200 Manual Directory Submission + 200 Feed + 1 Service 6$ :Paypal:Full Report

Discussion in 'Services' started by ashvant, May 6, 2009.

  1. #1
    We are building a web application and for testing purpose we would like to provide the following offer. When the application is ready we would sell it here in DP.

    1. 200 Manual Directory Submission - Decreasing order of PR ( Worth 10$ )
    2. 200 Feed and Blog Submission with pinging ( Worth 6$
    3. 1 Promotional Service ( Worth 15$ )

    Price: 6$ for first 100 Members and 10$ Thereafter

    Turn Around Time: 24 Hours Max

    Report: We would submit the complete report

    Promotional Service: We have variety of promotional services and depending on your website, content, niche it may vary.
    E.g. One of them involves powerful link building

    Payment: Paypal ( Paypal ID would be told when purchasing )

    Contact Details:
    ashvant, May 6, 2009 IP
  2. ashvant

    ashvant Peon

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    ashvant, May 8, 2009 IP