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Contest $50 Logotype design contesr

Discussion in 'Design Contests' started by methad0ne, Nov 3, 2020.

  1. #1
    Contest details:
    • Logotype: Powered.club
    • Color: #FE5F55, #577399 and #BDD5EA
    • Idea: The logo must consist of only typefont with possibly adding symbol/icon embedded inside that logotype. Possible icon/symbol example: lightning or power button (replace o letter). Powered.club should be in same font, where Powered should be using bold font design, .club regular, and icon/symbol should be colored in first color (#fe5f55), while logotype should either be colored with one of two of the remaining colors or combination of those two. This is the idea we have, but you may also DYO concept, as long as color scheme is the one mentioned.
    • All submissions should be sent via private message;
    • Every design should be presented within transparent bg, white and blackbg/white logo
    • We won't accept submissions thst doesn't use color scheme mentioned
    • Everx concept should be vector-size ready in case winner is chosen
    • Submitted logo should be 500+px wide or wider.
    Contest roadmap:
    • Until Nov 20, accepting submissions
    • By Nov 22nd, we will be shortlisting the submissions and announce candidates. Once they are announced, we will give constructive feedback on what we would like to see changed inside their initial concept.
    • Nov 28, based off of fedback we provide, shortlisted candidates are supposed to do the revision and submit it.
    • Nov 30, we will be announcing winner of the contest and send the funds immediately upon receiving payment information from the winner.
    Contest prize is $50 and will be paid to any payment method winner prefers.
    methad0ne, Nov 3, 2020 IP
  2. Smyrl

    Smyrl Tomato Republic Staff

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    @methad0ne, It seems you have now created five previous contests and have yet to announce a winner to those. Such actions make contestants hesitant to waste their time.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020
    Smyrl, Nov 3, 2020 IP
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  3. methad0ne

    methad0ne Well-Known Member

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    Hi @Smryl and all hesitant contestants, I would like to give you clarification on every separate contest I've opened, so there might not be confused that I am wasting someone's time:
    • $100 design contest for Joyn - This one has been closed mainly because I wasn't able to find an appropriate logo, as the project which required this logo is way too serious to choose a logo wisely, and I've also promised to open another contest with doubling the prize and will do such thing once I have a clear picture on how should the logo look like, so I really don't want to waste someone's time;
    • $30 logo for Integr8d - The winner has been chosen and we're looking for a final revision off of it, and once we receive that one and issue the payment, the winner will publicly vouch that payment has been sent and the contest closed. I've also added a $10 bonus to the winner for the revision we've asked for.
    • $50 logo for Sitely - This one is a joint venture and we're deciding on whether the winner should be 2/3 people from this post. I apologize for taking so long on deciding, but as you might understand, branding is not something we should take easily.
    • $100 logo for Perfmeter - This one is also opened for the company I work for, and will be an enterprise product, so the professionalism level in this one should be way bigger than in past (excluding Joyn).
    • $30 for WP development - Until November 15th open.
    and this one. If anyone doubts whether they're going to be paid in case they win, we can easily remove that doubt by me depositing funds for each contest to an Escrow party (staff from Digitalpoint).

    The second thing I wanted to mention as well is that I've received far greater concepts for $30 or $50 contests than for these two for $100 and I do understand that lack of description is the reason for it, so I was trying to fill that void with this one.
    methad0ne, Nov 3, 2020 IP
  4. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    You still need to have a winner.
    sarahk, Nov 3, 2020 IP
    Blue Tamaraw and me2_me2 like this.
  5. methad0ne

    methad0ne Well-Known Member

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    I would like to oppose this opinion (yep, you're staff, but I hope I could say a word or two).

    definition of the contest: "an event in which people compete for supremacy in a sport or other activity, or in a quality."

    In that particular case, I was unable to find that winner as all the submissions haven't come close to be winning ones. I understand that you might share a different opinion than me (actually I do like many of the logos submitted), but as the contest host, I believe that the final decision should be mine. All users are welcome NOT to participate in any contest I open if they have any doubt in my ability to run them, and you may also forbid me from running any more contests, but essentially I won't be choosing a winner if I believe there shouldn't be one.

