Automated Keyword Grouping Tool (Clustering) based on SERP

Discussion in 'Products & Tools' started by Ditmar, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. #1
    Hi everyone,

    I currently in a search of betas to try out the automated Keyword Grouping Tool. If you want to write a review about this tool in this thread and try it for Free just write about it here and I top up your balance for $50.

    Clustering is based on TOP-10 of Google search results. It has proven to be an extremely powerful tool to get a comprehensive keyword structure for every page of your site. Grouping is an easy way to learn how to make your website keyword-rich to run up to a top-rate SEO performance.

    There is a few simple steps:
    1) Import your or Research a new Keywords
    2) Push Clustering button
    3) Enjoy results

    Here is XLSX from my sample
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2016
    Ditmar, Mar 25, 2016 IP
  2. Natasha Jolly

    Natasha Jolly Greenhorn

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    Truly appreciate it. This tool is really awesome, I have just signed up there but I am not able to find out the keywords list like you have shown in your screenshots. Where I need to click to get these results.

    Natasha Jolly, Apr 16, 2016 IP
  3. Ditmar

    Ditmar Well-Known Member

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    Ditmar, Apr 16, 2016 IP
  4. Al_V

    Al_V Member

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    Moreover, apart from keyword import we have a Keyword research tool. It allows you to grab valuable keyword ideas from a bunch of sources. Basically, you can research keywords of Google Keyword Planner, Bing keyword research tool, etc. grab keyword suggestions from Google, Bing, Yahoo, or get keywords that brought some traffic to your website from Google Analytics using a magnet tool. All tools are located on the toolbar. See a screen capture. Press the button, select sources and within 10-15 minutes you'll have a complete list of keywords. Let me know, if you need more details :)

    Attached Files:

    Al_V, Apr 16, 2016 IP
  5. cindy0023

    cindy0023 Peon

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    Somehow, I can't open the link for this tool.
    But I found that there is a very useful keyword grouping free tool SCOHalo SERP Analyzer. First, you need to import keywords into the software through a CSV file, which can be a very large number of keywords, and then it can capture the SERP of keywords, and compare the capture As a result, keywords are grouped according to their SERP similarity, and keywords with the same or similar SERPs are organized into the same group. In a few minutes, you can get a CSV file containing keyword grouping information, and you can also export it with one click.
    Here are its steps:
    1. Import keywords
    2. Start Crawling Google SERPs
    3. Start grouping keywords by AI
    4. Export grouped data to CSV file
    cindy0023, Dec 15, 2022 IP