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How to earn money online!

Discussion in 'General Business' started by kubipan, Jan 31, 2018.

  1. amanda14

    amanda14 Peon

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    hi kubipan!
    sad to hear about your job. what kind of skill do you have?
    amanda14, Jun 18, 2019 IP
  2. Orol

    Orol Member

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    affiliate programs will help you.
    Orol, Jun 18, 2019 IP
  3. amanda14

    amanda14 Peon

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    yes affiliates are also best known for online money making program. thanks Orol
    amanda14, Jun 18, 2019 IP
  4. MatBerrows

    MatBerrows Greenhorn

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    it depends on what skills you have.
    try seo
    MatBerrows, Jun 18, 2019 IP
  5. lukeo

    lukeo Peon

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    You can earn money lots of ways but some are expensive to start especially if you are broke. You should start freelancing on upwork and elance with something simple that you can do well, that will help get some money rolling in then i would suggest starting a blog to make money passively after a while of working on it! Its not too dear to get going so it would fit your budget. But right now id get a job if i was you just to get some regular money coming in to fund your ventures online!
    lukeo, Jun 18, 2019 IP
  6. CollinGibbs

    CollinGibbs Greenhorn

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    When I started making money it wasn't much at all. I actually ended up losing a lot too. This was when I was younger anyway, now I have matured and know where I should bey my money. The money for online gambling can come from credit card, electronic check, certified check, money order, wire transfer, or cryptocurrencies. Normally, gamblers upload funds to the online gambling company, make bets or play the games that it offers, and then cash out any winnings. You can see a list of the top gambling sites that I often visit anywhere on google. Gamblers can often fund gambling accounts by credit card or debit card, and cash out winnings directly back to the card; most U.S. banks, however, prohibit the use of their cards for the purpose of Internet gambling, and attempts by Americans to use credit cards at Internet gambling sites are usually rejected So keep that in mind.
    CollinGibbs, Jun 18, 2019 IP
  7. lukeo

    lukeo Peon

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    There is a lot of unnecessary digging you have to do before you can figure out what you want to do.

    So I am going to outline things as simple as possible for you! No BS.

    So first of all i will list the number of things that you can do online to make money and give you a very rough idea of expenses

    1- Amazon FBA (Fulfilment By Amazon)
    2- Social Media Marketing Agency (SMMA)
    3- Dropshipping
    4- Freelancer (using websites like Upwork, Freelancer, Elance etc.)
    5- Blogging

    1- So with Amazon FBA, I have never done this and i am not going to tell you that i have. But i do have a very close friend who does this for a living and he is always raving about it.
    Essentially you must create a product and use marketing efforts to drive traffic to this product on Amazon, however if the product is in high demand it may do well organically, being that is is Amazon we are talking about.
    They will ship out the product and handle all of the customer related areas.
    >>>Typical profit margins are usually 30-50% on average so if you make 10k in a month you are taking home 3-5k etc.

    However it sounds good there but there is a lot of time and effort goes in to figuring out what product you want to create or where you can see a problem in the market and find a solution, Amazon FBA business owners will use a software to help them determine these market gaps and select a product to create to which they are paying a subscription fee for each month (JungleScout) and the product costs per unit, before you get paid you have to put in a bulk stock order.

    2- SMMA - This is where you meet with business owners promote your services to them (usually running Facebook or Google ads) and they will hopefully pay you somewhere in the region of 1-5k per month obviously starting at the lower end but working up to the higher payments the longer you are in SMMA.
    So if you are a good talker and can sell yourself this is the one for you.
    Very high profit margins roughly 80% because they actually pay for the ads which could be around $500/month as well as your service charge (the 1-5k we spoke about)
    Easy to find prospects just go on google search for local businesses, choose a niche to attack, get calling to set a meeting, go to the meeting, present your services and sell it to them, get a retainer of 3 months minimum, done.
    I did this for a while and still do to some degree and i like it i think it is one of the easiest ways to get your start, but i was always looking for something where i wouldn't have to answer to people (5)
    >>>Very little to none startup cost, if you have a part time job you can go at this you would just be safe with a steady flow of income to pay for things like email softwares, clickfunnels etc - these you will use in collecting leads and creating landing pages

    3- Dropshipping is similar to Amazon FBA in the sense that you are selling online but basically, You sign up to shopify roughly $25/month start a store (which is harder than you think in terms of optimising it for conversions)
    Find product on AliExpress that you hope* will sell, pick around 3 a day and test them with multiple different ad sets using Facebook ads .. You need to then create video ads for these products on something like Premiere Pro to be in with a good shot on Facebook because video ads are more appealing
    So you could be looking at 3 different ad sets per product when testing, thats 9 things to test a day, $5/ per day per ad set which is $45/day in testing.
    This is probably the best way to find a winning product fast but as you can see the cost of this can go anywhere, you could go $500 in the hole before finding this winner but when you do it will all be paid back once your Facebook ads are on point, which can take time to learn at the start.
    I did this business model for about a year and gained success with it, i had about 1k to put in to it and honestly for me, it was torture. Getting up each morning to try and find products to test which may bot even make a sale, creating good video ads which took its time and seeing very few sales with the majority of products, but then you cash in on a *winning* product.
    >>>I think you should have around 1-2k to start this and look it could be a good experience for you but for me it was a frantic business model that i did not enjoy.

