Would you, as a copywriter, need this?

Discussion in 'Copywriting' started by zac439, Jun 5, 2007.

  1. #1
    Would you need a program that runs in Windows, that helps you keep track of your work?

    It would:

    + Keep track of customers by name, email, phone number, web site, jobs you have done for them, and other criteria.

    + Store all the articles you have written in a database for easy storage, and categorize them. It would allow you to input a word count for each article, and then provide statistics based on your input.

    + An auto-email system can be configured to email all clients once every specified timeframe. It would automatically tell them the status of the job- more specifically, which articles you have completed and when they can expect full delivery. Other auto-emails would be for backup purposes, such as a missed deadline notice, complete with an apology letter.

    + A built-in tool would allow re-writing of articles quick and easy. Simply choose the keywords you want to replace, and input a synonym. This makes a new article if many keywords are replaced, at least new enough for Google to most likely not penalize the content.

    + An Alert bar would always stay on top of the program, notifying the user of the next coming deadline that was input by the user.

    + A recursive article writing job can be input, so jobs appear automatically. (i.e., once a week, once a month)

    + A statistics page tells you which subjects you have done most, overall word count, average word count per article, the client with the most activity, and more.

    + A calculator is built into the program for easy math calculations.

    + A nice, clean, organized layout would be given.

    A preview of this program in development:

    Most of the features have been included. My question is, would you buy it?

    I would want $1 a month for each month of use. I could set it to auto-bill so repaying each month would be no problem. Would this seem like a good deal to you as a copywriter? I would provide support and upgrades, and it would be included in the $1/month price. Do you know of people who would need it? How many?

    (as a side note, are any features missing that copywriters need?)
    zac439, Jun 5, 2007 IP
    moneybully likes this.
  2. moneybully

    moneybully Well-Known Member

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    that'd be an amazing program to have! I would totally pay for that ability, that's a great idea btw, keep me informed of your progress
    moneybully, Jun 5, 2007 IP
  3. zac439

    zac439 Notable Member

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    Thanks for the great feedback! I'll keep everyone updated through this thread. Any options you'd like to see make the first debut?

    Would you have friends interested? I will put a lot of time into this if a lot of people want this done.
    zac439, Jun 5, 2007 IP
  4. moneybully

    moneybully Well-Known Member

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    I think once ppl see this, there might be alot of enthusiam for the more serious writers
    moneybully, Jun 5, 2007 IP
  5. marketjunction

    marketjunction Well-Known Member

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    No. But I use a complete management system on the Mac. I also wrote a management system that runs on *nix. ;)

    As a copywriter, I have no use for stuff like: what I wrote about, rewriting, and so on.

    However, I'm sure many of the web site article writers here would.

    I'm not sure what knowing that I wrote 10,000 words on Subject X is going to do for me. :)

    I'm only posting so you can get a feel for what your target market is. It's not all writers. It's a specific segment.

    Good luck with it.
    marketjunction, Jun 5, 2007 IP
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  6. zac439

    zac439 Notable Member

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    Actually, I am very glad you posted that.

    What more advanced features could I put in to appeal to your side of the market?

    So far, it is pretty much all organizational, time saving, and statistical software. What else could it be?
    zac439, Jun 5, 2007 IP
  7. marketjunction

    marketjunction Well-Known Member

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    What I do is well beyond simple SEO article writing, which is what your program looks to be for. I think you're onto a great product idea for those types of writers. I'd contact some of them and work in whatever features they need.

    For someone like me, what word counts I've written in the past (for instance) have no value. I do a project and it's over. Also, I'm a copywriter in the true sense, which means I do ad copy as well as articles.

    To me, it looks like you have a nice system going for these Web site article writers.

    One of the features I like with my system is that it's tied into my email program. When someone emails me or I email them, a copy of the email is saved to their account file in the system. I have complete tracking. My email program can crash and burn and it won't matter.

    Another feature is the ability to time bill. For instance, let's say I have a client calling that I need to bill at a rate of $150 an hour, but in 10 minute increments. When the call starts I click a button. When it ends I click a button.

    My system computes the amount owed, it deducts it from their retainer paid, logs all of this, and emails them a receipt (all customizable).

    So, let's say the call was for 46 min 44 secs, the computer rounds up to 50 minutes (10 minute increments, but can be set for whatever) and figures out that $125 is owed.

