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Discussion in 'General Chat' started by jrbiz, Feb 1, 2020.

  1. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    What??? What about the coronavirus/zombie apocalypse that is so imminent that we have tanked what had been one of the best economies I have ever seen? Please don't tell me that this is just another flu virus that will run its course as they all do.

    Thank goodness that everyone stocked up on toilet paper! That is likely what is bringing the mortality rate down, despite the predictions of the public health officials and their friends in the fake news media.

    Here is my next prediction: the fake news media here in the U.S. is realizing that this hoax is going the same way that the Russian collusion, Ukraine, and other such hoaxes have gone: Trump is beating them again at their own game and will likely come out of this "crisis" with an even higher approval rating. In a few weeks, you will see the fake news media losing interest in the coronavirus apocalypse because they will realize that they lost the PR game again and, more than likely, have actually helped Trump to win re-election with this nonsense. The economy will come back as soon as investors and businesspeople realize they have been played (again) by the fake news media and will probably go higher and stronger than it was before the "apocalypse."

    That said, I am offering a special BOGO offer for all models of tinfoil hats. Stock up now before the shelves are empty!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2020
    jrbiz, Mar 19, 2020 IP
    JoeSpirit and Spoiltdiva like this.

    ASSAM CHENNIK Greenhorn

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    The death toll from the emerging corona virus has crossed the 3,000 mark in the world while its outbreak is accelerating outside China, putting people around the world in a state of anxiety and panic because of the lack of treatment yet.


    The most frequently asked question about this virus, is how can it end? Will he develop a treatment for him before he becomes a pandemic?

    No one has a clear answer to these questions, but scientists have tried to develop scenarios of how the virus ends and its danger disappears, according to a report published by The Washington Post. See the original text


    The first scenario

    The first scenario, which scientists expect, and which will be an ideal result, is that the public health services control the virus, given that the new Corona virus is similar to the spread of the SARS virus in Asia in 2002 when the death rate reached about 10 percent of the infected, and public health institutions have been able Finding ways and procedures to deal with it and contain it.

    SARS had more severe symptoms than the emerging coronavirus, and its symptoms caused those with it to go to hospital in the early stages of the disease.

    University of Maryland virologist Stuart Weston said that tracking and finding those infected with our noveltyus virus is more difficult especially because his symptoms are mildly infected, which makes him unaware that he is already infected.

    Weston, who is among a group of researchers who obtained a sample of the emerging Corona virus to study, added that tracking infected cases is the most difficult task in the early stages of the disease.

    The second scenario

    The second scenario relates to the invasion of the Coruna virus by the least developed countries, and matters get worse, but they improve after that, and this is similar to what happened with the outbreak of the Ebola virus during 2014-2016, where the epidemic spread in West Africa and caused more than 11 thousand deaths and infected about 28 thousand people, but it stopped About spreading at a certain stage.


    The spread of the Ebola virus was accompanied by a shortage of medical supplies and personnel in African countries, but the frequency of its spread was less contagious than the emerging corona that can be transmitted through the spray of cough and sneezing of the infected person, which may be present on various surfaces.

    The World Health Organization urges countries to prepare for the worst and raise the risk assessment to the highest level. The organization says “this is a realistic test for every government on the planet”, and that the authorities’ failure to discover cases of infection and their unwillingness is not an excuse not to search for a cure for the disease.

    The third scenario

    The third scenario, the new Corona virus is expected to spread and become a reality we live with, which is similar to what happened when the swine flu virus (H1N1) broke out, as it spread between about 21 percent of the world’s population, and the WHO declared a pandemic.

    But it has now become one of the types of seasonal viruses, which appear every year and disappear on its own all over the world, and although the mortality rate of this virus is lower than SARS, it is more deadly because of its spread.

    Figures show that the swine flu virus killed 1269 people during the 2009-2010 season, infected more than 60 million people and caused more than 274,000 people to be sent to hospitals.

    Epidemiologists fear that the Spanish flu that swept the world in 1918 was the closest to the new Corona, in which the death rate was 2.5 percent of infections, as it was the deadliest in human history and killed about 50 million people around the world.

    Florian Kramer, a virologist who says the world was very different in 1918 from what it is now, there were no important tools for diagnosis and hospitals were places of death and not for treatment let alone wars that were going on around the world.

