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Do you think Trump is doing a good job?

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by RightAngle, Aug 3, 2018.

  1. #1
    I believe President Trump is doing a great job! Especially with all of the pressure and attacks against him. What do you think of the job he’s doing?
    RightAngle, Aug 3, 2018 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    The guy is a complete embarrassment and America has had all it's dirty laundry aired. It used to be revered, not happening any more.
    sarahk, Aug 3, 2018 IP
  3. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    Much of what Trump is doing seems to be good. HOWEVER, he is making several SERIOUS mistakes that will haunt America for decades.

    In fact, some of those mistakes are serious enough that he may not get re-elected in 2020. primarily because of the October 2019 stock market crash. We still have a year to go, but so far this seems to playing out similar to Herbert Hoover's administration. Hoover did the wrong things prior to and in response to 1929. and did not get re-elected. Looks like rinse and repeat with Trump.

    The main difference between then and now is that America's debt today is astronomical by comparison leaving America at the mercy of her enemies. The 1929 crash eventually resulted in WWII. Should Trump continue as he is, the 2019 crash will lead to WWIII.

    America won WWII because of two major things 1) manufacturing capacity that could be quickly within weeks be retooled for making war materials and 2) money capacity to fight a war.

    Today, our manufacturing capacity has been razed meaning it would take years to build factories needed to make everything it takes to fight a major war.

    Also we have no money available to fight a major war and it would be stupid to expect our enemies to loan us money so we could fight THEM. Bottom line is Trump had better change fast, or America will not survive as an independent country.
    mmerlinn, Aug 4, 2018 IP
  4. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Trump is the first U.S. president in modern history who does not owe his election to wealthy donors or the Swamp of bureaucrats, professional politicians, and the fake news media. Now, low information voters and others around the world only get their information, for the most part, from the fake news media which has painted his term in office as an embarrassment, dangerous, reckless (pick the negative adjective du jour.) However, if the Kenyan had accomplished half of what Trump has done to date, he would be heralded as the savior of the world.

    @mmerlinn raises valid concerns about debt, to a certain extent, but said debt was really built up under the Kenyan. Given that Congressional Republicans are scared of their own shadows due to constant pummeling by the fake news media over the decades, Trump's ability to pass a balanced budget is not yet possible. Not really his fault, of course. But it is not as bad as one might think. We have grown the economy out of debt before and, right now, the economy is as strong as ever.

    History shows that Reagan was painted the same way by the fake news media around the world and his actual accomplishments remain legendary. Trump is on a path to do the same. You just have to ignore the fake news and pay attention to the facts.
    jrbiz, Aug 4, 2018 IP
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  5. RightAngle

    RightAngle Greenhorn

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    We are winning in a big way in America, the numbers don’t lie. In July almost 156 million people have jobs. President Trump is breaking more positive records than any other President in history! That's how the debt is going to be handled, a booming economy is how debt is combated. Let's not forget that President Trump didn't create the debt.

    On another note, have you noticed how the media doesn’t talk about ISIS anymore. They went from burning people in cages, to being on the run. I guess “bombing the hell out of them” worked after all.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2018
    RightAngle, Aug 4, 2018 IP
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  6. Arun Kumar Soni

    Arun Kumar Soni Well-Known Member

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    He is Doing Good job for world wide people.
    Arun Kumar Soni, Aug 5, 2018 IP
  7. Barti1987

    Barti1987 Well-Known Member

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    He is owned by many donors that donated to his campaign. For example, the The Adelsons donated over 83 million when he promised that he would move the US embassy to Jerusalem. A very stupid move from this administration. Same pro Israeli lobbyists like Home Depot CEO and many others. Another good example is coal baron Robert Murray who only donated $300,000 for environmental legislation environmental rollbacks.
    There are a ton of other examples of how he is owned just like any other politician.

    His childish tariffs are causing companies to shut down and many American workers laid off. A good example is The Element Electronics plant in Winnsboro.

    People are talking about GDP 4$ growth as it is a new thing, when indeed Obama was the cause (and happened a few times during his administration).

    Tax cuts, yep let's talk tax cuts for the rich. I guess he is just trying to save more money (as we all know he is pretty much losing money on his investments, which is why he refuses to release his tax returns). A failure in business (the many he tried in the past) and now he wants to fail the country.

    It is sad that you expect Rich people to be elegant and have rudimentary writing skills. I guess Trump slacked off during his school time (from the grammarless tweets he constantly makes).

