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How Not To Promote Clickbank Product

Discussion in 'ClickBank' started by sirjorgeofculver, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. #1
    I tried out what some ebooks have said, giving away products.

    I got a clickbank option that comes with a free rebranded ebook to send out to people.

    I put up classified ads for the free ebook, and nothing. No click throughs, no hops.

    So I started an MMA blog, nothing.

    However, adsense is doing well, so perhaps that's something to be thankful about.
    sirjorgeofculver, Dec 29, 2013 IP
  2. dexterc

    dexterc Member

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    If you are promoting a clickbank product that's already out in the market and promoted by other affiliates, chances are that people are already aware of this rebranded eBook which makes you no different than the rest... so if you want to stand out... you have to market differently from the rest.

    For example, you can:

    1. Do a Personal Video talking about the eBook, how much you get to learn from that few pages, highlight the fact that it's free for downloading and finally encourage your viewers to go ahead to download the ebook today. Be prepared to do follow-ups.

    2. Take what you have learned from the eBook, create a few blog posts on your main site as well as different variations which you can post on popular article directory sites or Web 2.0 sites which should have links pointing back to your main site (you should have your download link there)

    3. Do not focus on the eBook at all... you can either purchase the product and make a personal review (video or post) or you can do a bit of homework and explore what other marketers are talking about that product, compile that as your review and have it posted on your site.
    dexterc, Dec 31, 2013 IP
    sirjorgeofculver likes this.
  3. sirjorgeofculver

    sirjorgeofculver Well-Known Member

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    I like the ideas, but I do not have access to video marketing tools. No smartphone, no cameras, nothing. However, I did get 29 hops since posting this initially. I am finding that even though there's a free ebook on the line, most aren't so responsive to buying anything. Perhaps I'm in the wrong market.
    sirjorgeofculver, Dec 31, 2013 IP
  4. dexterc

    dexterc Member

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    You can always just stick to writing Articles or Blog Posts. It does take time for sales to convert and some people need to be convinced before they are willing to take cash out of their wallet so be patient on that. Meanwhile you can work on creating a brand out of what you are doing or be an authority in the niche that you are working on. Once you have these little things in place, you will definitely see more success in promoting this or any other affiliate products.
    dexterc, Dec 31, 2013 IP
    sirjorgeofculver likes this.
  5. sirjorgeofculver

    sirjorgeofculver Well-Known Member

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    Thanks, I hear ya. I already know about that though. Everyone gives the same tips and tricks, nothing new under the sun.
    sirjorgeofculver, Jan 1, 2014 IP
  6. Convert RSS to PHP

    Convert RSS to PHP Well-Known Member

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    You Also could try CBEngine (google it) they have excellent tools I use every day to help promote your clickbank business. 3 major things you want to look for on all clickbank products is conversion percentages the higher the better, recurring or upsale values because if you can keep earning from one sale the more money you make, and also if it has its own lead follow up system implemented because you know the conversions right 1:100! Which mean 1 sale for every 100 visitors is average. But if all 100 visitors leave info for the product to follow up over and over again until they are a buyer and then also make recurring or upsales for you on 100% autopilot then yes your conversion rates will skyrocket! Its all at CBEngine!!!! Hope This Helps!!!
    Convert RSS to PHP, Jan 1, 2014 IP
  7. graphicguy

    graphicguy Greenhorn

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    Yes CBEngine is powerful to use.. you can check and know what CB product to promote!
    graphicguy, Nov 16, 2016 IP
  8. JamesColin

    JamesColin Prominent Member

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    You have also to understand that the easiest products to sell are those who bring a solution to a painful problem (physically or psychologically) in one of those topics : money, health, relationships.
    MMA is hardly such a niche, except maybe for the few people who are practising MMA and want to stop losing their fights, that's a painful problem right here :)
    But too small a niche to be really profitable I guess, at least by trying to sell digital products.
    JamesColin, Dec 3, 2016 IP
  9. SEOwriterplus

    SEOwriterplus Active Member

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    I'd like to add a couple of things...

    First, consider creating your OWN ebook focusing on somewhat different aspects of the product as well as on the burning questions of your target audience. Then give THAT away, preferably in exchange for people's email addresses.

    Second, Convert RSS to PHP mentioned CBEngine. I have found that one of the BIGGEST perks of CBEngine is the fact that you can check refund rates! At least in the paid version, which is available for a one-time payment, good for many years to come!
    SEOwriterplus, Jan 2, 2017 IP
  10. 22mahmoud

    22mahmoud Greenhorn

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    this method which I do

    1/ choose your niche, make a search for the best niche that you interested in and have a good popularity.
    you can use amazon category list or youtube trend video to inspire you to choose the niche the choose your affiliate product.

    2/ after you choose your niche, now you must search for keyword and filter it into main keywords & related keywords

    3/buy a domain including the main keywords but make it short and easy to write.

    4/buy a good host (Bluehost is very good) and Install WordPress on it. search.

    5/read about the SEO on this forum it has a lot of useful threads that's for rank your site on google search to get more traffic.

    6/ make a review page for your product must be a long and detail everything.

    7/ Don't make your blog as the spam blog, do 5 blog post on week related to your products.

    8/make a youtube channel and make a video for your product you can use fiverr.com to make a nice video
    and in video description refers to your blog post.

    9/use twitter it is a powerful to get a huge traffic

    8/use facebook groups & ads

    9/ must use a creative design to attractive the clients go fiverr.com and buy just for 5$ a good design
    (that is my offer on Fiverr I'll make 3 different designs for only 5$ you can but it from here ==> search on fiverr by "
    I will design an Attractive and creative web banner, header, ad, cover
    22mahmoud, Jan 2, 2017 IP
  11. Kevin Tinh

    Kevin Tinh Greenhorn

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    U can use tactic:
    Traffic --> Squeeze Page --> Hoplink --> User Confirm --> Product Review Page
    Kevin Tinh, Feb 16, 2017 IP
  12. JamesColin

    JamesColin Prominent Member

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    Could you plese write to clickbank to tell them to add a language attribute to their product catalog in xml format?
    Thank you I've asked them too, but we need to be more to ask for this simple feature which will allow programmers to display only french products easily on their websites.
    JamesColin, Feb 19, 2017 IP
  13. Nathan Spira

    Nathan Spira Active Member

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    Hi, from my end, i can suggest you the easiest method to promote clickbank product. Find the best product from clickbank and collect your affiliate link from clickbank. create a landing page from getresponse and set up autoresponders in getresponse with your clickbank affiliate link. buy some solo ads from udimi and drive to your landing page. i think it will work for you.
    Nathan Spira, Feb 28, 2017 IP
  14. reini

    reini Peon

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    Hey! It's a great way to start! Thank you for that information. I have found great step-to-step guide how to setup successful clickbank campaign.
    It's totally free so no strings attached. Found this also extremely helpful - you can check it out here - successfulbusinessmodelonline.com/start-today
    Started with it few days ago and already got my first sale. Hope this is helpful for someone as well. :)
    reini, Mar 6, 2017 IP
  15. Nathan Spira

    Nathan Spira Active Member

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    I checked your site, it's a real system by Vick Stezheus, he discussed everything step by step to make $5000 in every week. Anybody can learn for 100% free about to setup everything to make money from clickbank. But, you written here, you found a system a few days ago and already got your first sale. But, my question is you need minimum 4-5 days to complete the whole tutorial and more 3-4 days for set up everything properly, like landing page, domain name, clickmagic, getresponse, etc etc. So, how did you get your first sell immediately?

    Nathan Spira, Mar 6, 2017 IP