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Services, packs and products.

Discussion in 'General Business' started by Horia, Dec 29, 2020.

  1. #1
    Hello dear friends.

    Please I need help to figure out our web design prices and web design plans.
    Along with my colleague coworker we get to the point where we decide to divide our services offer in packs, products and services.

    So we came up with the flowing website characteristics, but if the client wants something extra or special we send him an invoice with the final estimated price:

    -hosting, domain and email accounts management ( we decided not to offer hosting services for various reasons and decided to help the client configure the hosting account and set it up for him if he wants to)
    -responsive design
    -initial basic SEO optimization
    -3 design to choose from
    -contact form
    -number of website sections
    -links to social networks
    -cookies and privacy politics
    -interactive Google map
    -self managed website option
    -translations to other languages
    -images included in the site
    -total nr of pages in the website
    -image gallery
    -products catalog
    -SEO diagnostics
    -plug ins install for SEO/Spam/security/email
    -blog integration
    -content generation(text, photos, banner, logo...)
    -graphic elements that the client may choose from, banners, hero section, animations, buttons, audio, video, photographic retouch.

    The problem is that we can't decide on how to charge the price and dived the website characteristics by pack so we can save time by not doing so many invoices and help the clients get an idea of what will be the estimate cost of his website.

    Please note that this are standard characteristics of a normal corporate website, in a future post I will again ask some help to find out what to charge for a woocomerce online store.

    I usually charge for a 5 pages website with a contact form, 10 images, a google map, links to social networks, and all the usual design characteristics, like make the design responsive and design it with SEO in ming 300€. But that is the standard offer that I make and we need to scale our prices so the firm may be successful because now we are two, and my colleague dose not have freelancing experience
    and has no clue about what to charge.

    If you can help me out I will be really grateful.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

    Horia, Dec 29, 2020 IP
  2. Horia

    Horia Greenhorn

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    After thinking a little more and searching the web, we came up with the next chart, but still need some external help to figure it out a little bit more and decide our prices,

    Horia, Dec 30, 2020 IP
  3. cronik

    cronik Well-Known Member

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    I've tried this before, and honestly it didn't work out because almost every client would have specific requests and the packages never seemed to work out. A custom quote after a consultation is always better.

    If you or your client doesn't know how to charge, then making a flat rate package plan won't work for you. You need to get an idea of how much you each want to make an hour, and kind of estimate how long the job will take. Start logging your time when you guys complete certain tasks. And then, you can come up with packages and flat rate prices that will average out to pay you both exactly how much you desire to be paid.
    cronik, Jan 7, 2021 IP
    Ayoub benali01 and jrbiz like this.
  4. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I have mentioned this on another recent thread, but I do not publish product or service pricing on my companies' websites for a variety of reasons. In addition, I see no value, in particular, in offering package prices for services. First, you are reducing your services to a commodity in that this type of pricing shows that you clearly view one website to be just like another; that is a contrary message to the uniqueness of his/her business that most web owners feel strongly about their businesses. Second, the type of customer that will find a commodity approach like this attractive will likely not turn out to be a high value, long-term customer.
    jrbiz, Jan 12, 2021 IP
    Ayoub benali01 likes this.
  5. Ayoub benali01

    Ayoub benali01 Active Member

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    Hey jrbiz I hope you're well and healthy!
    So what I understood from you is if I offer services (for my case writing services) I shouldn't make packages for my offers? Please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm planning to launch my writer/author website whereby I offer my services, and I was thinking to make them in packages for example 350 words article= $15 | 500 words= $25 and so on.
    Ayoub benali01, Jan 12, 2021 IP
  6. Millie Jack

    Millie Jack Greenhorn

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    Some clients might be looking for options that you are not offering and some might ask for services that you haven't mentioned here. So, it's better you offer them full customization options.
    Millie Jack, Jan 19, 2021 IP
  7. Leith Akira

    Leith Akira Peon

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    It would be helpful to divide services into packs for different prices, depending on the number of services needed. This would make it easier to estimate costs for clients.
    Leith Akira, Apr 4, 2023 IP
  8. Annaccond

    Annaccond Member

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    You make it too complicated and confusing for customers. What if they just want a simple portfolio with a large photo gallery? It's a simple project, but even your PRO plan doesn't cover it. Every project is different and should be priced individually based on the client's requirements. The best practice is to have a "base price" ("Starts from $XX") for different types of projects (such as: static website, CMS website, blog, portal, online store, etc.) and then a flat fee for various add-ons and extensions, etc. For example: a simple static website (usually with 5 sub-pages) could start at $99. If the client wishes 7 sub-pages, a hero section with a slider and a photo gallery, this could be priced as: $99 (base) + $20 (2 additional sub-pages) + $30 (hero) + $40 (gallery) = $189, etc.
    Annaccond, Apr 6, 2023 IP