The impact of artificial intelligence

Discussion in 'Copywriting' started by Агентство Workogram, Oct 3, 2023.

  1. #1
    Translation industry plays an important role in the globalization of the economy. According to the latest data, Statista, the German company, forecasted that it would reach nearly 60 million U.S. dollars in 2022. This growth trend in the market of translation services has driven the development of software with artificial intelligence (AI).

    Already now, due to AI, Google Translator enables to translate entire sentences taking into consideration the context, and Google Lens makes it possible to see the direct translation of foreign text through the smartphone's camera.

    The ability to automatically translate subtitles and to translate videos online is also the result of the development of modern technology with AI. Such innovations allow to scale video content, as well as to improve mutual understanding with foreign customers and colleagues, overcoming language barriers. During the pandemic, for example, when video communication became the primary communication tool between team members from different countries, Zoom Video Communications acquired Kites, a German developer of real-time instant language translation, in 2021. The project is currently under development.

    Despite the intensive development and transformation of the translation industry, 43% of respondents surveyed by the European Commission, the Institute of Linguistics and the Institute of Translation (UK) disagreed that human translation will become less important in the future. At the same time, experts from Yale and Oxford Universities predict that AI technology will surpass humans by 2062 with a probability of 50%.
    So, who will be right in the result?
  2. MazTHF

    MazTHF Peon

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    Surely AI needs humans to program it :)
    MazTHF, May 19, 2024 IP