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AdSense account got banned, reinstated! Nobody is safe out there

Discussion in 'Guidelines / Compliance' started by Rupam Das, May 16, 2013.

  1. #1
    Ok, so I have been running Adsense for about two years now. Earnings are nothing really great to cherish about, but a $8-$12 a day is ok for me as a part time income without much effort and for doing what I love to do!

    I have taken utmost care of my account in all respect. Always updated sites, always created good content, ensured non copyright violation etc etc etc.

    But to my shock, on 1st of May 2013, my account got banned by Google. Surprisingly I received no mails from their side. It was when I checked it out with their enquery form after seeing no ads in my site, I came to know that it was for invalid click activity. I was utterly surprised and disgraced!.

    When I check my analytic account , I saw the traffic was really very low for the week leading to the ban. I appealed against the ban and to be very honest with more than 200% surety that it is gone for ever.

    But as we have several Apps in different app stores, I decided to use the sites for advertising about those apps and it was working out well till now. Revenue from app was compensating from Adsense loss. So there was not much economic concern.

    However to my utter surprise, yesterday Google reinstated my account. I do knot know if I am lucky or stupid or whatever and how long will it remain. But interestingly after reinstating the account they reset the earning so far to zero. Yes whatever I was supposed to receive from Google was made zero.

    For people who dreams of or plan to make a lifelong carrier out of adsense, please be aware and give this a second thought. It might happen to anybody, anytime and certainly without your knowledge and fault.

    Probably I am lucky, probably they have considered my technical contribution or papers or tutorials, I never know. Thought would post it here to let you know that there are also cases where Google reinstate the account.
    Rupam Das, May 16, 2013 IP
  2. faheem334

    faheem334 Well-Known Member

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    Its good news bro, They hardly re-open disabled accounts, or your appeal would be strong enough, its good that you share your story but it would be better if you let us know what you actually mentioned in that appeal form.
    faheem334, May 16, 2013 IP
  3. Rupam Das

    Rupam Das Active Member

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    Well I wrote three lines basically as I had no hope of getting it back.

    "I am not appealing to beg you for lifting the ban. I am filling up this form to let you know that you made a mistake in my case. I am not just 'anybody', I am a researcher with significant contribution to technical community who has imparted online training to thousands selflessly . It is not for the penny I make from adsense that I want to contact you, it is for the self respect which is hurt when you say I am thief."

    In other field of the form which asks you to enter your analytic data and observation:

    " I dont have any stat of click as I can not log into adsense account. Your system is good enough to detect invalid clicks and reduce earning. I do not know and not bother to know who has clicked. I only know I never clicked."

    I was basically too frustrated to write anything. I was sure of the fate. So wanted to do the formality.
    Rupam Das, May 16, 2013 IP
    coolraghav, wisdomtool and faheem334 like this.
  4. communityn

    communityn Active Member

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    Glad that you got your account back. It's possible that they goofed up and since they saw value in your site, decided to get it back. That appeal doesn't even sound threatening but I've heard of google turning down appeals even when you threaten to take legal action.

    Your site must be incredible for them to reverse their action :). Keep contributing!
    communityn, Jun 3, 2013 IP
  5. feego

    feego Member

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    There's nothing strange, all the chiefs would not estimate civilian, fortunately you got your account back
    feego, Jun 4, 2013 IP
  6. Atul Kumar Pandey

    Atul Kumar Pandey Greenhorn

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    Keep in mind brother, never love only one advertiser and never stay with one because it kills your money source if you have only once source of ads.
    Atul Kumar Pandey, Jun 5, 2013 IP
  7. xreepOne

    xreepOne Peon

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    Wow, that was quite lucky for you. I know a few people that have been banned for "suspicious" activity, adsense seems to be shoot first, ask questions never. I'm glad you were able to have yours reversed.
    xreepOne, Jun 5, 2013 IP
  8. OSSEO

    OSSEO Active Member

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    Account disable by Invalid activity Google reinstate this type of Account, but normally Google disable account for without reason just mention , we have investigate your account is high risk for advertiser etc .
    OSSEO, Jun 6, 2013 IP
  9. COX

    COX Member

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    This is so far the first post i have seen for an Adsense account being reinstated and indeed, you must have been so luck. I have read many posts over the net but none of them has ever been successful with regard. Lucky you men.
    COX, Jun 6, 2013 IP
  10. tansks

    tansks Member

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    Surprise to see you get your account back.
    tansks, Jun 11, 2013 IP