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    Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

►►► HOT!! Viral Facebook RPG Game App - EASY PASSIVE INCOME!! $$$ ◄◄◄

Discussion in 'Sites' started by DuValEnterprises, Feb 20, 2011.

  1. #1
    Today we've got another insane deal on an AWESOME Facebook game application for sale. This time it's Thug Life, an absolutely beautiful and addictive Gangster/Mobster themed RPG!

    Check it out here: http://apps.facebook.com/playthuglife/ NOTE: You must be logged into Facebook to access the game...



    Integrates a CPALead popup (optionally) on every page! See here:


    Gameplay/Admin Panel

    Thug Life allows players to play the role of a ruthless Thug and build a criminal empire. Players can complete Crimes/Jobs to earn cash and experience, buy items, weapons, vehicles, properties that earn them recurring income, and much more! Thug Life also features integrated gifting capabilities, which will entice users to send gifts to other players and help the game promote itself virally. If you've been considering getting into Facebook applications or are looking for a new game to add to your network, this is a great opportunity to get an absolutely gorgeous game at a rock bottom price! Check out Thug Life and learn how you can start earning some seriously easy passive income from Facebook today.

    Thug Life also features an extensive administration panel that will allow you to manage every aspect of the gameplay with just a few clicks. You can manage quests, spells, weapons, all items, boss battles, bonus/drop items, operations, and gifts very easily, among other things. This is a great opportunity for anyone who has been looking to get into Facebook apps but isn't able to handle programming anything. With this admin panel you don't need to ever worry about the code once the game is setup!


    This brings us to monetization. Of course you can see in some of the screenshots that the game is monetized with standard banner ads, for which you can be paid either CPM or CPC. Currently the game is running Rock You Ads, which we recommend due to the above average payouts you'll receive per click... Rock You is truly a GREAT network to work with. You can of course run any ads you'd like, including Adsense.

    In addition to being monetized with standard banner ads, the application ALSO features monetization via the CPALead, Super Rewards, or Offerpal CPA networks. Super Rewards and Offerpal are quite simply... AWESOME!!! These CPA network allows you to easily let players complete CPA offers like surveys, trial offers, ringtones, and MANY MANY completely FREE offers in exchange for virtual currency in the game. What this means, is that you can virtually force users to need to complete CPA offers in order to progress in the game, either by forcing them to need to refill their energy and health, or by requiring items that you have set very expensive prices on. This will ensure that they'll either be doing offers to earn money to purchase these items in the game or else playing the game a LOT in order to earn the required amounts... (which will still generate revenue for you, from the banner ads..)

    These offers all payout somewhere between $.50 and $15+ EACH. Super Rewards also allows users to make direct payments via Paypal, credit card, mobile phones, and more. Most of the FREE offers, like simple surveys will payout $1-$2 for you, and will only take users a minute or so to complete. As you can imagine, this system becomes VERY powerful on a mass scale. Even having only 100 or so users doing offers each day will add up fast when each user is converting $5-$10 in offers each day on average. Hopefully you can now see how it's QUITE EASILY possible for these applications to be earning HUNDREDS to THOUSANDS of dollars each day! (100 users completing an average of $5 worth of offers each day = $500/PER DAY!) These CPA networks like Super Rewards are what allow extremely popular applications like Mafia Wars to make over $40,000 EVERY SINGLE DAY!

    The networks also boast an average eCPM between $75 and $100 dollars. This means that for every 1000 users that visit the app, you will earn approximately $75-$100. One thing that must be mentioned here is that we typically see eCPMs MUCH higher than $100 in similar games that we operate or have operated. It must be noted that the there are many simple applications, such as gift apps, simple games, etc. that also run these networks. The point is that these simple games are bringing down the average eCPM. While this is no guarantee, it's very typical for the daily eCPM of these RPG type games to be between $100 and $500 with a properly addictive theme!

    Show us a content-based website you run that can boast an eCPM of even just $100 and we'll be impressed. It's quite commonplace to see this kind of return with these types of Facebook game applications, which is what makes operating them so lucrative.