    Anyway, there's a couple ideas if you're looking to program a more professional solution.
    marketjunction, Jun 5, 2007 IP
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  8. zac439

    zac439 Notable Member

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    Great, I really do appreciate that marketjunction!

    I will incorporate the email logging system, something like Google has. I'm not too sure about the phone call feature just yet, maybe down the road. The receipt is a nice touch too.
    zac439, Jun 6, 2007 IP
  9. LegendaryPosting

    LegendaryPosting Peon

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    I am def surprised you revealed this so early..? when someone could easily take you idea and multiply it!
    LegendaryPosting, Jun 6, 2007 IP
  10. zac439

    zac439 Notable Member

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    I'm not concerned with people stealing my idea. Most of it is already developed, runs very fast, and has extra features that I don't think just anyone could duplicate.

    Obviously, I'm more worried about how I can improve my product than how I can defeat competition.
    zac439, Jun 6, 2007 IP
  11. LegendaryPosting

    LegendaryPosting Peon

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    well thats good but I am just looking out for a fellow dper good luck with it tho!
    LegendaryPosting, Jun 6, 2007 IP
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  12. MaryMary

    MaryMary Prominent Member

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    That does look like an interesting tool you've got there Zac, keep us updated as to how it's coming along.
    MaryMary, Jun 6, 2007 IP
    Briant likes this.
  13. zac439

    zac439 Notable Member

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    Thanks, MaryMary.

    I will definitely keep everyone posted. Any further suggestions or ideas?

    I'm still open to any thoughts on how many people could use this tool that you know of :)
    zac439, Jun 6, 2007 IP
  14. NathanielJ

    NathanielJ Active Member

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    The copywriter (the experienced one I mean) doesn't need tools for word count, analysis, or something to power up his wording. All these actions are performed by the copywriter himself. Period.
    NathanielJ, Jun 7, 2007 IP
  15. zac439

    zac439 Notable Member

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    This is more than that, NathanielJ.

    In fact, those are just extra features. The real tool here is to organize your clients. How many times have you had 8 or more clients and forgot who needs what, how many words, and how many articles?

    I have been in this dilemma many times.

    Also, auto-emailing of things such as progress or missed deadlines is very handy.

    If you just wanted word count and analysis, you could just use Word. This is much more.
    zac439, Jun 7, 2007 IP
  16. chrissie1101

    chrissie1101 Peon

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    It is something I would definitely subscribe to as well. Is there a spot there for rate per client? Depending on my client, I have a flat rate for one, a word count for another, a bulk discount for another and so on. I keep everything hard copy, but going back and forth with so many piles of paper is very retro to me and time consuming.

    How about a way to keep track of how long one job takes? Obviously depending on research some jobs take longer than others. Or I have a repeat job sometimes but only once a month and I often forget how much time to budget for it when I am doing my scheduling.

    Speaking of which, is there a way to keep track of scheduling as well?

    Is there a way to keep track of bids entered?

    I do like the auto email idea as well. Between bids and emails the other day I kept track of my time and it was over 2 hrs of my day, obviously 2 unpaid hours. Very frustrating.

    lol As you can see, I can think of about a million uses with this product.
    chrissie1101, Jun 7, 2007 IP
  17. zac439

    zac439 Notable Member

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    Chrissie, great work. You have given me much to improve on.

    I will be implementing all of your requests, although it will probably be in the form of several updates.

    Again, thanks a lot. That has really helped me out. The release date should be anywhere from 1-2 months.
    zac439, Jun 7, 2007 IP
  18. chrissie1101

    chrissie1101 Peon

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    I have to use PAPER for two more months after you have teased me with this wonderful idea? lol

    If I can think of anything else, I will certainly come back and post or PM.....good luck with it!
    chrissie1101, Jun 7, 2007 IP
  19. chrissie1101

    chrissie1101 Peon

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    heres more...invoicing tool and client payment methods...
    chrissie1101, Jun 7, 2007 IP
  20. sgooey

    sgooey Peon

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    It would be a lot more useful/valuable if you had real-time tracking of
    keyword density. For example, you can track single keywords or
    a combination of keywords and as you type the program will calculate
    the ratio of number of keywords found within the total words of article.

    "plasma tv" --- 5%
    HDTV ------- 7%
    television, colors, high-definition --- 10%

    Also, be able to select a predetermined set of synonyms for specific keywords.
    sgooey, Jun 7, 2007 IP