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Earn money by promoting with Facebook/Youtube

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by AM_Rock, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. #1
    Hello everyone,

    I'm gonna explain the situation, hoping to get some advice, insights and ideas from you. Please note that English is my 3rd language so don't be surprised to see any mistake or awkward sounding phrases.

    Sorry, it's gonna be long cause I want to give as much as info as possible.

    Ok so first of all, I'm based in Canada. Back in 2012 I started a Youtube channel and a Facebook page, to basically promote underrated/unknown/indie/unsigned rock music. In my Youtube channel I've been doing rock compilation videos, and uploading full songs, with giving credit to the original band. In 4 years, I got 2 copyright strikes that have been cleared and one request to delete a song. But overall, artists are grateful for what I do because it gives them more exposure.

    So today in 2016, here are my statistics:
    6498 subscribers
    126 videos(compilations of snippets + full songs)
    3 036 161 total views
    Video that has the most views: 951 254 views(video compilation)
    Video that has the least views: 576 views (separate full song, which makes sense because unknown bands don't attract many people)
    My last upload on Youtube was in July 2016

    5825 likes, but the number seems to be more or less stuck since my Youtube channel hasn't been active for awhile. However the Facebook page is active everyday by sharing songs(90% unknown and 10% mainstream music).

    Ok now here's the question. Even though I've been doing this to help bands and for passion and love of music, I'm now looking to see if there is any potential way to earn money from all of this. I'm pretty newbie in this music business combined with online marketing, so be ready to read some newbie questions below and that's why I'm seeking advice today.

    I regularly receive requests from bands to promote their music on my Facebook page, and I accept their request for free if I like the song and if it fits with the page general content. On Youtube, I received 2 requests to upload new singles exclusively on my channel for free. Do you guys think, it was a missed opportunity? Like was I supposed to charge money to upload their music on my channel?

    And once, I received a message from a band saying that they're releasing their music video soon and they would like to submit it on my channel as well as future opportunities and collaborations. Ok, I kinda denied their request because I did not like the content. And yeah, for me the content quality I put in my social medias come first and way before money. But what does their message mean? Were they ready to pay me money? If so, what's the average money we're talking about for this kind of service.

    Now guys, I sometimes see bands that have a pretty good fanbase(about 70 000 likes on Facebook) submitting their new music video with channels that have less subscribers than I do and I'm like pissed, wondering why they didn't choose me. The music video itself can get easily 100 000 views, giving exposure to the channel itself. So here I'm even wondering, who paid who? The band paid the channel, or the channel paid the band?

    Finally, as I mentioned earlier in this post, I'm really looking for a way to make my channel/page profitable, so if you guys have any tips, insights, information about the music industry associated with social medias, proven business strategy to share, I'm all ears.

    Also, if someone is knowledgeable, sees potential in my channel/page and wants to partner up, don't hesitate to message me.

    Sorry for the long post guys and thank you.
    AM_Rock, Dec 11, 2016 IP
  2. dcristo

    dcristo Illustrious Member

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    Congrats on your success. I'm doing the same thing but in a different music genre. You're a music promoter, so I don't think you should be requesting payment to promote music. That's just my opinion. To earn money, what I was thinking was starting a website, building a community, promoting it on your social media channels, and then you can monetize the traffic. That's what I was thinking of doing once I develop a loyal following on social media.
    dcristo, Dec 11, 2016 IP
  3. Umesh Nonia

    Umesh Nonia Active Member

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    Hey dude do you use Adsense on your videos. Its a great opportunity to grab your money from your video views. Any question join me on Skype : or message me here.
    Umesh Nonia, Dec 15, 2016 IP
  4. AM_Rock

    AM_Rock Greenhorn

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    I can't monetize my videos that way since it is not my original content. I promote music from other bands.
    AM_Rock, Dec 15, 2016 IP
  5. arberzylfiu

    arberzylfiu Greenhorn

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    I think that you should still sign up for Adsense and monetize your videos. I know, it is stated not to in the rules, but I see a lot of channels uploading compilations of videos(Most funniest videos compilation, Most cringiest videos compilation<< you see A LOT of these kind of videos on youtube) and they earn money from them and are not bothered by Youtube.
    arberzylfiu, Dec 15, 2016 IP