won't get paid for clicking on your own ad from your home machine. Likewise if your girlfriend was running her tablet from your ip via wireless then you won't get paid, if she did that via your ip then that was not a good move at all, so make sure you don't have any more clicks via your ip at all, otherwise risk a ban. The fact that clicks are still registering has to be good doesn't it? Or do you want them not to register and be banned? If the latter is what you want then click away on your own ads - basically you should be pleased your still getting clicks.
    As for the clicks you made not showing - do you really think a multi-billion dollar company that relies on advertising revenue might just have spent a bit on click tracking tools.......
    adsenseplr, Aug 4, 2013 IP
  3. Ascari

    Ascari Greenhorn

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    I dont just click on the ads to get a bit of extra cash out of Google! I only did it twice, the first time because I was genuinely interested in an ad and the second time to check if adsense was working. My girlfriend was using her tablet at her own house. I've never logged into my adsense account from it but I have logged into at her place using my own laptop. Would it be correct so that anyone using her wireless would be tracked by Google and considered to be me?

    Also if Google has all these tracking systems in place to avoid paying me for any ads I click on then why is it against the rules for me to now click ads? If Google arent going to consider it a genuine click then surely it doesnt matter how often I do it?
    Ascari, Aug 7, 2013 IP
  4. JyeP

    JyeP Active Member

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    Because each time you do it they have to refund the person or company that paid for the click you made.
    JyeP, Aug 8, 2013 IP
  5. adsense4beginners

    adsense4beginners Member

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    Your also putting yourself at risk of getting your account suspended for clicking on your own ads. Major no-no
    adsense4beginners, Aug 8, 2013 IP
  6. apnavarun

    apnavarun Member

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    Don't worry you will be paid for every valid click and don't try to check adsense block by yourself which might get you banned.

    Trust me adsense is best ad network and don't play with it. If you want to check your clicks you can use links units as they require double clicks but if you will click one time you will get click report with no earning.

    AdSense publishers are permitted to click on link unit topics on their webpages, provided that they do not click on any Google ads on the resulting page. Clicking on the ads themselves is prohibited, as it has the potential to inflate advertiser costs.

    However, you may still prefer not to click on the link unit topics that appear on your site, as clicking on these links has the potential to inaccurately inflate impressions and affect your reporting metrics.
    apnavarun, Aug 8, 2013 IP
  7. SEOBusiness

    SEOBusiness Well-Known Member

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    You can not click ad of your own site. Google takes care of those clicks as invalid click.
    SEOBusiness, Aug 10, 2013 IP
  8. Alice Smith

    Alice Smith Member

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    Once Google starts running AdSense on your site, they always run correctly. Don't repeat the mistake of clicking on your own ad, this may results in banning your AdSense account.
    Alice Smith, Aug 11, 2013 IP