Looking to build a Niche directory. What steps to take?

Discussion in 'Directories' started by hmansfield, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. JamieG

    JamieG Banned

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    discover, I posted in my introduction that I am here for the sole purpose of promoting the phpLynx directory script, I make no bones about that. I also have a lot of experience with different scripts and certainly know the directory industry quite well so I feel that I'm fairly qualified just as you are to give my opinion and advice. for example, phpLynx and phpmydirectory don't have mods 'installed' as you suggest, they have them already there if I'm correct, I certainly know that's the case with phpLynx.

    But in saying that I am not going to offer false and misleading advice either. phpld in its present state is definately nowhere near the most powerful script out there, (I've tested the latest version btw), nor is it in my views the right one for the original poster, but I emphasise that it is to be their choice not mine.

    Off topic for a second; I have no intention of getting brought into an eye rolling competition with people like you or anyone else, let's get that straight right from the off. Please just answer questions asked by the original poster and not degrade every thread you happen to disagree with.

    Unlike the past where anyone daring to mention phpLynx was either banned or chased off from here that won't happen with me. I shan't get into petty arguments with anyone, nor will I disprespect anyone. I may disagree with many things but will always do my best to give an honest and formulated opinion regardless of my clear bias.

    Let's get this straight, this ISN'T a phpld only forum, we're all entitled to our piece of airtime. If you don't like my answers or posts then don't get involved, I'll afford you the same courtesy.

    Now having got that out of the way lets give the OP some advice based on what he asked.

    JamieG, Feb 3, 2008 IP
  2. DownUnder

    DownUnder Well-Known Member

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    I have found over many years that people who only have one focus on a product to sell it it fail within a short period of time.

    To be successful over the longer term you will need to be an active and valuable member in all aspects of the forum and in that place the focus of the product at the bottom of your list and when ask speak softly but in confidence of your product.

    Regardless of how good it is or is not if you poke it in everyones face and flex your muscles everytime then you will be just another number in the system of rotating chairs.

    In that I wish you and your product well.
    DownUnder, Feb 3, 2008 IP
  3. JamieG

    JamieG Banned

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    Thanks for the advice DownUnder I'll take it on board. This isn't the thread to discuss anything other than the OP's questions.
    JamieG, Feb 3, 2008 IP
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  4. mauiman

    mauiman Well-Known Member

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    NIMA has it right. Focus on delivering value to your visitors and the community you're targeting and as the value of your content rises the more blogs and sites you'll have linking to yours. As your directory grows the value to sites listed in it will grow, opening up the possibility of generating some revenue.

    As for scripts I'm a big fan of PHP Link Directory. Works well for submitters (most important factor) and is fairly easy to get setup. Support is great as well.

    Best of success to you.
    mauiman, Feb 3, 2008 IP
  5. discover

    discover Notable Member

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    Im not gonna get into a feature by feature comparison of phplynx and phpld..ill leave that for you, the marketer

    Im sick of the way phplnx is so aggressively promoted on here and Im sure Im not the only one.
    you realise how many people you have turned away by trying to push your script like this?

    everyone's entitled to their opinion of course but Id imagine the experience of a non affild user of a script would be valued above the son of the creator of phplynx
    wild guess of course :rolleyes:

    and if you read again you will see ive already given the op my advice
    discover, Feb 4, 2008 IP
  6. JamieG

    JamieG Banned

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    It's apparent your sick of anything at all to do with phpLynx but to say its so heavily promote here is ludicrous, the only script I see promoted here heavily is phpld and that's a fact.

    I'm not going to rise to the bait of banter with you or anyone else discover, quite frankly I'm above all that nonsense. You don't like phpLynx then your going to have to excercise your demons as its here to stay. As equal as you, I get sick of the over promoting of phpld as the 'best script' when I know for a hard fact it isn't anywhere near.

    It has a great bunch of supporters who promote it for the love of it, and that's just fine, it has a great bunch of coders who are willing to go the extra yard to offer help at a small price and that too is great. phpLynx doesn't have a bunch of supporters who run around on forums, they're far to busy working on their directories as they should be, nor do we have a small army of coders willing to do mods for a cost, the reason for this is that all the features which are mods for phpld are already built in to the script I so heavily promote even though I've only posted here a dozen times so far.

    I often wonder if some of these threads are set ups just to promote phpld for if you read 99% of the 'which script should I use?' there's a ton of people jump in faster than the thread's been posted shouting phpld ra,ra,ra. Agressively promoted? Pot calling the kettle black there discover.

    Now that's out of the way let's crack on without spitting your dummy out of the pram. After all, I'm here to stay and so is phpLynx so you'd better get used to either accepting this or buying a lot of dummies.

    As for features, I'll let people be their own Judges, no need for me to do anything on that point.