    As a person he is dislikable and disrespectful, he has no respect for others.

    I could go on and on, but just go through his tweets and you will understand how his small his brain is (smaller than a monkey I'll say).
    Barti1987, Aug 8, 2018 IP
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  8. RightAngle

    RightAngle Greenhorn

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    @Barti1987 Your post seems whiny at best. When people donated to his campaign it's because they believe in the same thing he believes will make our country better. This is the first President that isn't owned by anyone. He does what he deems necessary, and money has nothing to do with it. Economic strategy is what he is implementing, and it's working for America.

    He is fighting a corrupt system that has been in place for centuries world wide. No other President ever challenged the "global elite cabal". With that being the case, spontaneous attacks will always come in the form of discrediting and lying about anything he does. If you can't see how corrupt our political and government bureaucracy is you're blind! There's only one reason why a corrupt system would hate him so much, that reason is because he isn't like them. He has no strings attached to him.

    Q !A6yxsPKia. No.123
    Aug 6 2018 19:13:45 (EST)
    Ask yourself, if the U.S. GDP is greater than the total of all others combined (G7), which allows us to negotiate from a position of strength, why would previous President's 'knowingly' [unequally] distribute America's wealth away by making unbalanced trade deals?
    Why was America's wealth being distributed WW?
    Why was the American taxpayer essentially subsidizing the the rest of the world?
    The AMERICAN TAXPAYER has no equal anywhere in the world.
    ACCESS to the AMERICAN CONSUMER (U.S. Market) is ESSENTIAL for every major country in the world.

    Follow some Q drops and research what's really going on behind the scenes. https://qanon.app/
    RightAngle, Aug 8, 2018 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  9. Barti1987

    Barti1987 Well-Known Member

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    Thank God we have the courts and majority of us against this idiot. If he had his way this country will turn into a shithole (as he puts it).

    We need to remove this electoral vote or at least automatically send them to what the people want. It is sad when you have a president that the majority of people don't want.

    Barti1987, Aug 9, 2018 IP
  10. RightAngle

    RightAngle Greenhorn

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    Once you discount all the illegal aliens, and dead people voting for democrats, you'll see who really won the popular vote. That's why the democrats don't want voter ID's, anyone with half a brain can see that the party that doesn't want voter ID's is the party that cheats. Whoever can't see that is an idiot.
    RightAngle, Aug 9, 2018 IP
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  11. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    It is amusing to see fake news spouted by folks with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Like trying to claim that Trump has not completely turned around the economy that the Kenyan drove into the ground. Or to say how uncivilized he is when the Left is doing such outrageous things that are beyond the pale (e.g., not letting people eat dinner peacefully in a restaurant, taking a sledgehammer to Trump's Hollywood star, etc., etc.) The good news is that TDS is being recognized by more and more people, including independents, for the first time and one result is the complete lack of credibility of the lamestream media as it tries to promote more and more fake news with the help of low information voters.
    jrbiz, Aug 9, 2018 IP
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  12. Barti1987

    Barti1987 Well-Known Member

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    Like Trump said, if he shoots an innocent person in the street his base will still love him. Regardless of how many facts I give you, you will go and turn them around and somehow (I guess you learnt from the master, aka Trump) on making your version of the truth.

    There is no vote fraud, at least not in the volume that makes a difference. Excuses for how Trump lost the popular votes will get you nowhere.

    Also let's not forget the great Muslim ban, which as a Muslim I would support if it actually blocked the countries where Muslims actually committed acts of terror in our country, not hard working immigrants (legal) who try to better themselves. Then again can Trump dare to say one thing to KSA, with it's bad human right records, the war that is killing thousands of innocents in Yemen, etc.. No, guess why. Because Trump only cares about the money that KSA is peddling to him. Can't wait when KSA runs out of oil/money so they can see no one actually cares about them. Don't get me started with Russia, but I would probably do the same if someone has something that bad on me :wink .

    Enjoy your 6 years of executive control, because it will come to an end and get someone with actual brains back in.
    Barti1987, Aug 9, 2018 IP
  13. RightAngle

    RightAngle Greenhorn

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    The Muslim ban is very necessary for many reasons.
    These extreme Muslims were training these children to do school massacre shootings. How many other Muslim extremists are doing this across the country. They better do DNA testing to find out if the mothers of the children are really the mothers. One of the male suspects has a Georgia warrant for child abduction.