    Every other contest except this one already has possible winners (WPlabs actually got the first submission via private message and that could possibly be the winning one), but unfortunately, this one is a dead end.

    If you believe that I am no longer fit to be a member here, I can understand your decision and still would honor every other contest I've opened based on submissions I've got, but this one won't have a winner and there will be round two.

    Example of what I am saying: https://forums.digitalpoint.com/threads/100-logo-for-an-advertising-industry-company.2867588/ - this contest is deleted without a winner (dracosu was contest host).

    methad0ne, Nov 3, 2020 IP
  6. methad0ne

    methad0ne Well-Known Member

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    Just to add one more note:
    If anyone thinks I am opening contests just to steal your work, feel free not to submit to the contest, place hard watermark on it, provide low quality/pixelated logo or simply find the way to preview the submission in a form that I can't copy it. I am also happy to provide domain for each project I created contest for, provide with domain ownership and all related data so every user shouldn't be worried to submit to it. Also, my escrow offer is still on the table, so in case anyone is worried about not being honoree, lets put that in a hands of staff, but I will still reserve right to decide the winner for any future contest I run, as long as there is no fittting submission, and to avoid failed contest, I will be providing more descriptive contest rules and expectations.
    methad0ne, Nov 3, 2020 IP
  7. cosmin90

    cosmin90 Notable Member

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    I've followed most of your lately posts and none of it ended up by choosing winners. All of your contests are still opened, although your estimated ending period was reached, or you came up with excuses.

    I have a question: Do you like to work for free?
    I'm curious to find out your answer, cause mine is: NO!

    Do you know how long it takes to create a design (and I am not talking about those "designers" who steal already made components)?
    Some of the designers from here depend on these contests, their daily life depends on these contests. It's not my case, that's why I am free to say this.

    If you don't choose a winner, it's your fault , because you haven't provided feedback for any of the entries. It's impossible to have the same tastes, and if you don't help us by providing feedback and you expect that someone will finally guess your desires, you should know that you are wrong.

    Respect others and you will be respected.

    PS: I've stopped participating your contests after your first excuse. I know this type of contest holders.

    Sorry for off topic, but I had to write this.
    cosmin90, Nov 3, 2020 IP
    me2_me2 and Blue Tamaraw like this.
  8. methad0ne

    methad0ne Well-Known Member

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    I am sorry cosmin90 for you feeling that way, but in case you don't like to work for free, stop wasting your time and submitting to the contest, and I am saying this out of most respect for you and every other designer. I am not trying to insult you or any other designer, but if I don't like your work or anyone else who submitted, the normal outcome off of it would be no winner chosen.

    As for the part of the feedback and my unannounced extension, in case you really are a true designer, you would at least understand that branding something that SHOULDN'T be taken for granted. I can't choose someone's design just based on my feeling.

    Let's look for the examples:
    1 - Joyn will be the fintech business (managing a personal budget for the individuals/families) and if I just pick the logo outside of that contest, with no backstory in the logo (and I did write it will be for fintech business), than logotype joyn (join) would represent only our name, not our main business.
    2 - Integr8d is a perfect example of where I've got far better submissions than in the others. The company we're trying to establish is developing software integration tools and the name Integr8d represents that, to be more precise tools for ci/cd pipeline. One of the submissions perfectly described CI/CD pipeline, but besides our main mission, we also do customization of our tools or custom developments based on R&D (research and development) and other designers hit that part of our mission pretty well. We will be working with those two designers so they could both merge their visions inside one and pay the same amount ($30) each, without splitting up the prize (and yet, many others are splitting those prizes in case they like two logos, just because they can't decide).

    If you think that I am not a reliable contest host, feel free to ignore my contests, I am not forcing you to apply, nor anyone. But so far, I believe that anyone who becomes a winner in my contest would have far much more than cash in their pocket, as all winners of my contests will have priority in future designs, and the budget for those would be far greater than these ones. All of my current contests are less of actual contests but more of cherry-picking actual talents and helping them expand their visibility aka brand as well, as I myself work in Marketing industry and as such, we require a lot of designs.

