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Which social network site die in future

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by hiuufji, Jul 7, 2017.

  1. #1
    Is there any social network which die in future like myspace and orkut

    what next?
    hiuufji, Jul 7, 2017 IP
  2. ErgoPrime

    ErgoPrime Greenhorn

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    My first instinct is G+, but hey... People are saying G+ is dying since it started. My second guess would be Facebook. Yeah I know how stupid I sound, but just listen for a second:

    The trend is going to more simple social networks. Snapchat and Instagram are the proof for it. FB is complicated compared to newer social networks. Of course it won't die from one to another day. It will probably even take decades, but my point is that many young people leave FB and join other networks like IG or Twitter.

    This trend is going to continue. It will take a lot of time, but people will leave FB eventually.
    ErgoPrime, Jul 9, 2017 IP
  3. hiuufji

    hiuufji Well-Known Member

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    wow facebook........I have no guess but may be you are correct.
    hiuufji, Jul 9, 2017 IP
  4. MrKing01

    MrKing01 Active Member

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    The trend that you can see when it comes to internet and connectivity, is that platforms develop which make things easier for people. Before, internet forums were very popular. Then social media came and people migrated from forums to social media. What I can see is that simple-to-use social media platforms like Instagram become more and more popular. Nowadays people migrate from Facebook to Instagram. We can only wonder what the next big thing will be.
    MrKing01, Jul 10, 2017 IP
  5. Will Laurence

    Will Laurence Greenhorn

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    I think that Facebook will be replaced by something that is more stimulating via mobile devices. It's already used less than it was before things like Instagram and Snapchat. The only thing people really use Facebook for anymore is keeping in touch with family and watching trendy videos (I'm not going to call this news even though some people would). The dynamic of sharing and viewing photos has already largely been replaced by Instagram and the aspect of constantly knowing what your friends are up to and in turn, showing them what you've been up to, has almost entirely shifted to Snapchat. I occasionally still see people surfing through their newsfeed on their phones but most of the time it's after they've exhausted what's new first on Snapchat, Instagram, Reddit, Pinterest, and whatever other mobile-stimulating feeds they are on.
    Will Laurence, Jul 10, 2017 IP
  6. Alfred001

    Alfred001 Peon

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    How does Snapchat compare to other big networks with regards to number of users?

    Because that's the one I WISH to die. It is the dumbest social network ever. What is the point of Snapchat? Instagram does everything it does better and it does more, with a better interface. Why does anyone use Snapchat???
    Alfred001, Jul 11, 2017 IP
  7. billzo

    billzo Well-Known Member

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    You are using a forum right now to say that forums are not popular with people any more? Why are you not posting this on a difficult-to-read and difficult-to-interact-on Facebook group?

    Instagram is a piece of junk. Nothing more than an over-hyped photo sharing app. Snapchat is proof that people never learned from the first dot-com bubble as it is an even more worthless piece of junk than Instagram. Snapchat's stock (Snap, Inc.) is only trading down $11 from its peak on its second day of trading. Everybody who bought it is a fool.

    As long as mutual fund companies and venture capitalists and investment firms are all crooked, they will be suckering people into investing into worthless garbage like Snap or Instagram (now owned by Facebook). At least Facebook has utility and Myspace destroyed itself with its two minute per page load bloat. Young people will always want something they erroneously think is "theirs" whether it be music or online gathering places or stupid slang words like "skux". So there will always be opportunity at least with the youth if you can trigger one of them to go off the cliff and all the other lemmings to follow.

    Facebook amazingly managed to grab a large share of the older market, people who are fickle and are not going to pack up their stuff and move to a new social networking platform just because everybody else is doing it. Google has fortunately for everyone failed at every attempt it has made to put a chokehold on the internet. Orkut, G+, Google Domains, Google Cloud (which has not failed yet), Google Commission Junction clone, all that stuff has failed. Except Adsense, its search engine, etc.

    There will always be opportunity to capture younger generations at least. How about Crapchat, a photo sharing app for use in the bathroom?
    billzo, Jul 11, 2017 IP
  8. Maria Febrianti

    Maria Febrianti Active Member

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    i think its G+ and twitter
    Maria Febrianti, Jul 12, 2017 IP
  9. Alfred001

    Alfred001 Peon

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    Twitter? Why Twitter?