    Have a great day, I know I'm going to. :)
    JamieG, Feb 4, 2008 IP
  7. mikey1090

    mikey1090 Moderator Staff

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    I'd have to agree with Jamie. Phplynx is rarely mentioned around here, compared with phpLD. The only reason I haven’t used it is because I’m a programmer and its encrypted. Just check my blogs and see how many mods/fixes/upgrades I have done with phpLinkBid.

    My opinion of the script is minimal, I simply haven’t tried it. However the ignorance of people round here is pretty bad. People use phpLD and nothing else. Other scripts barely get a look in. Seems that the whole farm yard of sheep seem to follow what aviva/alive/D-dump did as they ran successful directories with phpLD. Don’t get me wrong, phpLD and its community is great, that’s why I use it on zorg-directory. However it’s not the only script around, people just haven’t experimented enough. That’s why it annoys me when people say “use phpLD, it’s the best” – they never give reasons. I reckon if I got my templates coded into phplynx, people could complain less about lack of templates. As for mods, I know that phplynx comes with many like deep links already built in.

    Many people also seem to slate phpLynx as the phoenix, who worked on the script (not their salesman or owner) recommended it on this forum and it got rubbished as people didn’t like his opinions – or lack of.

    Look further than the garden gate as theres plenty good stuff down the road.:)
    mikey1090, Feb 4, 2008 IP
  8. discover

    discover Notable Member

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    I saw how phplynx was represented on DP and that was enough for me
    why would I want to have to deal with people like that no matter how the script was?

    the reason phpld is mentioned so often is because its a popular script..and why is it popular? because people like it.
    you can continue with your theories if you like but facts are facts

    this you rising above it?
    doesnt take long for the mask to slip :rolleyes:
    discover, Feb 4, 2008 IP
  9. an0n

    an0n Prominent Member

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    You put your right foot in
    You take your right foot out
    You put your left foot in, and shake it all about
    You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around
    And that's what it's all about!!!
    an0n, Feb 4, 2008 IP
  10. JamieG

    JamieG Banned

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    I'ts nice to see a good honest post mikey, good on you for being so candid, moreso as your totally unbiased. I get the feeling that certain people are clearly threatened by phpLynx because of the fact it does have so many features in it and that its far more cost effective than any other out there, certainly to my knowledge. I say this with confidence having spent long enough looking and comparing.

    I won't discredit phpld or any other script, they all have their place but your dead right when you say that its followers seem to think they have the god given right to promote it as 'the best' but no other script owners/supporters/developers can with theirs? I'll stand toe to toe with anyone if they want to debate which script is best and why I think it, but I don't want that crap, I want to simply offer advice to people who are pounced on by people who you'd swear were on commission or something the way they go over the top. People should be allowed to make their own minds up AFTER being given the choice and not after being forced into wrongly believing that phpld is the best because it has the largest fan base.

    People come out with this nonsense of 'the pheonix' being over the top promoting, to the degree he got banned for allegedly having a duplicate account, the same happened with Gary and probably others I don't know of. none of them had duplicate accounts, all they were guilty of was daring to promote something other than phpld and to speak their minds. For the record the pheonix is actually a really nice person who doesn't give crap and doesn't take it, Gary is the same, and I'm hardly likely to comment on cantufind am I. :) According to discover I'm already the lovechild of the developer. :rolleyes:

    I'm of the same mind as you mikey, everyone should be given a fair go at promoting what they like, and provided its done with courtesy then regardless of the script they should be able to do so without a bunch of immature misfits crying foul.

    BTW, if you think you could do something to improve our script or interested in playing around with templates then your welcome to give me a p.m, we've been looking at going semi-open for a while now. And if the right coders with the right intentions are interested in excercising their creative skills then we'd be happy to listen. phpld isn't the only place to make money you know. ;)

    I hope the OP hmansfield is happy whatever his choice, after all its his/hers time an money not ours.
    JamieG, Feb 4, 2008 IP
  11. DownUnder

    DownUnder Well-Known Member

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    People should be allowed to make their own minds up AFTER being given the choice

    Lets sort it in a fair way way then, is there a comparison chart available with all scripts, showing options / costs etc.

    if not ? if people PM me info on the respective scripts etc i will develop an excel comparison chart for all scripts so everyone can make a call.

    I have no personal interest in any script here so will present just the comparison chart as a check price list.

    this way the OP and all can view a fair and balanced chart to make a call from, leaving you to fight out the finer points.

    and not after being forced into wrongly believing that phpld is the best because it has the largest fan base

    it would have a fan base for a reason people dont follow crap generally.

    people who are pounced on by people who you'd swear were on commission

    Maybe you could clarify your position ? as i have read you are entering law and are here getting a few $ for your bar tab. ?
    DownUnder, Feb 4, 2008 IP
  12. hmansfield

    hmansfield Guest

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    OK....Lots of opinions, but none are based on anything solid, like, the pro's and con's of each. Some of you feel very strongly about your particular script, but I haven't heard much solid explanation of why.

