Help me to find basic design for a web project

Discussion in 'Programming' started by stax76, Oct 8, 2022.

  1. #1
    My use case is rather uncommon. I use a website every day and waste much time there because the site presents a lot of duplicated content. I would like to build an application that hides the duplicated content. What I'm not sure is what design I need because I never did a web or database project.

    I'm the only person who will use the application. There are 10-20 new pages a day, each with 15 items and the majority is duplicated content with minor differences, over a timeframe of years there might be many items. For every shown item on the site, I want to have a button 'Hide this item in the future' to prevent this item to be seen in the future.

    A design I believe that could work is:

    Scrape the content of the site.
    Build and present an own page/site using a web server.
    Use a database to manage the unwanted items.

    Would this work, or might there be a simpler solution?

    Example item:
    <article>Delicious salad recipe</article>
    stax76, Oct 8, 2022 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    that should be relatively simple, depending on the site that you're scraping and how static it's design is - some of the big sites are constantly tweaking their layout and that can break tools we build.

    It'll be easier to do for a desktop browser than for mobile or tablet.

    What I'd do:
    1. install greasemonkey, tampermonkey - name varies depending on your browser
    2. create a new user script
    3. for each article add a "hide" button
    4. add a listener for the hide buttons based on class name
    5. when you click the button add the id of the article to your browser's local storage
    6. add in code that gets the ids from local storage when the page loads
    7. return to the code in #3, if the article id is in the list of hidden ids then hide the article, else add the hide button
    The list of hidden ids may, over time, become too large, so you may want to add a year-month to the ids and only get the lists for the last x months. I'd get it working first though and worry about that later on.
    sarahk, Oct 9, 2022 IP
  3. stax76

    stax76 Peon

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    Thanks, your answer was very helpful, I followed your suggestion and used Tampermonkey and localStorage to store the data.
    stax76, Oct 10, 2022 IP
  4. stax76

    stax76 Peon

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    Web design and development isn't exactly one of my specialities, but certainly something I want to learn more about, it took me many hours to write 200 lines of JavaScript code, lots of room for improvement. It's also a long time since the project before, and I tend to forget quickly.
    stax76, Oct 11, 2022 IP
  5. Mark Elijah

    Mark Elijah Banned

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    Scrape and database works, but complex. Consider simpler options:
    • Browser extension: Easier to build, less maintenance. Might have limitations.
    • User stylesheet (CSS): Very easy, lightweight. Requires some CSS knowledge.
    Choose based on your comfort level:
    • Simpler & faster: Extension or stylesheet.
    • More flexible: Scrape & database (requires coding).
    Mark Elijah, May 4, 2024 IP
  6. adaamgra

    adaamgra Banned

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    A basic web design usually consists of a header showcasing a logo and navigation menu, followed by a hero section featuring a clear call-to-action. It includes sections for highlighting features/benefits, introducing the company, showcasing services/products, displaying portfolio/projects, presenting testimonials, providing contact details, and ending with a footer containing extra links and social media icons.
    adaamgra, May 21, 2024 IP
  7. Mike Saraft

    Mike Saraft Peon

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    Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Who died for our sins and rose from the dead to Give us eternal life. If believe in Jesus Christ and ask Him to save you. He will give the free gift of eternal life. God Loves us!!
    Mike Saraft, Jun 15, 2024 at 5:22 AM IP