    He adds that the number of people who will die from the emerging corona virus reflects its spread and our willingness to combat it.

    Auxiliary factors

    After the spread of the swine flu virus, scientists were able to develop vaccines that protect against this disease, and this helped the residents of the regions that this virus belongs to deal with later, and made it a seasonal disease that is not dangerous.

    Although it is not known that this new corona virus was affected by weather and its seasonality, however, even if it disappeared in the summer season, scientists must develop a vaccine for it, and continue studying it to see whether it will become seasonal and ways to prevent and protect from it.

    Maria van Kerkhov, a WHO epidemiologist, says, “We are still learning a lot about the virus and there is no reason to believe it will behave differently in different climatic environments. We must see what happens as this progresses.”

    Scientists must also search for the source of this virus, as SARS spreads from bats to cats and to humans, and the Middle East respiratory syndrome from bats to camels to humans, but with the emerging corona its animal source is still not definitively unknown.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2020
    ASSAM CHENNIK, Mar 19, 2020 IP
  3. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    As a non American I leave all that political stuff to you guys. Having written that, Twitter/Youtube was going crazy a couple of days ago when Dana Bash of CNN was actually praising Trump's handling of the pandemic. Neutral independents will most likely approve of his recent leadership and he will win both houses in November.
    Spoiltdiva, Mar 19, 2020 IP
    JoeSpirit and jrbiz like this.
  4. hodor1

    hodor1 Member

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    everything will great ! no martter what .
    hodor1, Mar 19, 2020 IP
  5. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Unless you're dead or living with 20% reduced lung capacity.
    sarahk, Mar 19, 2020 IP
    jrbiz and JoeSpirit like this.
  6. JoeSpirit

    JoeSpirit Well-Known Member

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    Hmmm. Could it be that Spoiltdiva's "4-month news" has you worried that you'll get stuck with an over-abundance of tinfoil hats???
    JoeSpirit, Mar 20, 2020 IP
    Spoiltdiva and jrbiz like this.
  7. JoeSpirit

    JoeSpirit Well-Known Member

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    Haven't paid much attention to CNN for some time now. Does this Dana Bash still have a job with them???
    JoeSpirit, Mar 20, 2020 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  8. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Nah, we have a strong customer base from other sources: Voodoo curses, alien abductions, government mind control, etc. I am just trying to do my part to help stem the virus outbreak while simultaneously helping the potato farmers out there.
    jrbiz, Mar 20, 2020 IP
    JoeSpirit likes this.
  9. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Haven't watched the Clinton News Network since they showed their crazed bias in the 1990's. If she is not yet gone, it is simply because they want to let her go in the dark of night once the glare of spotlights is off her. You cannot go against the fake news narratives (be it Coronavirus, climate change, socialism, etc.) and keep your job if you work for "woke" companies. Much like their Communist dictator heroes, the Left cannot tolerate diversity of opinion. You are either gone or forced into re-education camps until you can recite, verbatim, their fake news and corrupt ideology.
    jrbiz, Mar 20, 2020 IP
    JoeSpirit likes this.
  10. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    The past couple of days, I have heard a couple of tidbits that probably are along the lines of Captain Obvious type explanations, but they are important to keep in mind:

    Flattening the Curve. The isolation that we are putting into effect to "flatten the curve" will in no way reduce the number of people who catch the virus. It is simply hoping to not have a big peak that will overwhelm hospitals and healthcare professionals. The same number of people will ultimately still be infected but over a longer period of time. This means that flattening the curve will actually extend the time that the virus infection process will take. The virus will not be halted until enough people "in the herd" have been infected and developed immunity unless a vaccine or cure is developed beforehand.

