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As a business owner/entrepreneur do you struggle with losing weight?

Discussion in 'General Business' started by Joshua Clark, Oct 21, 2019.

  1. #1
    Hey Everyone, I'm currently in a research phase where I'm trying to find out how one could make it easier for business owners and entrepreneurs to lose weight and get in good shape [​IMG]

    So I have 2 simple question

    As a business owner/entrepreneur do you struggle with losing weight and getting in good shape? If you do what are the 2 biggest issues you face?
    Joshua Clark, Oct 21, 2019 IP
  2. KylieSweet

    KylieSweet Well-Known Member

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    Most of the field in business are not physical dealt in and I think it has nothing to do with struggling in losing weight. Both are in different cases.
    KylieSweet, Oct 23, 2019 IP
  3. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Everyone is time poor. Accepting that a healthy body makes you a better worker takes a bit of doing.
    sarahk, Oct 23, 2019 IP
  4. pauly99

    pauly99 Well-Known Member

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    Even as a person who sits in a cubicle all day at work, how in the heck do you burn calories? You drive to work for 45 minutes, sit in a cubicle for 8+ hours, and then drive home for 45 minutes. Most likely to then have dinner and sit on a couch.
    Basically you have to make the time to either walk a few times a day or exercise before work, on your lunch hour, or after work.
    pauly99, Oct 23, 2019 IP
  5. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I have struggled with weight issues long before I became a business owner/entrepreneur. I just have better excuses now for being the archetypical yo-yo dieter. And, since I am basically older than dirt now, I do not see any change happening in my horrible dietary habits. But let me answer your second question about the two biggest issues I face: I love to eat and am always hungry. Check out my signature line if you want further clarification on my food addiction. :)
    jrbiz, Oct 23, 2019 IP
  6. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    I am fortunate with having good genes. No one in my family is heavy. I have a small frame and really could not accommodate too much weight. Along with this I am addicted to riding my mountain bike, and I also have a small home gym which I do use when I can.

    Being high strung I burn off energy (calories) and I do eat a lot of salads and fruits while staying clear of junk food. The sum total of all this, is that I am seldom over 5 pounds over my target weight.
    Spoiltdiva, Oct 23, 2019 IP
  7. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    Lately, I've been eating just two meals a day. I snack on healthy snacks in between (unsalted sunflower seeds, unsalted nuts, apples, etc.). I do lift weights but I am not as dedicated today as I was last year. Considering that I spend 8-10 hours at the computer, almost every day, I am able to keep my weight in check.
    qwikad.com, Oct 23, 2019 IP
  8. pauly99

    pauly99 Well-Known Member

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    I eat probably 6-7 times a day but only a few hundred calories each time. I learned that while bodybuilding and powerlifting. Although I'm not working out to the extent I was 20 years ago, I do get my steps in (according to the Fitbit), like to do stairs instead of taking the elevator, and enjoy walking while playing golf. Basically 2200 calories in and 2200 calories out hopefully in a day.
    pauly99, Oct 23, 2019 IP