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No problem, I will transfer the domain name as soon as the migration is complete. I have set the nameservers and just waiting for the files to unpack and install on your server. It should be less than an hour now.
The files are taking a lot longer than normal because your server is set to 10mbs bandwidth. Please don't change this now because the files are unpacking.
It is still unpacking the files. I see your CPU and IO at 99%, this will take more time to complete. You can initiate the domain transfer, I have sent the request via Namecheap. Please check your emails. Thank you.
I'm trying again. If this doesn't work in an hour, can you add another GB of RAM so you have 2GB on total, this is only needed for the migration. I will see if it was maybe just a drop but it was taking far to long. It should take an hour max, it has been about 9.
Ok you will need to either give me root access or up the RAM to 2GB for this migration. The server you have is preventing me from unpacking the files. I could use terminal to transfer and upload the database with root access.
Ok its 5.30am here. I need to sleep. Please send me root access so I can do this migration. The problem is your sever times out when I am migrating the upload folder. I will be back online at 1pm UK time. Thank you.
Dec 7, 2018
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