    If anyone would care to chime in on which is the easiest to set up, learn, and offer the best usability for the submitters...and offers a variety of available, professional looking templates....as Ross Perot Said, "I'm all ears."
    hmansfield, Feb 4, 2008 IP
  13. an0n

    an0n Prominent Member

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    1. They are all pretty easy to install
    2. Being that most of us use a form filler type of extension, submissions are the same on all
    3. They all offer many templates

    All that seems to be missing in your own analysis on each individual script itself.
    Decide which suits your needs best, based on features, support etc.
    It may be time you you to be 'All Eyes' now. :)
    an0n, Feb 4, 2008 IP
  14. JamieG

    JamieG Banned

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    I think I've made my position crystal clear, no need for me to expand any further.

    Hope my assistance with the comparison chart helps, if you want an updated one please feel free to p.m me, I'd be happy to work with you on getting an updated one together on all the scripts. Everyone benefits then. :)
    JamieG, Feb 4, 2008 IP
  15. jg123

    jg123 Notable Member

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    That is how I feel, I really don't mind self-promotion but the folks that used to hang around here promoting phplynx made it feel like they were newbie whinners and I also don't like have something shoved down my throat. If phplynx had any marketing savvy they would be approaching successful directory owners and offering to set up a free customized trial directory or something along those lines. The stamp of approval from one senior member of this board would be 100 times more effective than the few members with 10 or 20 posts that blow-in to this forum every few months to toot the phplynx horn.
    jg123, Feb 4, 2008 IP
  16. hmansfield

    hmansfield Guest

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    Yes, I have been looking at them..definitely not a decision to take lightly.
    Thank You.
    hmansfield, Feb 4, 2008 IP
  17. JamieG

    JamieG Banned

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    Can you tell me where any successful directory owners are on this forum jg123? I'd love to know some because there's nothing I'd like more than to take some advice off people who know what they're doing and can really put the power of the phpLynx script to the test.

    As for having something shoved down your throat? You are seriously kidding right? Take a look at the search button here, click on keyword 'phpld' see the amount of results. No that's what I call shoving something down people's throats but I guess you overlooked that part perhaps?

    The thing what you all seem to be missing here is people shouldn't have the mentality to judge a scripts quality by someone who promotes it in a way that may not be to everyone's taste. I'm more mature than that and look past the presenter and look at the product.

    In saying that though I do agree with you that some of the people that have come through here in the past haven't really had any idea how to deal with forum mentality and did come across a bit strong and maybe even over enthusiastic. I'm different in that way, I'll let the script speak for itself without getting into a who can fart loudest competition.

    If you can p.m me with contacts who are up to the challenge of working with our team on seeing just how far we can test the phpLynx capabilities please do, I'm sure we'd be more than happy to accomodate this.
    JamieG, Feb 4, 2008 IP
  18. RRWH

    RRWH Active Member

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    We will now take a break from the scheduled bitching and respond to the OP's questions

    I have used several directory scripts to build niche directories.

    Some are better than others at the task.

    Pro: It is a fairly extensive script that doesn't require addons
    Con: it is encrypted, so even if you wanted to modify it you cannot.

    Pro: Huge supporter base, very popular amongst directory owners
    Con: skinning is a bit of a PITA, It is very popular - and thus the need for a custom skin to make it stand out a bit from the crowd.

    Pro: smallest script, easiest to skin, uses least amount of server resources.
    Con: lacking some features. (not to say it is not a capable script)

    All of the above scripts have reasonable instructions to install them, so as long as you can follow the instructions you will be able to install them. Additionally, they all have their own support forums so you can ask specific questions if you need help with them.

    Considering that you want to add a small, simple directory to compliment your niche then Indexscript is probably the best choice.

    I use it in a small niche and I am fairly happy with it. I also use PHPLD in a small niche and I am happy with it as well. PHPLD can be a bit more work to get installed and working (at least it was last time I installed it). I suggest Indexscript as the logical choice simply because it is fairly simple.

    PHPLynx is a massive overkill for what you want to do and probably not worth wasting your time on unless you plan on having a very large directory. My experience is that PHPLynx is best suited for situations only where you truly need to use all (or a heck of a lot) of the features it has.

    All of these scripts require a database, so as long as your hosting supports MySQL you can use any of them.

    Hope this helps you narrow down what is the right script for your directory.
    RRWH, Feb 4, 2008 IP
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  19. DownUnder

    DownUnder Well-Known Member

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    DownUnder, Feb 5, 2008 IP
  20. JamieG

    JamieG Banned

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    JamieG, Feb 5, 2008 IP