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12 U.S. laws Every Blogger, Forum Owner and Webmaster Needs to Know

Discussion in 'Legal Issues' started by Nonny, May 4, 2007.

  1. #1
    This is an excellent post at Aviva Directory that covers a number of aspects of U.S. law that come up in this forum again and again (the post is actually only about "blogger law" but much of it applies to forums and regular web sites as well):


    The topics:
    1. Whether to Disclose Paid Posts
    2. Is Deep Linking Legal
    3. The Legal Use of Images and Thumbnails
    4. Laws that Protect You from Stolen Content
    5. Domain Name Trademark Issues
    6. Handling Private Data About Your Readers
    7. Who Owns User-Developed Content, and Can You Delete It?
    8. The Duty to Monitor Your Blog Comments and Liability
    9. Basic Tax Law Issues
    10. Limited Liability Laws and Incorporating
    11. Spam Laws and Which Unsolicited Emails are Legal
    12. Are Bloggers Protected by Journalism Shield Laws?

    The post goes into details about both the law and the best ways to stay out of trouble. Of course other countries have different laws, but if you are doing business in the U.S. or your web site or blog is hosted on U.S. servers this applies to you too.

    Also related: the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Legal Guide for Bloggers
    Nonny, May 4, 2007 IP
    CountryBoy likes this.
  2. CountryBoy

    CountryBoy Prominent Member

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    Very good article - how does it apply to non-US bloggers?
    Anyway - rep for you!
    CountryBoy, May 5, 2007 IP
  3. morphy

    morphy Peon

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    thanks buddy that cleared some things for me
    rep for u
    morphy, May 5, 2007 IP
  4. odin93

    odin93 Active Member

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    Wow this is an aweosme article it really helped alot, ill be sure to memorize these, and never break them.
    odin93, May 5, 2007 IP
  5. RRWH

    RRWH Active Member

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    Certainly is an impressive article that should help a lot of people stay out of trouble.
    RRWH, May 7, 2007 IP