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76% of Internet Marketers Plan to Use Facebook as Part of Social Media Strategy

Discussion in 'Facebook' started by euroblaze, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. #1
    According to a recent survey of 476 marketers conducted by the e-Commerce Optimization company SeeWhy, 76% of them plan to use Facebook for driving sales as part of their Social Media Strategy. http://goo.gl/K0dcy

    Surprising isn't it?
    euroblaze, Dec 9, 2010 IP
  2. namduong8889

    namduong8889 Peon

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    But I heard advertising on facebook doesn't worth the money we spend. Is that true?

    They have just updated the new skin... which is the space for ads is much bigger
    namduong8889, Dec 9, 2010 IP
  3. Mrt123

    Mrt123 Peon

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    I think it depends what you are marketing, but i read some place that Google has drop in ad sales this year and more and more company's are looking towards Facebook for there marketing strategies . Google fears that facebook is going to be a huge competitor concerning, being a search engine. Just by creating a free page can be beneficial, but from my experience in the past, they even had create some new features, but i have not covered them all, but in the past you would create a group using keywords then using the title of your company, it seemed the search was in the title only, this used to be a little trick. but now i think the search uses content now so it is ok to use your title name. But there was one question i was always wondering is when most people are on facebook, what percentage are using the group or page searches ??? i fine most are distracted in aps (games stuff like this) and looking for friends.
    Mrt123, Dec 9, 2010 IP