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Chronogical read of E-Investment : what's next?

Discussion in 'General Business' started by meloua, Aug 15, 2020.

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    Chronogical read of e-investent : what's next?

    hello, i have been with my friend sitting and talking about how fast things are going in the internet, it's like every service or business out ther you can think of, is becoming digital and online now , and many e-business domain that will pop up few years from now but we dont here about currently, like you know, the bitcoin for example, created in 2008. i remembr i was on college and just found facebook and used it to chase girls, if i just looked more for about money and stuff like i looked for girls may be i would be rich !! haha , but we knew about bitcoin 8 years after, it poped up the wolrd is is shaked .many businesses are poped up since, dropshipping , forex industry .. , you get the idea of our question here, my friend and i , asked ourslefs, how can we get to the party before it's late? or what kind of domain or businesses could be cooking right now by giniuses and specialist, to be poping up soon ?? i know i regret missing years ago of searching and learning , and i dont want to regret it again few years from now ,about what i could be searching right now in 2020.
    very complicated question to.understand i know, but it worth thinking , what you think guys?
    meloua, Aug 15, 2020 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I think it's getting harder to create something without a team and therefore you need investors to pay your team.

    You need to think about what isn't being done... and find a way of doing it.
    sarahk, Aug 15, 2020 IP
  3. Dandee25

    Dandee25 Greenhorn

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    If some of the physical businesses that have recently gone out of business, existed online. If you think about it? Maybe all those businesses would still be in BUSINESS. An online businesses never sleeps, is available 24 hours and 7 days a week. Because of the COVID-19 Restrictions, Some physical businesses had to cut hours, lay off employees, and close their doors.
    Dandee25, Aug 15, 2020 IP
  4. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Depends on the lockdown rules
    We had 5 weeks where only essential businesses could be open - clothing stores that had e-commerce sites weren't allowed to sell anything that wasn't considered "essential".
    We're now on a step down and, yes, if you can trade online you should be. Still hard for service companies to provide their services. We don't really do high-end takeout so unless you're selling a lot of coffee, or McDs, you're stuffed.

    I know the US has had very liberal lockdown rules compared to say Panama or Peru. The OP is from Morocco - what's it been like there?
    sarahk, Aug 15, 2020 IP
  5. meloua

    meloua Peon

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    yeah, you need team effort and time, you can afford all of this if you had the idea, i'm still wondering, how the first dropshipper in the world , tought about dropshipping (( if he was on ebay, and with no restrictions like today, he would be a billionnaire now )), how the fisrt trader, tought about bitcoin a credible currency ... and how can i be the first in something will apear in the future, i mean ,is there any way i could know what's will be poping up in the futur?
    meloua, Aug 16, 2020 IP
  6. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    you need to use your imagination.
    Think about a problem or a need people have, talk to them about it, chat to strangers, drive for uber and ask all your passengers, get a ton of information about this problem. People might say "if only I could do x" - find a way to make x happen.
    sarahk, Aug 16, 2020 IP
  7. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I think that one of the biggest opportunities in the near future will be businesses that capitalize on the trend for remote work. Companies that help with the transition to this new way of working could be quite successful. Some potential areas:

    1. If someone could provide a solution for dinosaur managers who do not trust their employees and feel that they can only be sure that people are working if they see them in the office, that would be a big help in this transition. Is there an innovative way to track employee's results instead of their time that dinosaur managers could embrace?

    2. Is there a solution that will help to show how dramatically reducing rush hour traffic by eliminating a large percentage of people commuting greatly reduces emissions and helps the environment? Such a solution would provide "cover" for modern managers to push hard for remote work.

    3. How about a service or solution that provides proof of ROI for switching to remote work? I hear that the office buildings in Manhattan are empty right now. How many companies would like to know that they can end their leases there forever and not suffer financially for doing so?

    4. I'm in sales and marketing and the past few months, I have attended a number of virtual business conferences. One big piece that no one has yet figured out is how to duplicate the main reason why salespeople and companies attend or exhibit at these shows: the ability to "bump into" new prospects at sessions, during breaks, at lunch, etc. Virtual conferences currently do the sessions well, but there is no good way to "network." If someone figures this out, they will put Zoom, Teams, and the other conferencing systems out of business!
    jrbiz, Aug 21, 2020 IP
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