    “The three mothers of the 11 malnourished children found living in a filthy New Mexico compound were arrested and charged Sunday along with two men described as armed Muslim “extremists” after authorities raided the property in search of a 4-year-old boy.” - Fox News

    Last edited: Aug 9, 2018
    RightAngle, Aug 9, 2018 IP
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  14. Barti1987

    Barti1987 Well-Known Member

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    Do you even bother reading what is written before you write. You just proved my point!

    Boston Marathon Bombers from Chechnya. Will Trump ban them from coming, he won't dare upset his Russian master.

    Do me a favor, got through the list of terrorist attacks in the USA (or even in any country in Europe): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_the_United_State
    Then map them to the countries that Trump banned.

    You will see what I mean. This "Muslim" ban was just a theatrical thing Trump is doing to appease his ignorant racist base. Has nothing to do with safety in our country.

    Oh yeah the link you posted, did you even bother reading what country this guy was from (Spoiler alert: African American).
    Barti1987, Aug 10, 2018 IP
  15. RightAngle

    RightAngle Greenhorn

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    Yes I read the link obviously, the point is how extreme the people who practice it are. And the countries weren't banned because they are Muslim, They were banned because they can't be properly vetted, and Obama said the same thing when he was President.
    RightAngle, Aug 10, 2018 IP
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  16. grpaul

    grpaul Well-Known Member

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    It really is funny to see people saying that the 'majority" don't want Trump as President.. .

    It is even more funny to see people say that we need to get rid of the electoral college. All of the sudden. And, conveniently after losing. As if, we should take this seriously like it's a clear thought and not speaking out of outrage. .. .

    If Republicans said that after a loss they would be laughed at and ridiculed. . But, libs say it and it's gold. LOL. Geniuses.
    grpaul, Aug 10, 2018 IP
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  17. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Unlike the Kenyan, right? He was the one who said that he would go around Congress and write his own laws through executive order which he did at unprecedented levels. Trump undoing those executive orders is somehow being the control freak? LOL, it is the Left that are fascists and control freaks. Their underwear is in such knots right now because they are out of power. E.g., when the Kenyan won election, much to the utter dismay of conservatives, did any of his minions get harrassed at restaurants (note that Leftist members of Congress are advocating for more of this before you try to say that it is a small minority of Leftists doing this) or shot at softball games (one of Bernie's guys) or anything like that? Of course not, conservatives are not so desperate for power and control that they need to Resist at all costs like the Left. Or hope that the country suffers a great Depression (a la Bill Maher) just so that they can get back in power?

    I repeat, it is amusing to see how the Left continues to promote fake news in the hopes that they can get back the power that they so desperately crave.
    jrbiz, Aug 10, 2018 IP
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  18. Barti1987

    Barti1987 Well-Known Member

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    It is a fact, look up last election results.

    Why would any person want to get rid of electoral college, that is just stupid. Without it the majority will rule over. What needs to have is for it to be fixed. So when a district wins, those electoral votes go to the winner not the other way around (remember Florida/Bush?).

    Again we have no issues from those countries. It is like going to a doctor with cancer and he is telling you: Don't worry about the cancer cells, let's target the HIV cells. Again I have no problems with banning problematic countries, but it all bottles down to how much money you got.
    Barti1987, Aug 10, 2018 IP
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  19. mrmax

    mrmax Well-Known Member

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    I don't know about his performance in America, but I hope he could fight with big Dictators in the World!
    mrmax, Aug 17, 2018 IP
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  20. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I think that Trump is not only disrupting things domestically but also internationally, including for dictatorial regimes who could always count on the West to be mostly timid and weak as these villains tortured their citizens, threatened other countries, and worse. Now, at least, there is an element of doubt for them because they do not know what Trump might do.

    Of course, the politicians, bureaucrats, media, some big business, and others who are invested in the status quo here in the U.S. and around the world are horrified by this disruption. They liked things the way they were and to hell with people suffering as long as they were doing well and the boat was not being rocked.

    As the first true outsider to be in the Presidency in my lifetime (and I am older than dirt), Trump does not owe anything to the corrupt donors, power brokers, media, the Swamp, etc., because he funded and won the presidency on his own. So, they try to paint him one day as stupid and clueless. The next day he is brilliantly evil. Day after that he is some other horrible adjective. But they are simply displaying their fear of losing the status quo which they are so invested in.

    These are very interesting times.
    jrbiz, Aug 17, 2018 IP
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