    Viral Features!

    Thug Life also utilizes Facebook's VIRAL CHANNELS to allow the game to grow and spread itself as users play it! The featured viral integration includes Request/Invitation system integration, Status Update integration, full Stream/Feed posting, and profile integration.

    This game sends out some very powerful Status Update Feeds under Facebook's new Stream setup. These Feeds WILL make it through to the News Feed of every user that the player is Friends with! If you didn't know, the News Feed is the first page users see when logging into Facebook! Consider the fact that Facebook is the 4th most active site on the Internet and the first place many people go when getting online and you will begin to understand how powerful this is. There are now over 500 MILLION+ Monthly Active users on FB, let them start making you easy passive income!

    The viral features are what allow Facebook applications to spread so quickly, and also make any advertising you may do (whether paid or organic) that much more worth it. Imagine when you can spend $.15 to get a new user to your game (if even paying for them to begin with...) and as a result of that user playing, 10 more people find the game! From those 10, they each draw 10 more in, etc.. and the cycle repeats. This is the FUTURE of Internet Marketing/making money online! Long live VIRAL!

    Why are we selling it?

    We are currently trying to clear out the unclaimed games we've built that have accumulated over the past year. This game was initially created for a client that ended up disappearing on us, so now we're making it available here. If you've been considering getting into Facebook applications then this is a great chance for you to acquire an awesome application with unlimited potential to earn, at a considerable savings off of the original price for this beautiful game.

    With the great monetization and revenue channels, AWESOME viral features, an gorgeous template, our outstanding support, and all the other awesome included bonuses, purchasing this application is simply a no-brainer. You can't go wrong.

    You may also notice that this is the second time this app has been listed here at DP. After the first sale, the "buyer" ended up being nothing more than a scammer who tried to steal this app. Of course he never got his hands on any part of the script before we realized what was up, but it is due to this that we're relisting it now... We've also discounted the price even further, to an ridiculously low price! You simply will not find ANY other app of this quality and with a comletely unique template/theme for sale, anywhere! This one should be gone VERY fast, get your bids in as soon as possible if you're interested!

    What should you expect as a buyer?

    Let's get one thing clear. Promoting Facebook applications is NOT HARD, but you do need to be aware that initially it will require either an advertising investment OR some hard work doing organic promotion to get things going and growing strong. Due to the viral features that are built into the application, the game WILL grow itself as users play the game, however you do need to give the game something to work with to get these viral features working on a large enough scale that the application will be able to grow itself rapidly. What we mean here is that if you start out with 10 users, YES, the application will still grow itself. However, if you instead start out with 1000 users, the app will grow itself much much faster, as there are simply more users playing the game and activating the viral features, which in turn draws new users in. For this reason, we highly recommend investing in some advertising right off the bat to get things rolling. You should be able to get around 1000 users for less than $200, and we'll show you where and how.

    You can of course substitute this for organic promotion if you'd like, and we'll include many tools you can use to do this. It just takes time and work if you choose to promote the app yourself versus using ads. Either route you choose, promoting Facebook apps is MUCH easier than promoting websites you may run, as well as being much more lucrative!

    You could even compare running these games to running incentive sites, where users go to convert CPA offers in exchange for cash or gifts... The only difference is, with Facebook applications, user convert CPA offers for you and you give them a worthless VIRTUAL ITEM that exists on your server's database instead of real, physical money or gifts that would decrease your profit margin! Of course, incentive sites also don't grow themselves and perpetuate their own growth...

    What Makes This Game Such A Great Opportunity?

    Aside from the unrivaled beauty of this game, the proven monetization model, and the addictive gamplay that will keep users playing, the best reason to purchase this application is without a doubt the viral force that these types of games can create.

    There is simply no other type of website/online venture that you can operate so easily, and see such great returns on. The game has it's own economy, based on VIRTUAL currency. If you don't understand what this means, essentially, players will PAY directly or do offers you get PAID for in exchange for items that don't even exist in physical actuality. What better kind of business could you hope for? There is no inventory, stock, or overhead. Users will give you money for items that are created and exist solely on the server! This is truly easy and passive income, a dream-come-true business!

