New - Keto Supplement Affiliate Program - Re-Occurring 50% commissions + $2000 in bonuses

Discussion in 'Affiliate Programs' started by bigbody300, May 14, 2024.

  1. #1
    I’ve got to share something exciting with you all. If you're exploring high-paying affiliate programs in 2024, especially in the keto/low-carb niche, I highly recommend checking out the Pruvit Affiliate Program. It offers a massive 50% commission, plus bonuses that can go up to $2000!

    I signed up recently and the results have been fantastic—the payouts are weekly, which is convenient. Plus, you can use any traffic sources and even integrate your own FB/Google tracking pixels.

    It's worth noting that the program just launched this May, but Pruvit isn’t new to the keto / supplement scene. They’ve been the top seller of ketones supplements for years. Here’s the link if you want to learn more and get in on this:

    Hope that helps anyone looking to make a solid income this year with affiliate marketing in 2024 and beyond.
    bigbody300, May 14, 2024 IP