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$1,000,000 For Charity. Who's In?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by rochow, Dec 9, 2006.

  1. #1
    I have an idea to do something for charity.

    Enough being selfish, for once.

    My idea is to have a website, a group of websites, where it is somehow setup so that all money raised goes to charity.

    Anybody interested in helping me with this? Yes, it will require some time. It will be 100% for charity though, so it is worthwhile. I am talking big. Something which we can get the media to grab a hold of, something which can take flight, become "the buzz". Say, $1,000,000 for charity in 1 year or something. No by the way, I haven't been smoking pot :p . Themilliondollarhomepage did it, and it was for "self" purposes, I can't see why if we work together we can't do the same for a great cause. If everybody helps out in little ways we could do alot. There are alot of smart, generous & just generally nice people on this forum. We can do it.

    So who's up for it? And secondly, which charity should be the beneficiary?
    rochow, Dec 9, 2006 IP
  2. adolix

    adolix Peon

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    you can do things for charity without shouting it loud and coming out to the publicity. or are you interested that people know you are such a good guy ? :D .......just go to a shelter for homeless people and help them...

    just my 2 cents.
    adolix, Dec 9, 2006 IP
  3. rochow

    rochow Notable Member

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    Yes I know I can. If it was about me, why would I be asking for help? I'm thinking about a team effort, a group of people collaboratively. It won't say "oh matthew rochow is a great guy doing something for charity."

    Lot's of people do things for charity, even if it's little things, a few hours helping out elderly people, looking after homeless animals, anything. It all contributes.

    What do you think will help more? Me going down and helping at the homeless shelter, or me working my arse off, finding people who want to be a part of a group effort, and then as a team trying to raise 1mil for a charity who will put it to good use?

    Don't call me selfish, or "attention seeking", I don't see you putting up your hand to volunteer.
    rochow, Dec 9, 2006 IP
  4. krakjoe

    krakjoe Well-Known Member

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    I'll host all the sites for nothin and do any coding that may need to be done ( time permitting )

    The beneficiary should be a kids charity, in my opnion
    krakjoe, Dec 9, 2006 IP
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  5. rochow

    rochow Notable Member

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    Our school did this thing, called the Sony Children's Camp. There were about 70 kids who had permanent disabilities, both mental and physical, who came to the camp. The whole idea was so that the kid's could be together where they aren't treated as "weird" and have fun, also giving their parent's a break (some of the kids would sleep 4 hours a day max). The feedback and vibe from the camp was amazing, the kids loved it, the parent loved it, and the kids from school who helped out loved the experience.

    I'm not sure of many worldwide charities which are for children (I know of a couple which are Australian, but I'm thinking on more of an international charity).

    Krakjoe, that would be really great if you could help out. I'm thinking of getting this underway if I can get enough support by the end of the year, so that it makes it a whole year to try and make the target figure. I'll also have to talk with the charity selected and talk with everyone and get the logistics of it sorted.
    rochow, Dec 9, 2006 IP
  6. Seiya

    Seiya Peon

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    Uhm, theres a gazillion charities out there already. Just donate to one and save yourself the trouble.
    Seiya, Dec 9, 2006 IP
  7. rochow

    rochow Notable Member

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    And what money do I give? The 5c that's sitting in my paypal account, or the -$70 in my bank account?

    Why not? I am selfish, everybody is, I think it's about time I did something for the benefit of others.

    The challenge. Doesn't anybody love a challenge nowadays?
    rochow, Dec 9, 2006 IP
  8. adolix

    adolix Peon

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    My challenge is not to be a simple worker anymore, and become a successfull businessman that can affoard all he and his family wishes for a happy living..... and then I'll think of charity.... and I'll do it SILENTLY, not shouting on forums and news sites...
    adolix, Dec 9, 2006 IP
  9. Seiya

    Seiya Peon

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    I advice you to make a site outlining everythign and all the ways in which people can help.. and why you are doing this... and then post about it again, if you just a thread mentioning this nothing will happen.
    Seiya, Dec 9, 2006 IP
  10. rochow

    rochow Notable Member

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    @adolix: You do it your way, I'll do it my way. You think I don't want to also be rich myself? And is shouting something when you make 1 thread, and then make 1 link in your sig that points to it?

