2Index - fast indexing of website pages and backlinks

Discussion in 'Products & Tools' started by 2Index, Feb 15, 2024.

  1. #1
    Hi all!

    Introducing our new service that helps index internal website pages and backlinks in Google, Yandex and Bing - 2index.ninja

    The service is young, but we consider it very necessary and effective. Indexing stories by Twitter and LiveJournal have not been as effective, if at all, for quite some time.

    We use completely white methods. Google Indexing API and IndexNow. You may ask - what’s new, these tools have existed for several years and are free. That's right. But to use them effectively, you need to “dance with a tambourine”, understand the Google Cloud Console interfaces, and not only that. And we automated everything! We created a convenient personal account and a simple but understandable format for reporting on sending links for indexing.

    The cost of indexing depends on the chosen tariff, the minimum cost is $0.00025 per link. This is the lowest price among competitors. You can try it for free; with the White Ninja tariff you can send 10 links. And the easiest Smart Ninja tariff is $1 for 1000 links.

    Currently, work is underway to collect statistics on the effectiveness of indexing various types of backlinks. Those. We are talking about links that are generated from runs by Hrumer and other combines. There is not a lot of data yet, but from the existing data it is already clear that there is some effect. When we collect more data, we will do a separate study on this. Internal pages of sites are included in the index perfectly. According to our data - more than 80%. Backlinks on forums and blogs, even in profiles, work fine, the average is about 70% for Google and about 50% for Yandex. Note that we are talking about those links that naturally did not want to be entered at all for months.

    Important! Residents of the Russian Federation may have difficulties paying for tariffs with cards. You can use virtual cards from services like Pyypl or pay with crypto, direct transfer to your wallet. To do this, you need to write a ticket to the administration. This can be done in your personal account of the service.

    In addition to the useful functionality of the service itself, we recently launched an affiliate program. We are not greedy - we give 20% referrals. There is no minimum payout threshold. At the moment, payments are available to the card of any bank in any country, as well as in crypto (USDT).

    As we wrote above, the service is young and may be susceptible to some “childhood” diseases. We are ready for your criticism and suggestions for improving the service. Write in a way that is convenient for you - there is a feedback form on the website, and a ticket system in your personal account.
    2Index, Feb 15, 2024 IP
  2. Greator

    Greator Peon

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    Exciting service! Today, I'm testing out a few thousand pages that just won't seem to get indexed by Google and Bing. Once I'm done, I'll share the results. There are times when pages stubbornly resist indexing, despite my efforts—sharing links on social media, various directories, regular pinging—but the results aren't always satisfying. So, the need for quick, forceful indexing is real.
    By the way, could you shed some light on the technologies your service uses?
    Greator, Feb 20, 2024 IP
  3. 2Index

    2Index Peon

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    Hello, we have good news!
    Without hesitation, we decided to increase the number of pages/links that can be sent for FREE. Now you can send 100.
    Why did you decide? Because we have 1000 users.
    Please do not create duplicate registrations to submit more than 100 pages. There will be a BAN.
    2Index, Feb 21, 2024 IP
  4. Nelson Gonzalez

    Nelson Gonzalez Member

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    I just created a project to test the service! The context said project, I did not want to index with nada!!!! I have tested everything, we will see if your service works! To acquire a higher privilege membership

    POSITIVE +: The interface and registration were quite simple and easy, it is quite understandable and interactive! The user experience is great.

    NEGATIVE - : Maybe it seems a bit invasive, but you have to give access to your Google Search Console as "Owner".... Maybe for clients with very sensitive data pages it might be scary.... "I think it should be like this" I don't know yet!
    Nelson Gonzalez, Feb 21, 2024 IP
  5. 2Index

    2Index Peon

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    We've implemented a few improvements.
    First of all, it is the ability to download lists of pages and links in txt files. The file size should not exceed 50MB, and the number of links in it should be 100,000.
    In addition, Customers can now see the processing status of their link sources. Those. after adding a sitemap or txt file with links, you can see the result - successfully or with errors. Also, information about the processing of the link source will be sent to the account registration email address.
    Thanks to everyone who uses our service and new Customers are always welcome!
    2Index, Feb 25, 2024 IP
  6. 2Index

    2Index Peon

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    We participate in the Productradar startup rating
    Please vote for us. And if you liked the service, write a comment in support
    This can be done on the page https://productradar.ru/product/2index/
    Registration in the Productradar service is very fast and there are many really interesting and useful projects there besides us.
    2Index, Mar 1, 2024 IP
  7. 2Index

    2Index Peon

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    Attention to all current and future users of the service!
    We have changed our tariffs.
    1. We are reducing the cost of one of your favorite Black Ninja plans from $250 to $200! This is minus 20%. This promotion will be limited to the number of plans purchased. We will only sell 10 Black Ninja plans at this price, so we advise those who would like to do so to hurry up.
    2. We are forced to increase the cost of indexing one link in the Smart Ninja tariff from $0.001 to $0.003. This is due to a significant improvement in the mechanism for sending external links for indexing. And also with indexing efficiency. Our costs have increased - the cost has increased. We really don’t want to do this, but alas, this will be the case for now. If we can lower our costs, we will lower the cost again. Hope for understanding.
    We would like to point out that even with this increase in cost, we remain the most profitable in the current competitive environment.
    3. Sending external links will be available only to buyers of the Smart Ninja tariff; this feature is disabled in other tariffs. This does not apply to those users who have already purchased Gray, Red and Black Ninja plans. Only for new users.
    4. There are no changes in the White Ninja tariff - as before, you can send 100 pages/links for indexing for FREE!
    5. We have implemented and tested all the changes, but we do not exclude that something may go wrong somewhere. Therefore, if you encounter any problem or error, please write us a ticket about it.
    Thanks to everyone who is with us. We are constantly expanding and improving our capabilities and the quality of services provided. We offer you new opportunities and effective solutions to your problems of indexing website pages and external links.
    Peace and goodness to everyone!
    2Index, Apr 8, 2024 IP
  8. 2Index