    Virus mutations. Some healthcare professionals are supposedly worried about the virus mutating and becoming more fatal, more damaging, etc. It turns out that viruses do not want to kill their human hosts because they also die along with them. In fact, a virus would prefer to cause no symptoms in infected humans so that they can continue on living unnoticed in their hosts. That is why the vast majority of mutations result in virus strains that cause milder and milder symptoms in humans.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2020
    jrbiz, Mar 20, 2020 IP
    JoeSpirit and Spoiltdiva like this.
  11. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    This new virus seems to have brought out the worst behavior in some people, case in point. The other day word got out that a truck load of tinfoil hats was arriving at the local Home Depot store. They have been increasingly hard to find as they have been flying off the shelves as of late. I wanted to buy the tinfoil hat as a birthday gift for a relative.
    I drove down to the store just after opening hours and already there was a long line up about 2 blocks long. I decided to check back later and there were 2 women fighting over the last tinfoil hat left. It was awful, they were both smacking each other over the heads with their hand bags. As they were fighting a 3rd woman grabbed the remaining tinfoil hat and ran off with it!

    Get a grip people, in spite of urban myth tinfoil hats alone will not save your lives! *tinfoil hats along with toilet paper will
    Spoiltdiva, Mar 20, 2020 IP
    JoeSpirit and jrbiz like this.
  12. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    We are taking a page from the ventilator manufacturers and talking to GM, Ford, etc., about using their excess manufacturing capability to make more tinfoil hats. And, there is no need to worry about replacing the toilet paper rolls on the Deluxe models: we have a new agreement with Scott and Northern for expedited access to their inventory. Right now, we do not need the National Guard to help with distribution, but have contingency planning with them and FEMA in case our life-saving products get bottlenecked anywhere.

    We are also planning to launch our new upgrade kits for those that purchased the standard Tinfoil Hats and want to upgrade to the 100% guaranteed life-saving Deluxe or Super Deluxe Tinfoil Hats. It will cost a bit more than if you had had the foresight to purchase the higher grade tinfoil hats, originally, but leasing programs will be available. Note that the bleeding out of the ears symptoms will continue but our testing has shown that it stops after 2.5 months, on average. Very few people have needed blood transfusions, as a result.
    jrbiz, Mar 20, 2020 IP
    Spoiltdiva likes this.
  13. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    For the love of God, what took you guys so long? But all's well that ends well. When I see the sun glaring off of the countless tinfoil hats around town I know that people are finally getting the message:

    a. purchase tinfoil hats
    b. stock up on toilet paper
    c. self isolate
    d. wash hands

    If everyone stays at home wearing their tinfoil hats surrounded by mounds of toilet paper, we will get through this together!
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2020
    Spoiltdiva, Mar 20, 2020 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  14. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    Sounds like it's been taken from a sci-fi book. Maybe viruses are the aliens we've been looking for??
    qwikad.com, Mar 20, 2020 IP
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  15. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Shouldn't you be thinking about my Super Deluxe Tinfoil Hat??? :) The Invisibility feature means that the aliens trying to abduct you will not be able to find you.

    Seriously, the virus explanation makes sense from a survival of the fittest perspective: the viruses that fly under the radar and do not cause their hosts much inconvenience are the ones that will thrive and be able to reproduce. The ones that kill or cause problems for their hosts will have much shorter lifespans, on average.
    jrbiz, Mar 20, 2020 IP
  16. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    I have hard time believing that they have that kind of intelligence. It's more likely that the ones that are non-deadly or lie dormant in you (like the herpes virus) are subdued by your immune system. On the other hand, the ones that kill you are those that your immune system can't overpower. No?
    qwikad.com, Mar 20, 2020 IP
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  17. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Viruses have no intelligence, as far as I am aware. However, it is just a numbers game: the viruses that are not killing or greatly annoying their hosts tend to live longer which means they tend to reproduce more. The viruses that kill humans or cause those humans to take medicines that kill the virus tend to survive and reproduce less. Over time, the first group of viruses tend to take over their population simply because they survive and reproduce more.
    jrbiz, Mar 20, 2020 IP
  18. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    Go it. I was just a bit puzzled by your "In fact, a virus would prefer to cause no symptoms..." To prefer implies it has to have intelligence. I don't believe that it can "prefer" anything.
    qwikad.com, Mar 20, 2020 IP
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  19. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Poetic license... ;)
    jrbiz, Mar 20, 2020 IP
  20. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    I agree with this statement. If the viruses had any intelligence at all, they would all be wearing little tinfoil hats to protect themselves from our antibodies.;)
    Spoiltdiva, Mar 20, 2020 IP
    JoeSpirit and jrbiz like this.