Is your traffic real? Prove it. Sell some to me and I'll post reviews.

Discussion in 'Traffic' started by jonathanleger, Nov 8, 2007.

  1. UKmember

    UKmember Well-Known Member

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    was there a problem with Jon?
    UKmember, Nov 10, 2007 IP
  2. BinderGang

    BinderGang Well-Known Member

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    Why in the world would he sell this to you? I mean, he KNEW what you were doing.
    BinderGang, Nov 10, 2007 IP
  3. webgeeks

    webgeeks Peon

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    Not that I'm trying to defend this user ashishsab,
    I believe he made it clear that he was selling "hits"; and his description was clear to me that he wasn't selling actual visitors or traffic. I guess he assumed that having the hits (whether fake or not) would help with alexa ranking, etc, even though they're not "real" visitors. I believe that's why he elaborated on the actual benefits (the alexa ranking); otherwise mentioning that benefit would be redundent...since automatically having a lot of visitors will automatically increase alexa ranking.

    So I don't think he meant to scam anyone. Any other opinions on that?
    webgeeks, Nov 10, 2007 IP
  4. Mrmedia

    Mrmedia Active Member

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    LOL at this thread I would like to see the end results of the sites that send real and good traffic then I will buy. Looks like we got a lot of scams coming up. thanks jonathanleger for doing this adding rep right now for helping out buyers of traffic
    Mrmedia, Nov 10, 2007 IP
  5. D-P

    D-P Peon

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    SHAME on ashishsab! Have you try MegaTraffix? Curious how this gonna be. Great thread :)
    D-P, Nov 11, 2007 IP
  6. Paki-Webmaster

    Paki-Webmaster Banned

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    i can sell you a traffic from my yahoogroup but you can only receive traffic to your proxy website because my yahoogroup is about top proxy site and total having 550 members in just 15 days (started on 27th of october 2007) so if you are interested in buying traffic for your proxy website then pm me the details.
    just 2$/mail and i am also giving the opportunity to add your proxy link in my yahoogroup's links section,so do pm me if interested.
    Paki-Webmaster, Nov 11, 2007 IP
  7. GeorgR.

    GeorgR. Peon

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    uhm...please dont call people scammers if the explicitly talk about "hits" ! I agree with webgeeks there.
    GeorgR., Nov 11, 2007 IP
  8. felix

    felix Active Member

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    As JL already stated, sending fake hits is not going to help your alexa ranking if the visiting bots do not have the alexa toolbar installed. The only thing that will be gained from such hits is bloated web stats, which serve no legit purpose. I have seen such artifically inflated stats used around DP to trick people into thinking a site is more popular than it is, to either sell the site or over priced advertising. Unless that is a buyers goal (to rip someone else off) I can see no value at all in buying fake hits.

    Great work so far JL, thank you for the frank and honest reviews. Will be very interesting to see how this concludes.
    felix, Nov 11, 2007 IP
  9. BinderGang

    BinderGang Well-Known Member

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    I understand what you're saying...but the OP specifically posted a million times, this is a test for real traffic. He sold him bot traffic.
    BinderGang, Nov 11, 2007 IP
  10. jonathanleger

    jonathanleger Peon

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    Review of Talker's Traffic Service

    Uniq IP Addresses: 82%
    Uniq Host Names: 82%
    Average Time On Site: 60.69 seconds (excluding incomplete loads)
    Incomplete Page Loads: 81%
    Visitors Who Actually Saw the Page: 19%
    Conversions: 0


    Not much to say here. Although the stats seem to indicate real people, I didn't get a single click-through from the landing page to the sales page. I can understand not getting any conversions, since it could just be a badly written sales page, but as I've said before, I convert low-quality traffic from YouTube at 8%, so I always gauge other traffic against that. If traffic can't convert about as well as YouTube, then it's probably not worth my money. This traffic service falls into that category. This was based on 4,005 unique visitors.

    I have received a very small number of conversions from two of the traffic services. I will post about those once their traffic is complete.
    jonathanleger, Nov 11, 2007 IP
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  11. deljean

    deljean Peon

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    Excellent experiment, Mr. Leger. I commend you for providing this essential service to the community.

    Much props for doing this.
    deljean, Nov 11, 2007 IP
  12. jjpmarketing

    jjpmarketing Peon

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    Very interesting experiment indeed. Can't wait to hear what the results are from the person who bought ScottyTee's traffic service. I have a feeling it may not be good. I think the level of service and possibly the quality of traffic may have gone down after the purchase. I was ready to buy from ScottyTee and then it got bought out. :mad:
    jjpmarketing, Nov 12, 2007 IP
  13. ashishsab

    ashishsab Peon

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    I am not here to say anything to JL or anyone about this thread or my serivces. I only want to put my clarification and say its better you read the original message on my thread. I clearly mentioned its HITS and NOT TRAFFIC. Hits are afcourse generated through traffic but if someone claims of sending 10,000 hits that doesnt means 10,000 traffic of visitors will come. If somebody think like that then its purely lack of knowledge.