    @Sieya: I will soon, I want to see what the interest levels of people are first. I'm doing this because a) its for a good cause b) it will be a challenge c) Its something which isn't selfish of me for once. I posted this what, some hours ago, so for the meantime it will just be a thread. Then I will start making stuff happen soon. I would rather other people help and it be a group effort, something we can all contribute to, rather than me flying solo.
    rochow, Dec 9, 2006 IP
  11. bluemouse2

    bluemouse2 Well-Known Member

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    you could do smaller charity works , these will help a lot too. try focus on something what you would love to help
    I have a similar project here
    bluemouse2, Dec 9, 2006 IP
  12. rochow

    rochow Notable Member

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    I love everything about the web, that's why I want to use it as a medium for raising money.
    Your site looks good, it is a similar concept

    Im off to bed now, Ill reply to everything in the morning. Shall be interesting to see if what's written is positive or negative :(
    rochow, Dec 9, 2006 IP
  13. Seiya

    Seiya Peon

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    I remember when u had the project going, gj :)
    Seiya, Dec 9, 2006 IP
  14. Dominic

    Dominic Well-Known Member

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    We bank a few grand a month from our activities online that goes to our work with homeless people. Donations make up a very small piece of that income, so in my experience, unless you are raising money after Katrina or the Tsunami, online donations isn't really the way to go. Think advertising or along those lines - give people something they want and you can get what you want... money for charity.

    My other tip is credability is extremely important with both collecting donations or transacting online. So see if you can have the funds paid directly to the charity/charities you decide on.

    The closer you bring the people who pay the money to the cause the better. For example: A dating site for single parents, to raise money for childhood illnesses, or domestic violence shelters...

    I think you will have more success with your brainstorming if you start with the cause you want to raise money for, look at the demographic of people who care about that cause, then give them a way of spending money on themselves and feeling good about it too because it helps a charity they are happy to support.

    You may also want to fly the cause flag not the specific charity flag such that money raised for domestic violence shelter can be distributed to several shelters, based on where the site users are from... that way people support the cause, but in their local area as well (more motivating).

    Remember, it's always about giving people what they want to get what you want. Same with donations. Pople don't want to make a donation, they want to be moved and fell that they are making a difference... so you have to let them experience that before during and after they fork over their $.

    Have a look at our site, donate a link if you want and keep developing your ideas. There are a lot of people here at Digitalpoint who are supportive of my work and I'm sure if you come up with a good formula you will get support for it from the community too.
    Dominic, Dec 9, 2006 IP
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  15. latehorn

    latehorn Guest

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    I suggest you to sort up your own economy before starting any charity project. Otherwise, there's a big risk that you will take some of the money for yourself.

    A while ago, I've talked on another forum with a swedish resident that lives in Mocambique. He explained how charity money is used by the beurocrats to help themself and very little money actually went to the country as a whole.

    Therefore, I would like to know in detail what you are going to do with the money and show the results when it's done. There's lots of corruption and scams among charity campaigns, so it's healthy to be sceptic about it. But good luck with it!
    latehorn, Dec 9, 2006 IP
  16. rochow

    rochow Notable Member

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    I knew donations wouldn't be the way to go. I was thinking more of running lots of website which can make money but also be worthwhile for those who participate.

    Now that you have mentioned it, I decided Ill contact lots of charities from lots of countries. The only complication would be where English is not the main language of the country, so I would need assistance from someone to translate the text into the appropriate language.

    Thanks for your ideas and help

    Latehorn, yeah I know its one of many complications. Ah not to worry, Christmas is coming :). I think the charities would have to setup their own paypal account of bank account so that the money can go straight to them. That way they get not only the money quicker, but nobody can falsely accuse me of swindling money or the whole thing being corrupt.

    I want a little counter thing, so people can see how much money has been made, and after the donate, they can see the difference. That would be all automated. At the end of the day, all other money raised from other activities can be added to the counter aswell so that it reflects the whole amount made, not just that from donations.
    rochow, Dec 9, 2006 IP
  17. Seiya

    Seiya Peon

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    Youd have to provide some pictures like the site above ofc, if you are going to just donate all the collected money to a different charity then there is no difference between people going to donate there straight :p
    Seiya, Dec 9, 2006 IP
  18. Glen

    Glen Peon

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    hate all the negative feedback

    Ill help
    Glen, Dec 9, 2006 IP
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  19. rochow

    rochow Notable Member

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    Thanks very much AngelusC

    Maybe some charities don't have the facilities to accept online donations at the current point in time

    Perhaps people would donate through our site so that it will get us closer to our target. Also, alot of people have no idea about the internet, and I can guarantee that some would not be aware they can donate online. So if they came to our site, saw they could donate (not knowing they could donate elsewhere) so they would donate via our site.
    rochow, Dec 9, 2006 IP
  20. just-4-teens

    just-4-teens Peon

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    agreed, if its for a charity such as NSPCC ill lend a hand.
    just-4-teens, Dec 9, 2006 IP