    Also, who the hell uses G+? Is that like Linkedin, more of a professional network?
    Alfred001, Jul 12, 2017 IP
  10. billzo

    billzo Well-Known Member

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    Twitter is a worthless pile of junk, a stupid 140-character limit gimmick, and nothing more than a glorified blog. If the senior management of Twitter had brains, they would drop that 140 limit and move it into more of a social networking platform to compete with Fartbook.
    billzo, Jul 12, 2017 IP
  11. DigitalMichael

    DigitalMichael Peon

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    I think every generation will create a new social network, as existing ones lose their cool when they hit critical mass with an older generation. My grandmother is on facebook. It kills the fun and usefulness for younger people, who inevitably invent their own. I have no idea which ones will die, but I know there is a constant churn born from the need to constantly not be associated with what your parents use.
    DigitalMichael, Jul 12, 2017 IP
  12. hiuufji

    hiuufji Well-Known Member

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    G+ already fail

    Twitter is more popular these day
    hiuufji, Jul 12, 2017 IP
  13. Sumit_Singh

    Sumit_Singh Well-Known Member

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    With Respect, have you ever use the G+, I am quite sure, you didn't, so you can't understand the benefits of G+, and you mentioned LinkedIn as well in your comment, Yes it for Professional but worth more than Twitter if you are talking about to strong your Network.
    Sumit_Singh, Sep 7, 2017 IP
  14. Jessicarousey

    Jessicarousey Greenhorn

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    It'll be Google+ and Snapchat. Since Instagram stole the concept of stories, snapchat have been struggling with the competition with instagram since instagram has already made name for itself.

    For Google+ I've read in some other forums that the team for google+ has already been disbanned. Google+ may shut down anytime soon.
    Jessicarousey, Sep 7, 2017 IP
  15. shaun-m

    shaun-m Member

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    Apparently, Myspace is still going :p.

    My guesses would be...

    Goodle+ - I have an account and find it confusing to use while it offers little to no value.
    Snapchat - It's been a while since I used it but Instagram implemented its features in a much better way IMO while also offering better interaction and discovery.
    Twitter - I don't use Twitter much but it just seems like a cesspit for trolls to make negative statements to try and make themselves feel better.

    I think Instagram is in the strongest position of them all right now and will be hard for anything to knock it.
    shaun-m, Oct 2, 2017 IP
  16. HarrisonDaniel

    HarrisonDaniel Greenhorn Affiliate Manager

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    I'll be honest, the first comment that said Facebook would be the next to go gave me a bit of a shock - but the logic behind the reasoning was there.

    Having said that, of all the social media networks out there (excluding maybe Google+) they have one of the larger staffs and remain deeply and intimately connected to their network; what is popular(ie. trending) vs what isn't, what people want, how they can make FB more attractive. Fact is, that is their identity and they are very good at it, which is part of the reason that Myspace went the way of the dodo. Not only that, it is starting to incorporate professional aspects into the fold with groups and ad space. As long as business can be done, it will be there. So the point of it taking decades is probably the most accurate of the lot regarding the eventual demise of facebook(in my opinion anyway).

    Instagram has become more than just photo sharing, piggybacking on facebook's realization that while pictures say a lot, people still want to connect on a more personal level. Even if it is just a facade through a mobile device or computer screen.

    Google+ will probably be around for a while for the simple fact that it is bankrolled by google.

    Twitter, unfortunately doesn't seem to be going anywhere and if you ask me, is directly responsible for the slow death of spelling, grammar and attractive writing.

    Can't see LinkedIn going anywhere, if anything it is getting more popular.

    So really, that just leaves Snapchat, which when you compare it to other social media networks really isn't one. It just doesn't compare in terms of ways people can connect, share experiences and find news.

    Just my two cents!
    HarrisonDaniel, Oct 3, 2017 IP
  17. Arun Kumar Soni

    Arun Kumar Soni Well-Known Member

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    All will Die in near future because with respect to time very different concepts are rising and coming to the market. Lets hope not to Die but, what FB recently done using the VK functions.
    Arun Kumar Soni, Oct 3, 2017 IP
  18. DirtRider

    DirtRider Greenhorn

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    People are getting lazy and it really seems that they cannot communicate with others and it has become all about me, me ,me. So as stated above the more simple it becomes the more people will migrate to that media, forums are on their way out by the looks of it because of these factors.
    DirtRider, Oct 3, 2017 IP
  19. shaun-m

    shaun-m Member

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    Apparently Snapchat are releasing a major Update this month, I saw an article on Reddit about it but they are being tight lipped about it so far.
    shaun-m, Oct 6, 2017 IP
  20. HarrisonDaniel

    HarrisonDaniel Greenhorn Affiliate Manager

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    Here's another thought with regard to networks like LinkedIn:

    They aren't, nor are they intended to be 'social' social media networks. Rather, they are 'professional' social media networks. While it seems to be true that the networks out there that are geared toward the social aspect of networking and having fun are in a race to the bottom with regard to who can be the simplest; it stands to reason that professional networks may actually benefit from having detailed and informative posts, groups and interactions.

    Think of it like sales, or even Pay Per Call; smaller, insignificant purchases are made without a second thought (here's your Facebook, Instagrams and Snapchats) and require little to no assistance. While larger, more important purchases are weighed, considered and often times require the assistance of a salesperson or industry professional as the consumer requires either justification or reassurance (or both!) that what they are purchasing is right for them.

    So that in mind, I guess the real answer to which network is going to die next is WHO KNOWS? But a better question would be, should the dichotomy of social networks continue to change, how will we adapt?
    HarrisonDaniel, Oct 6, 2017 IP