    4- Freelancer, if you have a talent like email marketing, SMMA (can find business owners here for it too), web design, video creation, etc. Literally anything you can think of, you will find jobs that are always in abundance on these sites. I recommend Upwork the most i did a bit of work on there before for people and now thats where i hire people if i need things done. It is the gold standard of freelancing websites.
    >>> Free to get started you must just make a very appealing profile to which people will trust you and want to work with you. You can make good money on this but it is a snowball effect, start small and continuously grow

    5- Blogging
    As you can tell, i love providing content for people so this is the business model i am currently doing and i plan on staying here, you don't have to answer to anyone but yourself.

    You can promote products on your blog, so lets say your in the fitness niche and blog about fitness and you see that a fitness regime you follow online (or fitness supplement, clothing, coaching etc.) offer an affiliate program where you can make commissions which could be anywhere up to 50% of the sale.
    Having used this product already, you can vouch for it and you can share your experience with others online already searching for fitness regimes, supplements or clothes etc so you share your article with them and they will go through you to purchase it
    Very low start up cost literally just $2.99/month for web hosting, create your site and customise it to your liking, then you work on free traffic through things like SEO which is handy enough if you research it, Pinterest traffic, blog comments etc. There are a lot of free ways to get people to your fitness blog even Youtube explainer videos. You can also use paid traffic and try to get visitors using Facebook ads which could be $5/day if you wanted to do paid traffic but free is much more fun in my opinion.
    >>>I make a good money from Blogging but it takes time to build up your money, your first year will be the slowest but the thing is once you get things automated, build an email list and make a system you can promote things on auto pilot it is honestly amazing, I love it.

    I hope this helps some of you out and look I know there are many other business models out there (I'm not naive) but these are the ones that most people tend to gravitate towards.

    All the best!
    lukeo, Jun 19, 2019 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  8. Tsebo Mallane

    Tsebo Mallane Peon

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    Use the skills that you gained from your job or invest a month or just a few weeks to get a new skill.
    Then use Upwork to find freelance jobs to get you back on your feet.

    If you enjoy it great, but you can also start trying Affiliate Marketing, Dropshipping or Blogging or more as you gain and get more familiar with working and making money online.

    That should definitely work for now.

    Best of luck!
    Tsebo Mallane, Jun 19, 2019 IP
  9. sadi999

    sadi999 Greenhorn

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    I think nowadays the forex is the best way if you want to make money online. Other options are available but all are lazy. However, if you want limited money then Kinddle by amazon can help or you can teach English because English is a demanded language in Asia.
    sadi999, Jun 30, 2019 IP
  10. AlexanderA1227

    AlexanderA1227 Peon

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    Affiliates is a good way, however you can make a Shopify store and start selling your own products.

    It depends on how much time you want to put in, how much risk do you want to take up, ect..
    AlexanderA1227, Jul 15, 2019 IP
  11. David Michaels

    David Michaels Peon

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    If you have some dollars under your sleeves you can go for online business like dropshipping as it costs a little. Because in dropshipping you don't need to have any inventory with you or capital with you. ;) Just an attractive website and few dollars (i mean few dollars) to make your presence online and you are on your way to earn :D
    David Michaels, Jul 15, 2019 IP
  12. TommyBeam

    TommyBeam Peon

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    There's definitely no get rich scheme but there are a lot of methods to earn money online! You could do freelance jobs (there are websites for this), user testing or look for completely remote jobs!
    TommyBeam, Jul 16, 2019 IP
  13. digitalbrunette

    digitalbrunette Greenhorn

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    Start building your list and if you are tight on money use free marketing methods to build it. You can use YouTube, free Facebook strategies and you can own a Facebook group, or own a blog.

    When my budget was literally zero this is what I did. I showed up everyday, I was consistent and nothing stopped me from having a digital lifestyle.

    Be patient and show up and you can make it happen.
    digitalbrunette, Aug 26, 2019 IP
  14. AurelioOndricka

    AurelioOndricka Peon

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    You should start an online business of making android applications with clone script if you really want to earn money online.
    AurelioOndricka, Sep 23, 2019 IP
  15. stephenrobes

    stephenrobes Banned

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    You can earn money by through digital marketing, affiliate marketing and so on.
    stephenrobes, Sep 29, 2019 IP
  16. manseork

    manseork Banned

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    You can earn money through Guest Posts placement. There are lots of options on the web.
    manseork, Sep 30, 2019 IP
  17. LyraHosting

    LyraHosting Peon

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    if you have something where u're great... work as freelancer, Fiverr, freelancer.com, upwork .
    If you want easy money... just learn CPA business :)
    LyraHosting, Oct 3, 2019 IP
  18. RoyFollman

    RoyFollman Peon

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    You need to get a basic job, which will allow surviving most of all and then think about putting aside and investing
    RoyFollman, Oct 8, 2019 IP
  19. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    They haven't twigged that you're always paying out to the same account?
    sarahk, Sep 27, 2020 IP
  20. laxmi

    laxmi Well-Known Member

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    Do you apply this trick every time, I do not have knowledge about bingo. It comes under Gambling right?
    laxmi, Sep 28, 2020 IP