If You Dropship, How Do You Handle Customer Receipts ?

Discussion in 'eCommerce' started by knobhill78, Jun 19, 2016.

  1. #1
    Hi everyone - I have a question that might be answered somewhere, but I haven't come across the answer, so I would like to ask those who are doing it - If you were to open a web store where you had dropship suppliers (from China or India, let's say), how do you get around the issue of the product supplier sending the package directly to your customer with a receipt or bill, showing what you paid for the item ?
    knobhill78, Jun 19, 2016 IP
  2. knobhill78

    knobhill78 Greenhorn

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    I have just read a few more pages of Yaros' excellent post, and he mostly explains how he gets around this issue on pg 5 (of his post), so my question is mostly answered, but I'm still wondering about the sticker/label that's usually stuck on by the supplier, that states the value of the package for customs purposes. How do you guys get around this ? Is it possible ?
    knobhill78, Jun 19, 2016 IP
  3. makeonlineshop

    makeonlineshop Member

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    a smart supplier will write a lower value and customers understand that the value has been lowered to avoid importation tax.
    makeonlineshop, Jun 27, 2016 IP
  4. Lucas Johnson

    Lucas Johnson Greenhorn

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    In every order that I do with my dropshippers (from China) I always put
    ***Please do not leave a receipt or invoice with the package***
    in the notes section of the order. Additionally, you can message the supplier and ask them to not put a receipt with anything you order from them.
    There will be a value on the package, but I've never had a customer ask about it in all the orders I've done. There's no way to not have the value on there to my knowledge though.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2016
    Lucas Johnson, Jun 27, 2016 IP
  5. makeonlineshop

    makeonlineshop Member

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    I send hundreds of parcels to dozens countries every month without any value and they ALWAYS go thorough. This is a legend that a parcel without declared value won't be delivered.
    makeonlineshop, Jun 27, 2016 IP
  6. Importexport

    Importexport Member

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    That is illegal and can have serious consequences for your customers. Even if it didn't, why operate a business based on lies and illegality? With duty rates in most countries constantly falling, the savings are often so small as to not be worth the risk.

    I began importing in 1987 when duty rates worldwide were generally 3 to 5 times the rate they are now, and I always told my suppliers to declare actual value. It didn't stop my business from growing at an extremely rapid rate, because I knew how to buy at the right price, and I had very big profit margins.

    Walter Hay
    Importexport, Jul 17, 2016 IP
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  7. NCorp

    NCorp Greenhorn

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    I leave a message when placing the order that I am drop shipping. I haven't had a customer say anything so far!
    NCorp, May 5, 2017 IP
  8. buythiscomputer

    buythiscomputer Member

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    Ridiculous reply from Mr expert who knows everything since 1880 but who is so nice that he spends his life on forums trying to help us....
    buythiscomputer, May 5, 2017 IP
  9. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    So YOU CONDONE THEFT? Quite possibly YOU are also a THIEF since you condone theft.

    Any 'smart supplier' that participates in theft is a supplier I WOULD NEVER BUY FROM! Why? If that supplier is willing to steal from a government for whatever reason, that SAME SUPPLIER would be willing to steal from ME and/or MY CUSTOMERS!

    Ridiculous reply from someone still living in his mommy's basement. Makes me wonder if you have been potty trained yet.
    mmerlinn, May 6, 2017 IP
  10. buythiscomputer

    buythiscomputer Member

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    As it seems that you really know nothing, I won't reply anymore.

    Just ask the Chinese giant shops why they declare $10 value on any parcel that they send abroad !

    I also declare fake items on the forms and smart customer like it because they know that they are buying something illegal. I have been cheating more than 50 countries

    Yes, I am a theft and I have also never paid any tax anywhere in the world, $0 paid on millions made. As easy as this, and I am proud of it.
    Enjoy your life and your poverty.
    buythiscomputer, May 6, 2017 IP
  11. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    Hmmm, since I have FORGOTTEN more than you will ever know, you may have a point about me now knowing nothing. However, that would mean that you know LESS than nothing, so where does that leave you?

    I don't care what a pack of thieves do as long as they stay far far away from me.

    Must be great to have both suppliers and customers that YOU CANNOT TRUST. Bet you sleep with a gun under your head and a bevy of bodyguards to protect you from those suppliers and customers. Likewise, it must be comforting to KNOW that YOU CANNOT be trusted, either. And, finally, since you cannot engender trust because of your thievery, your personal life must be one hell of a hellhole.

    Nothing wrong with LEGALLY paying no tax. A lot wrong with lying, thievery, and the like.

    I may not be rich, but neither am I poor. Best of all I CAN SLEEP AT NIGHT knowing I do not have to protect myself from suppliers, customers, family, friends, and governments that I have STOLEN from.
    mmerlinn, May 6, 2017 IP
  12. buythiscomputer

    buythiscomputer Member

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    End of transmission, when you will have anything to say that requires a brain, contact me again.
    How stupid can you be to talk about cheater customers or suppliers when I only cheat governments from all over the world. Ridiculous. A shame for humanity, this is what you are.
    buythiscomputer, May 6, 2017 IP
  13. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    Dang, you asked me to CONTACT you AGAIN when I NEVER contacted you in the first place? Since I do have a brain and since you requested further contact IF I HAD ONE, I have decided to fulfill your wish.

    Thieves BY DEFINITION CANNOT BE TRUSTED. You are a SELF-ADMITTED THIEF, so you CANNOT be trusted, not by your suppliers, not by your customers, not by your family, not by your friends, and definitely not by any government, whether legally constituted or not. Admittedly, as you are self-delusional, there is no way you can see yourself as others see you, as a CHEAT, as a LIAR, as a THIEF, etc. What goes around comes around, so sooner or later you will be blindsided by a government, by a supplier, by a family member, by a friend, or by a customer and YOU WILL NOT UNDERSTAND WHY you are getting your JUST DESERTS. I pity you.

    I am sorry that you had to say that when you were looking in a mirror, but it defines you perfectly.

    Sure glad there is SOMEONE here with INTEGRITY. DP is so full of LIARS and THIEVES that it makes my head swim sometimes.
    mmerlinn, May 6, 2017 IP
    Importexport likes this.
  14. buythiscomputer

    buythiscomputer Member

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    Better keep your head in the water than swim, so we won't read your stupid messages anymore. So incredible to be such a failed loser and to be proud about it.
    buythiscomputer, May 6, 2017 IP
  15. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    It appears to me that you are WILLINGLY reading these messages. I am sorry that you feel that you are a proud loser.
    mmerlinn, May 6, 2017 IP