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A Question About General Site Managing

Discussion in 'HTML & Website Design' started by Nimrod EX, Nov 27, 2008.

  1. #1
    Well, I'm planning on opening a site and all that...and I'm teaching myself all the coding, and I've found a good hosting server, and I'm basically all set. The only question I have is this:

    My site is going to be a big one, that will be updated with new pages (not updating a page...adding lots of other ones) regularly.
    So I'm asking, will I have to code each and every individual page I add to the site? Or are there...useful little gizmos that can help with that kind of stuff? (like preserving the general layout of the site, like where the "Banner" is or where the "table of contents" is, while leaving a place for you to post what you want).
    And another question:
    I want to allow the people visiting my site the opportunity to add their own ideas to the site... like...open their own little part on my site, so my second question is: Will I also have to code and upload those pages for them? or is them some sort of awesome script that lets them just click "add page" or something?

    Sorry if I sound a little stupid...I kinda have a hard time expressing myself in english...don't give up on me! :p
    Nimrod EX, Nov 27, 2008 IP
  2. drew22299

    drew22299 Guest

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    Your english is great :) and your questions are not supid because everyone has probably asked similar questions when they are just starting to learn how to create websites.

    There are lots of ways to ensure that the same header and table of contents are displayed on every page. What language are learning? PHP is a good language to learn and you can use PHP includes (see link) http://uk.php.net/include/ at the top of your pages to display headers so you only need to make one file called header.php and then call it at the top of every page. For example,



    include 'header.php'; //Path to the header page


    If you want to allow users to login and enter comments you can search google for scripts but it should be quite easy to program.
    drew22299, Nov 27, 2008 IP
    ZERocks likes this.
  3. Nimrod EX

    Nimrod EX Peon

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    Thank you very much drew! You've been really helpful!

    1 last question though :)

    Do you (or anyone else) know how to add a blog system to a site? Is that also PHP? And could someone give me a quick explanation on where all the data is stored and all of that?

    Thank you very much again drew <3
    and thanks in advance to whoever answers me next :p
    Nimrod EX, Nov 27, 2008 IP
  4. drew22299

    drew22299 Guest

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    Glad my post helped you! You can get free blogs which are quick and easy to setup https://www.blogger.com/start but they are not hosted in your site. You can also get blog scripts which are coded in PHP and other languages which you can setup on your website which involves setting up the database.

    This example might help you understand how data is stored in websites. If you have a page called index.htm and you have a form on it which takes details entered by the user the code for the form might look something like this:

    <form name='form1' method='post' action='store_data.php'>Name: <input type='text' name='name' /><br>
    Email Address: <input type='text' name='emailaddress' /><br>
    Comments: <input type='text' name='comments' /><br><input type='submit' /></form>
    When the user clicks the submit button the details entered are passed to the store_data.php page:

    //Get data entered by user$name = $_POST['name'];
    $email = $_POST['emailaddress'];
    $comments = $_POST['comments'];
    //Connect to database and store data
    $sql="INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3) VALUES (value1, value2, value3);
    When the SQL query is executed, it inserts the values into the database. If you want to get the data stored in the database you would have a different query that selects the data on a different page.

    If you learn MySQL and PHP you will be able to create pages to display data and you will also be able to manipulate the data.

    This is just a basic description but hopefully it's a good starting point for you.
    drew22299, Nov 27, 2008 IP