    2Index Peon

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    you asked for an API - we made an API!
    You can find out more on the page https://2index.ninja/files/api_doc_en.html
    Tested it ourselves and with the help of our Customers, it works.
    This is a basic version, we plan to further expand it with additional functions. with time.
    if you notice that something is going wrong, write us a ticket
    2Index, Apr 10, 2024 IP
  9. Wale Jesukoya

    Wale Jesukoya Peon

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    1. Indexing Process: Can you provide an overview of how your indexing service works? How do you ensure fast indexing of website pages and backlinks?

    2. Coverage: What types of websites and content does your indexing service cover? Are there any specific criteria or limitations?

    3. Speed: How quickly can users expect their website pages and backlinks to be indexed after submission to your service?

    4. Effectiveness: What methods or technologies do you employ to ensure high indexing success rates? How do you measure the effectiveness of your indexing service?

    5. Backlink Indexing: Can you elaborate on how your service indexes backlinks? How does it contribute to improving a website's SEO performance?

    6. Reporting and Monitoring: Do you provide users with any tools or reports to monitor the indexing status of their website pages and backlinks? How transparent is the process?

    7. Customization Options: Are there any customization options available for users, such as prioritizing specific pages or domains for indexing?

    8. Support and Assistance: What level of support do you offer to users who may encounter issues or have questions about your indexing service?

    9. Integration: Do you offer any integration options with popular website platforms or SEO tools to streamline the indexing process?

    10. Security and Privacy: How do you ensure the security and privacy of the data submitted to your indexing service?

    11. Pricing Structure: Can you provide information about your pricing plans and any associated costs or subscription models?

    12. Success Stories or Testimonials: Do you have any success stories or testimonials from satisfied customers who have used your indexing service?
    Wale Jesukoya, Apr 10, 2024 IP
  10. 2Index

    2Index Peon

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    1. Register an account in the service, buy a tariff, create a project, add links/pages. Profit!
    2. No restrictions
    3. From 3 days
    4. Pages are indexed using the Web Search Indexing API for Gogole and IndexNow for Yandex and Bing. The average efficiency rate is about 82% based on current data. This includes all search engines and all types of links
    5. Just like internal ones, using the same technologies. The more good external links a site has indexed, the better.
    6. We are currently working on the monitoring and reporting task.
    7. No
    8. We have a technical support service and an internal ticket system for all Customers. The user can ask a question and get an answer.
    9. Not at the moment, but we have an API
    10. Privacy Policy - https://2index.ninja/files/privacy_policy_en.pdf
    11. Of course, you can check the tariffs on the page https://2index.ninja/plans
    12. Of course, you can see some here - https://searchengines.guru/ru/forum/1090320
    2Index, Apr 11, 2024 IP
  11. 2Index

    2Index Peon

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    new update from google - https://2index.ninja/en/blog/google-indexing-update-april-16-2024
    nothing new or unusual - the pages of our Customers’ websites are included in the index, we add more and more new projects to the update reports, because there are more and more of them.
    Soon we will have a specialized section of cases, there will be more details about the results of our Customers’ projects and the success of our service.
    2Index, Apr 18, 2024 IP
  12. 2Index

    2Index Peon

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    Hello, we have good news!
    We are reducing the cost of all tariffs except Smart Ninja by 20% until the end of this week! On June 17 the tariffs will remain the same. Hurry up!
    Why are we doing this? Because we have 2000+ users,
    We also want to remind you - do not create duplicate registrations to submit more than 100 pages. There will be a BAN.
    And don’t forget that our service is the best in terms of price/quality ratio on the indexing accelerator market!
    2Index, Jun 12, 2024 IP
  13. 2Index

    2Index Peon

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    Google's second July update.
    Our Customers' projects are doing great - there are more and more pages in the index every day.
    This means that they can potentially attract more and more traffic and, accordingly, generate more profit.
    Examples of growth in screenshots from Google Search Console

    2Index, Jul 11, 2024 IP
  14. 2Index

    2Index Peon

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    Fresh update from Google. For our Customers, everything is traditional - an increase in page indexing.
    Do you want too? Join us!

    2Index, Jul 15, 2024 IP
  15. 2Index

    2Index Peon

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    We do everything right and that's why Google loves us. He also loves our Customers and indexes the pages of their sites very well with our help.
    Yes, a fresh update, examples of improving site indexing

    2Index, Jul 18, 2024 IP
  16. 2Index

    2Index Peon

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    Hi all!
    Some good news.
    1. We have introduced functionality for checking the indexing of internal project pages.
    It is available to all users, but the data may not be accurate for some projects.
    This happens because the crawler of the indexing check bot did not crawl all the pages that were sent for indexing using our service. Projects that were created after July 22 are currently being checked.
    2. Added a new payment method using the PayPro Global payment system.
    You can pay for the tariff using this service with a credit/debit card from any country in the world, as well as PayPal.
    3. Fresh Google update.
    Examples of growth in indexation of Customer projects
    2Index, Jul 25, 2024 at 3:15 AM IP