    I appreciate taking the time to read my posts (you and everyone else) and hopefully this would change your perspective a bit and understand my process. If not, all I can say is you're free to pass.

    EDIT: and as for the lack of descriptions, you're right there, my lack of descriptions led the joyn contest to be winnerless. But I believed that you as a designer design some sort of a story within an actual design and prove that you are truly a designer in your heart and mind, not just a designer on drawings.

    No hard feelings.
    methad0ne, Nov 4, 2020 IP
  9. cosmin90

    cosmin90 Notable Member

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    If you work in marketing, then you should know that a deadline is the most important part of a Project. I'm sick of excuses, so don't bother to invent others.

    PS: I already said that I won't join your contests anymore. I join contests if I like the theme and if the contest holder is a trusted one.

    All the best,
    cosmin90, Nov 4, 2020 IP
  10. methad0ne

    methad0ne Well-Known Member

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    I believe that I am far more trustworthy than you are, so I won't bother even discussing it with you. I've stated my point in every single last post, if you are so blindfolded not to see, then I am sorry for you.
    methad0ne, Nov 4, 2020 IP
  11. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    If you truly do respect the designers as you have written, then why have you not offered a small consolation prize to at least one entry, in those 5 contests that had no winners?
    Spoiltdiva, Nov 4, 2020 IP
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  12. methad0ne

    methad0ne Well-Known Member

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    Only one contest is closed, all others are still active or the winner either decided and working on the final design. Everything will be public, so don't you worry guys :)
    methad0ne, Nov 4, 2020 IP
  13. Stefanov

    Stefanov Well-Known Member

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    Based on my personal experience, @methad0ne is a reliable member. I think the problem here comes from all these endless deadlines. Most DP contests I have entered, and won, took no more than 72 hours, or maximum 7 days to complete, which makes communication easy.

    From a designer’s perspective, waiting for 3 weeks, sometimes even longer, just to hear that your design is not good enough, can be exhausting, and even demotivating for some, which I believe is the main reason why these are less successful than other DP contests.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2020
    Stefanov, Nov 4, 2020 IP
    methad0ne and kevinmendoza like this.
  14. methad0ne

    methad0ne Well-Known Member

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    Thanks Stefanov a lot for trying to defend my reliability, but it's really not needed. I don't take anyone's opinion personally as these contests are part of the business I am conducting on daily basis. When someone is not trying to see bigger picture, that's on them.

    I really liked your submissions (and one of them is most likely to receive the prize as told you over pm) as well as @cosmin90 - the one from joyn contest. The only problem that most people can't relate is that their submission is not applicable to the related niche. If Joyn brand was anything else, any other business except fintech, I would be happily announced cosmin as a winner, but this contest asked for simplicity and relation.

    Sitely will be my business in no relation to my actual role in the company and hence the decision was far more easier (even though my partner is fighting against my decision, simplicity is what drove me there).

    Perfmeter - I just can't describe with the words how many good submissions I've received and one of them recently stood out, but there is only one (recent) submission that's taken into consideration out of many and that when we announce the winner, contestant would have to spend more extra hours to fine-tune it.

    This contest: one submission and that's from average designer. If I don't receive anymore submissions here (and that's most likely), I will paid that contestant full prize even with a bonus just because even after all these "accusations".

    Keep up the good work guys, I won't be writing anything else on this matter. As initially offered, I am happy to deposit these funds for each contest to the staff member here on Digitalpoint to gain some credibility which I am loosing because of insulted members.

    End of my discussion.

    EDIT: forgot to answer one thing to the member asking for feedback on their submissions. Sorry guys, you might like the idea of someone giving you a roadmap for your submission until it's perfect. I won't. Every contestant should have fair advantage and that means that providing feedback for others while telling someone else their design is not good is not equal opportunity. I would rather silently run every contest and request revision upon choosing a winner (even I would pay extra for that additional work).
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2020
    methad0ne, Nov 4, 2020 IP
    Johntamad likes this.