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A Proper Hello

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Scott J, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. #1
    I believe that introductions are in order.

    When I first started posting a couple of days ago, I’m slightly embarrassed to admit, I didn't notice the “Introductions” thread. So, I’d like to remedy that by saying a proper “Hello. I’m Scott.” and “Nice to meet ya.”

    Please accept my apologies for being so oblivious.

    I just started my job in web hosting and I’m a student in college studying computer science. While I am learning to write code my first love is creative writing.

    I’m looking forward to meeting new people and hope to be of help in the near future.
    Scott J, Jun 7, 2013 IP
  2. rlshosting

    rlshosting Member

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    Welcome to DP! I hope that you enjoy it!
    rlshosting, Jun 7, 2013 IP