    People can see the screen shots posted by one of the client and the feedback by one of the person similar to JL. In the beginning he said he is not getting hits and when he installed AWStats and looked into his Raw Logs he accepted that he is getting hits and I am not scammer.

    We all are educated and we should understand thats softwares are written by humans and every application has its own purpose and logic depending on the purpose. Now if you are using some other application which is meant for something else you are nto going to get what you are looking for.

    I fail to understand what JL trying to say by saying he didnt got traffic. I never said I will give traffic. I said I will be giving hits. Alexa ranks can be increased by 2 ways. One is purely large amount of visitors and second is reasonable amount of visitors but large amount of page views hits. That shows how many time people are visiting the sites. Just by taking 15 days package if somebody thinking his ranking will increase drastically he is mistaken. Its internet man where billions of sites are there. To have a significant increase person has to take services for atleast 3-4 months and then he can see the results. If we install Alexa tool bar before starting of campaign we can see even slight change of ranking also.

    In my thread some of the clients clearly mentioned that my hits increased there Alexa Ranking. So no ways it is like that I am duping anyone or scamming. I am telling everything before and have made my message on the thread too clear as compared to others so that people know what they are buying.

    This is my first and last explanation on this thread. I dont want to say anything on this thread just wanted to clear the picture. Which I have done to the best of my ability and I have delivered hits to the best of my ability and no bots were used.
    ashishsab, Nov 15, 2007 IP
  14. ashishsab

    ashishsab Peon

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    Before posting crap it is better go into the facts of the case. Sorry to be rude but can't help it.

    ashishsab, Nov 15, 2007 IP
  15. Rebecca

    Rebecca Prominent Member

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    Mr Leger, are you planning on selling us some wonderful ebook method on how to get legit traffic after this experiment is over? LOL
    Rebecca, Nov 16, 2007 IP
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  16. Paki-Webmaster

    Paki-Webmaster Banned

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    i can sell you 600 targetted proxy visitors as low as 2$ only pm me for more details.
    Paki-Webmaster, Nov 17, 2007 IP
  17. Alevoor

    Alevoor Active Member

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    I know Jon for quite sometime. He is very intelligent and I have understood he does nothing to hurt anyone. But also, he doesn't do anything without a purpose. You all have heard him talking about his conversion rates.... ok...
    Alevoor, Nov 17, 2007 IP
  18. jonathanleger

    jonathanleger Peon

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    Okay guys, since I am lacking in time to post a review for each and every traffic source, I'm just going to give you the names of the two that resulted in any conversions:


    Uniq IP Addresses: 67%
    Uniq Host Names: 67%
    Average Time On Site: 14.04 seconds (excluding incomplete loads)
    Incomplete Page Loads: 73%
    Visitors Who Actually Saw the Page: 27%
    Conversions: 2


    Uniq IP Addresses: 32%
    Uniq Host Names: 32%
    Average Time On Site: 806.39 seconds (excluding incomplete loads)
    Incomplete Page Loads: 55%
    Visitors Who Actually Saw the Page: 45%
    Conversions: 1

    Both of those resulted in at least one conversion, which in both cases more than paid for the traffic. So it wasn't worthless.

    In fact, most of the vendors I purchased from had "real" traffic, not bot traffic. The problem was in the way they displayed my site to that traffic. It was almost always in the form of a pop-over, which is, in my opinion, a completely worthless way to "send traffic" to a site, since nobody actually looks at it but just closes it and moves on to what they really wanted (the page content).

    If you want to see the rest of the stats for all of the vendors, here's the link:

    In response to the skeptics, there is no ebook, no report, no offer, or anything that is going along with this. I simply wanted to see if what I always assumed was, in fact, true: cheap traffic is valueless for conversions.

    The test proved to me that in the vast majority of cases, it is valueless for conversions. As for the two traffic sources that actually achieved a conversion or two, perhaps my offer just wasn't appealing enough to do better. But then, I got a conversion in 5 minutes for free by posting a simple ad to Craigslist, so it makes me wonder whether or not the low-quality traffic is worth paying for at all.

    I'm interested in your thoughts.

    jonathanleger, Nov 18, 2007 IP
  19. GeorgR.

    GeorgR. Peon

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    i think you summed it up pretty well. I had previously traffic bought from various sources here, all advertised as "real unique"...and i bought big volumes...conversion-rate near (or equal) ZERO. (If you get 120k uniques and literally NOONE converts you really start to wonder....)

    Better spend your money on banner ads, or pay someone/let someone promote via social bookmarking or article submission. Money way, way better spent. Thanks for insightful thread!
    GeorgR., Nov 18, 2007 IP
  20. twinbees

    twinbees Peon

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    I totally agree what jonathanleger said but here is my thought for this:
    1. You get what you paid. for this amount money you paid, you al least get 70% unique IP traffic. It will at increase your alexa ranking.
    2. landing page is very important. When i visit some sites, I got pop up or under, most of the time I will close the window except some eye poping site. You need make a landing page really can catch people's eye...:)
    twinbees, Nov 18, 2007 IP