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Ethic and business

Discussion in 'General Business' started by Horia, Dec 30, 2020.

  1. #1
    This thread is about, lie to, cheat and deceive the client, selling things that he doesn't need, price inflation, give him long finishing terms and so on

    In the design career design process teacher told us about ethics in the design work. He mostly, told that you may not steal others designer work and take the merit of it

    Also told us to not lie to the client by telling him that you need more time than necessary to deliver the job

    Not to tel him that it will cost more that it is worth, don't cheat him and charge extra for typical design tasks

    Don't sell him what he dose not need, and so on

    I must admit that back then I was a social-moral nihilist and don't bother much about ethic because I was seeing numbers,atoms and molecules if you understand what I mean.

    So after a marketing seminar I attended, the man how give it showed me that there are another reality interpretations so he told me that if you build up a friendly and mutual beneficial relationship based on care and generous affects yo can grow both and make more money and you as the designer have a peaceful conscience and live more happy knowing that you din not do nothing illegal from the point of view of moral and ethic.

    So at this point I must admit that I did wrong and disgusting things in my career as a designer, made a lot of mistakes, OK. But that attitude was a product of past experience with clients, bosses and person as well.

    Now I know that it is recommendable and for me now is the best way to work, to have your “soul” in peace and that you maybe lose money, health from the stress that the situation that you are in produces, sleep bad and other effects of being correct and not cheat the client.

    Some time the client is a moron who thinks that for the reason that they pay you they can afford to talk to you in an unpleasant way, and hurry you up so you do the job faster because he has an important event to accomplish in a short period of time.

    To the point, what I what to know if you think that applying ethic to your work is something secondary or not important and the most important thing is that the client is happy and proud of the result of the job.
    Horia, Dec 30, 2020 IP
    Spoiltdiva likes this.
  2. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    What you have written above, I too can admit. "What profit a man if he gains the world yet loses his soul"?
    The fact that you have retained enough honesty to admit this means that you have evolved not only as a businessman, but as a human being as well.
    Spoiltdiva, Dec 30, 2020 IP
  3. Horia

    Horia Greenhorn

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    I don't want to be any type of homo sapiens-sapiens, but there are times when I have to "correct" the kind of client I get from time to time. Because they deserve it a lot, for that reason I choose my clients and don't work for anyone that doesn't meet my moral standards and hierarchy of values I built myself cross the years from experiences I had with humans and other situations.
    Horia, Dec 30, 2020 IP
    JoeSpirit and sarahk like this.
  4. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Life is about choices, better to be a Homo Sapien that is evolved as opposed to a Neanderthal that can't or won't.;)
    Spoiltdiva, Dec 30, 2020 IP
    fencerstars likes this.
  5. fencerstars

    fencerstars Greenhorn

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    I would agree with this. Ethics come from what morals you have and morals is what makes you a person with conscience.
    fencerstars, Dec 30, 2020 IP
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  6. JoeSpirit

    JoeSpirit Well-Known Member

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    I see nothing wrong with being selective when choosing your customers. And I've never had a problem firing one if necessary.
    JoeSpirit, Dec 31, 2020 IP
    mmerlinn likes this.
  7. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    If you take care of your customers, those customers will take care of you even if you are charging the highest price.

    Once in a while I get customers that I don't want to deal with usually because they are ungrateful pains in the butt. Rather than getting into a word war, I simply price those customers out of the market. On the other hand, those customers that are jewels often get screaming deals that no one else gets.

    Moral of this is that if you want to deal with me, don't make my life miserable. Nothing unethical about choosing customers just like there is nothing unethical about choosing your friends.

    Low price, good quality, good service. Choose any two, you cannot have all three.
    mmerlinn, Dec 31, 2020 IP
    jrbiz, JoeSpirit and Spoiltdiva like this.
  8. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    ^^^Maybe I should start doing that with some of my problem tenants!:mad: Problem is that for the foreseeable future, no rent increases are allowed due to Covid-19 and the lousy economy. *but their day is coming;)
    Spoiltdiva, Dec 31, 2020 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  9. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    Pricing does not need to be monetary. For example, if your tenants do not mow the lawn per the rental agreement, be there the next day to let them know they are breaking the agreement. Same thing with garbage, junk vehicles, and on and on. Eventually, they will get tired of you babysitting them and will leave. Yeah, it is a pain for you, but you get rid of the miserable slobs and hopefully can up the rent for the next tenant who will hopefully be one you you do not need to babysit.
    mmerlinn, Dec 31, 2020 IP
    JoeSpirit and Spoiltdiva like this.
  10. asmodeus

    asmodeus Notable Member

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    Despite what retail says, The customer is NOT always right. When I'm freelancing I don't put up with any BS. I've turned down many offers from clients who wanted to treat me like dirt. Let them go abuse some other fool!