    Secondly, this "theme" (Mobster/Gangster RPGs) is extremely popular on Facebook, and there is a good reason for it... These games can make a lot of money and there is still plenty to be made! The driving force in generating revenue for these games is competition... Players want to be number 1 on the leaderboard, whether they're playing Thug Life or any other game. If you do your job correctly in the beginning, which is getting users to your game and giving it a viral kickstart, then this game will undoubtedly earn great money for you, as well as continue to grow itself as users play it.

    Auction Details

    We'll start the auction out at $10. We'd really like to find this application a new home quickly, so we have reduced the BIN price to MUCH, MUCH lower than this project was originally quoted for. Again, you simply can't go wrong with this app!

    So What's Included?

    Take The Game At Any Price And We'll Include:

    1. Thug Life Application and source code
    2. 20 FREE users to get you started
    3. Outstanding support
    4. BONUS: materials to help you with organic promotion

    Take this AWESOME game at the BIN price and we'll really sweeten the deal with:

    1. FREE installation on your server (PHP 5+ required, 1 MySQL DB)
    2. TONS of bonus material to help you promote organically!
    3. Initial monetization strategy advice and promotional guidance consultation ($250/hour value!)
    4. Facebook Marketing Tools package

    Starting BID: $10
    Buy It Now (BIN): $97

    The application is listed in our store under "Established Applications". You can view other unique or established apps we have listed for sale there as well. CLICK HERE TO VISIT OUR STORE

    If you would like to take Thug Life at the BIN price, you can make payment directly by purchasing the application through our site. We'll end the auction and contact you to make arrangements as soon as payment is confirmed.

    CLICK HERE to take Thug Life at the BIN price

    So that's about it! Feel free to ask any questions you may have, and good luck on your bids!

    Take care everyone!

    DuValEnterprises, Feb 20, 2011 IP
  2. Miikle

    Miikle Peon

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    I'll bid $10
    Miikle, Feb 20, 2011 IP
  3. reloadzzz

    reloadzzz Active Member

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    15 here. can you install it? pm me. thanx
    reloadzzz, Feb 20, 2011 IP
  4. Robin Banks

    Robin Banks Active Member

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    ill bid $50
    Robin Banks, Feb 20, 2011 IP
  5. DuValEnterprises

    DuValEnterprises Peon

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    Thanks for your bids so far everyone :)

    @reloadzzz: sure, we'll include free installation regardless of whether the bid price reaches BIN or not

    Feel free to PM me or ask here if there are any more questions~!
    DuValEnterprises, Feb 20, 2011 IP
  6. Lozdadon

    Lozdadon Member

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    Il bid $60
    Lozdadon, Feb 20, 2011 IP
  7. lowridertj

    lowridertj Well-Known Member

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    I will BIN this application.
    However why is the admin panel openly accessible?
    will this be fixed first?

    Paid from your site as well.

    Last edited: Feb 20, 2011
    lowridertj, Feb 20, 2011 IP
  8. DuValEnterprises

    DuValEnterprises Peon

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    Thanks, got it. Just responded to your email too :) The admin panel can be locked down, np. Actually I think it may just be unlocked for the purpose of showing potential buyers, we set this app up months ago so I can't exactly remember what we did then, but either way, np, I'll take care of it before sending everything over or installing it, whichever you end up wanting to do.
    DuValEnterprises, Feb 20, 2011 IP
  9. Byte

    Byte Peon

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    I will bid $70
    Byte, Feb 20, 2011 IP
  10. DuValEnterprises

    DuValEnterprises Peon

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    THE AUCTION IS OVER, thanks for your bid though :)
    DuValEnterprises, Feb 21, 2011 IP
  11. ketekmenek

    ketekmenek Peon

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    wooooooooooooooooow, the price is soooo expensive for me
    ketekmenek, Aug 1, 2011 IP