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I committed suicide on my daughter’s birthday

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by thewolfpreneur, Mar 31, 2022.

  1. #1
    It was 25th december, 2018. It wasn’t only Christmas but my beloved daughter, Rose’s birthday. But she still was very depressed on that day because she had lost her mother just two months ago. She wasn’t able to recover from the death of her mother, neither was I.

    Two months ago, her mother committed suicide because she wasn’t able to tolerate our condition. Our financial condition was so pathetic that we weren’t even able to afford proper food for one month.

    And I thought it was all because of me. I quitted my well-paying job to start my business. I even took a $500k loan thinking my business would be going to be pretty successful but It didn’t play out as I expected. I failed my first business, then I tried again and took even more debt, but again I failed. I thought if I tried again I would be successful, so…

    I decided to take on even more debt, but my wife said, ”Dear, don’t do this.”

    I replied,” Trust me. I will succeed.”

    I finally took on even more debt and at that time, my total debt equaled $2.1 million dollars.

    I failed again. But, my lovely wife still supported me after failure and she used to say, “Hard Times only makes us stronger.”. I decided to get a job, but at the same time recession hits and companies stop hiring. Then, I was forced to do a minimum-wage job which barely supported my house properly.

    I still remember that time was extremely difficult. Some nights I had to sleep without eating. Even once, my daughter said, ”Mom, Dad you should eat tonight. I can sleep hungry tonight because I am strong like you guys.”She was 8 at that time. And I always thought I was responsible for all of this.

    But, my wife wasn’t able to tolerate all of this, so she committed suicide.

    And after two months, I thought, “My wife died because of me. I should have been the one who died. After I die, the orphanage can take care of my daughter better than me.” So I decided to die by hanging myself with the rope.

    But before I did anything, my daughter stopped me from doing anything wrong. She said, ”I need you dad. This all didn’t happen because of you. Remember, what mom used to say…‘Hard Times only makes us stronger’.”

    At that point of time, those words which were said by a 9-year old girl were capable of persuading her 42-year old father to not give up his life and be stronger.

    And if my little strong girl hadn’t said that, I would not be able to go through the dark times and have my first breakthrough. And finally live the dreams of my life.

    I was able to purchase a luxurious home, sexy cars and truly have a beautiful lifestyle that I nearly lost all hope of having after getting into the financial deephole. More importantly, I was able to give my daughter the dream life she deserves. I wish my wife would be here to experience this beautiful life.

    And it all happened because I was having the power to go through the dark times. And it’s the cost of success; it’s the true cost of living the life of your dreams.

    That’s why not everybody can achieve the life of their dreams…

    because they don’t believe they have enough to go through the pain.

    because they don’t believe they are capable of staring into the eyes of fear and defeat him

    Because they don’t think they are made for living their life to the fullest.

    Do you?...

    Think Great, Do Great, Be Great

    P.S. I can't reveal the name of the person in the story because of privacy issues.
    thewolfpreneur, Mar 31, 2022 IP
  2. rovshan2

    rovshan2 Greenhorn

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    Kinda kindergarten. Eastern wisdom "You Cannot Step Into the Same River Twice". No expectation to make money the way you made it before.

    And the daughter's bday is an appropriate date, particularly for a 9-year old.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2022
    rovshan2, Apr 2, 2022 IP
    matt_62 likes this.
  3. matt_62

    matt_62 Prominent Member

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    [​IMG] I am going to assume this is real... dude, this is a horrific story.

    This is why financial and business advise is crucial and people should seek advice before starting a business. I do know of people that quit their job to start a business, aka, follow their dream and ended up homeless. Yeah, eventually they will recover. I just wish they had talked to me before starting their business.

    Your story, your experience, there is no recovery from that. No amount you make will ever recover from the damage caused. But you post it in a way, that almost justifies the end. Almost as if you are glad it happened.

    Personally, I dont give a fuck if I die rich, or poor. Who fucking cares, you litterally cant take it with you. Whats on the tombstone doesnt matter if noone alive is left to read it. "rich person buried here..." I would rather be poor and have "beloved but poor father and husband buried here"....

    There are two things that money cannot buy. Friends and family. As long as I have those two things, and food to eat, then I am happy.

    @op. If I seem harsh, I honestly hope that you are ok. Thearapy may be a good idea, both for you and your daughter.

    For those thinking "at least the daughter will inherit wealth one day", I have spoken with a few financial advisors, solitictors, and lawyers in my time. Its funny how they talk about inheritance. I have heard stories where the kids hated the money to the point where they refused to touch it, or just blew it like crazy. In both cases, they resented what the money meant. It meant that dad missed their baseball game, or footy match.

    But you get that kid, that loved thier broke arse parent no matter what. They get, $5k for an inheritance and they might be forever grateful and loving and respectful for their relative.

    TL/DR: I hope I leave my kids with loving memories, and not millions...
    matt_62, Apr 2, 2022 IP
    sarahk and jrbiz like this.
  4. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    One of the "truisms" that I have heard from wealth management types follows along these lines:

    First Generation of Wealth earns it, grows it, and then passes it along.
    Second Generation of Wealth spends it down.
    Third Generation of Wealth loses it entirely.
    jrbiz, Apr 3, 2022 IP
    sarahk and matt_62 like this.
  5. racs

    racs Banned

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    I feel sad and happy at same, sad because you lost your wife and happy because now you can provide all luxurious life to you child
    racs, Mar 27, 2023 IP