    For good clients, on the other hand, I treat well and with respect, even going so far as to refuse to take their order if I detect they are getting scammed by a third party. I will give them the truth about what I see as the problem.

    Treat others as you would want to be treated.
    asmodeus, Jan 1, 2021 IP
  11. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    This is an EXCELLENT topic because to be brutally frank (when am I anything but) the vast majority of people working in this field are either scam artists, duped by scam artists, or just plain suckered by BALD FACED LIES!. On the whole the entire industry is painfully and agonizingly dishonest... about everything.

    A hefty chunk of my medium articles were written just to debunk or illustrate how stupid/ignorant the outright bald faced lies people in this industry parrot.


    This industry is riddled with lies. Sadder still, because they're repeated, because so few people take the time to understand anything, because many people just cry "wah wah eye dunz wunna lurns!", these lies are accepted as fact.

    More so with people so easily suckered by propaganda techniques like bandwagon. "But millions of websites use this" doesn't make them RIGHT. See such derpitude as HTML/CSS framework like bootcrap, or using turdpress for business, or any of the dozens of other ways to flat out rip off customers. Yeah, you can make money ripping people off. Doesn't make that right either.

    Part of why I specialize in helping people who've been ripped off, or are in deep legal doo-doo because they were saddled up and taken for a ride by the LIES!

    One of the biggest lies being how the word "easier" is thrown at things that are not. Sure, people BELIEVE these things are "easier" because everyone says it is, when most such folks never learned enough to even have a valid opinion on the topic.

    As to dealing with clients...

    So often dealing with certain types of clients -- or their employees -- run. Run far, run fast, run long, but most importantly... RUN!

    You have to evaluate if it's actually worth your time. There are a LOT of clients and a lot of things people use and want, that flat out just aren't worth the long term headaches.

    As a society we have far too much of a "credit mentality"; pay more later for something you can't afford now. That's not a battleplan for victory and is a significant contributor to why most startups fail. This "now now now we need to be deploy yesterday" shit is what makes people dive for sleazy dirtbag LIES like bootcrap, assbreeze, turdpress, etc, etc, and it shtups them every single blasted time -- whether they realize it or not. They'll put the blame on themselves, they'll put the blame on their customers or site visitors, they'll put the blame on not working hard enough.

    They'll put the blame on everything except what has actually screwed them from day one, because they've bought the lies hook, line, sinker, and a bit o' the rod!
    deathshadow, Jan 5, 2021 IP
    malky66 and mmerlinn like this.
  12. Ziporal Morris

    Ziporal Morris Banned

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    Ethics should always come first, as it sets the foundation for a healthy working relationship with clients.
    Ziporal Morris, Apr 4, 2023 IP
  13. Annaccond

    Annaccond Member

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    People who do so are not real web developers but a bunch of millennials who pretending to have skills. They're creating obsolete non-semantic websites using Bootcrap (nested DIVs and dozens of classes in each) as they don't know how to create a sticky header or responsive website with CSS flexbox or grid. The worst thing is that propaganda made different frameworks kinda "industry standard" and businesses want to use them in their projects even if there's no benefit. Experienced PHP developer won't find a job these days if he don't know Laravel, Symfony etc. He can build things from scratch but no, it's better to copy-paste someone else functions and classes because it's trendy to do so. How about opening a restaurant and giving a chef bags with frozen food and microwave. Will he refuse to work for you as he wants to cook only fresh meals for customers? Likely not, because previous restaurants he's been working for had similar standards. What I'm trying to say is that market and environment seems to pushing even ethic people out of their comfort zone.
    Annaccond, Apr 6, 2023 IP