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'He looks like hell': Donald Trump unloads on Glenn Beck after being accused of voting for Obama

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by qwikad.com, Jan 16, 2016.

  1. billzo

    billzo Well-Known Member

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    Communist/liberal leftist lying propaganda website Mother Jones is "reporting" (if you can call outrageous lies reporting) that an "anonymous source" who reputedly is an ex-Russian spy claims that Russia has been "cultivating" Trump for 5 years.

    The liberal left really has no shame when it comes to lying and character assassination. Their lies keep getting more and more absurd. That's how afraid of the truth the liberal left is: they cannot stand the truth.

    There are no "links" between Trump and Russia, despite Democrat and liberal left lies. And Trump is not Putin's "buddy" nor did he praise Putin. He said Putin was a leader...because...he is the leader of Russia. And that's the extent of the connection between Trump and Russia.

    One more time, from FBI Director James Comey's July press conference about Hillary Clinton's illegal email server:


    A reasonable prosecutor (not Loretta Lynch or her boss liar Obama) would have had a grand jury make the decision whether or not to charge her with multiple felonies. Reasonable prosecutors enforce the law, not grant special privileges to the likes of Crooked Hillary.

    Enough with the sickening dirty politics, time to look at what I come here for: web stuff. :)
    billzo, Nov 3, 2016 IP
    grpaul and jrbiz like this.
  2. wordplucker

    wordplucker Well-Known Member

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    Not all are nice, remember that there is a segment that is deplorable, hating someone for their skin color, gender, or sexual orientation is pathetic.
    The white supremacists, the misogynists, and the evangelicals are all quite deplorable. The others get tagged as guilty by association, and it seems, that their only crimes are hating Clinton or actually believing Trump's policies will be better, making only the latter half of the left overs crazy. Or, some of the ones hating Clinton that believe in things like the body count could be considered crazy too.

    So far little of this is based on policy though. Look at Kansas to see the hardcore conservative policies in action. That state is floundering with all the tax burden on the middle and lower income people, while the wealthy have more money to horde and get richer. But, they are crazy there, and asked for it themselves, by reelecting Brownback. Louisiana got smart and ousted Jindal before he completely bankrupted them.
    If the US were run like Michigan, an Emergency Manager would be placed in charge over the elected officials, and we could have an entire state run like the EM did to Flint. I know people want to blame the Democrat run city council for Flint's issues, but, once an EM is sent in, the elected officials have zero control to do anything but what the EM allows them to do.
    What is even better, is that the people of the state voted that law out, but the Tea Party governor and the right wing legislature decided the people's wishes did not matter, and re made the law.

    That is another reason to steer clear of these people running as GOP/TP. Here our votes only count if it is to get them in to power, after that, they really do not care what the voters want, only what they think is right.

    I see Trump as acting the same, and worse, since he is too used to not having to answer to anyone, so the voters, like his contractors, will get stiffed if he were to actually win. And, if he does win, which son will he choose to inherit the Oval Office when he dies, since it is nothing but another business venture for him.
    wordplucker, Nov 3, 2016 IP
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  3. billzo

    billzo Well-Known Member

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    Freedom means liking or disliking anyone for any reason of one's choosing. Everybody discriminates. There is gender discrimination in public restrooms and locker room/shower facilities. Women discriminate against men based on looks and money, and men do the same to a degree. Many people will not date someone outside of their own race. How about yourself?

    And this whole "misogyny" thing is nothing more than a sad, pathetic attempt by Hillary to play the gender card and get sympathy for something that does not exist. I've never met anyone who "hates" women just because they are women, and I bet you have not, either.

    What a ridiculous lie. That must be why Donald Trump has plenty of women working for him--including his daughter--and has promoted women into senior management in his companies.

    So sad of Hillary to have to play the "Trump hates women" thing and stoop to such a low level to woo voters. To the earlier poster, THIS is why Hillary cannot argue the issues. Because she loses every time. Besides, Hillary has never accomplished a thing in her life.
    billzo, Nov 3, 2016 IP
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  4. wordplucker

    wordplucker Well-Known Member

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    I have to disagree with the misogyny being blamed on Clinton. I just need to look at the hatred spewed at the women in the gaming industry to see it has nothing to do with her as any card to be played. Those same man kids are probably hating on her big time...
    You would lose the bet, I have met both men that hated him for being women, and women that hated men for being men, and find both stupid.

    Trump does not hate women, hell, he seems to like them from 12 or 13 onward (we shall let the courts that he loves so much have the final say on this though), he seems to love some of them too much. His some of his followers though.... Well, the flip side is also true, no doubts, with some of the Clinton voters hating men, and again, both sides of that coin are deplorable.

    Funny that you mention his daughter. It seems that on that one stage, RNC in Cleveland, but may not recall correctly, where Trump looked confused and kept his wife and arms length and got very close to daughter. I am not going to say he is a pervert, far be it from be to say what kind of family affairs he may, or may not, have, but I will say that it looked odd as hell. I really chalked it up to a muddled mind on an old man and not a perversion, which is still scary enough as it is.
    wordplucker, Nov 3, 2016 IP
  5. grpaul

    grpaul Well-Known Member

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    After meeting with Bill Clinton in AZ, I am surprised Loretta Lynch was allowed within an inch of this investigation. It's also surprising that she isn't being investigated more as well. Unless someone releases audio or a transcript of exactly what they were talking about - I don't think it's crazy to believe they were colluding in some way.

    Does the government not have monitoring in place that can detect when someone forwards / sends an email to an address that it should not be forwarded to? Most companies do, but the government does not? I find that hard to believe.

    I am sure most saw this:

    Amazing to see the President of our country respond like this. .
    This is exactly what you get when trying to discuss this issue with 97% of the people that support Hillary Clinton - they claim this entire thing was a "mistake" or an "honest mistake".

    Forwarding an email occasionally to the wrong place, responding from the wrong email address, or using the wrong device is a mistake. Employing people to set up a private email server somewhere - is not a mistake. It is reckless.

    Lying about it, covering it up and destroying evidence was not an honest mistake. That is not something an honest, innocent, person would do.

    Lastly, it's kind of pathetic for him to say Comey acted upon an innuendo since it was clearly in relation to the Weiner investigation.

    That is the way Liberals operate. Literally all you have to do is say she will not be an effective leader and people fly off the deep end.

    People with a straight face - will call Trump a sexist and in the same breathe call his supporters sexist as well. The logic is astounding.

    Where were all of these liberals (champions for women) running to defend Palin for being a woman? She was absolutely destroyed in every single way.

    With regards to Trump's thoughts about women - are there any policies he has mentioned that would make life more difficult for women?
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2016
    grpaul, Nov 3, 2016 IP
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  6. wordplucker

    wordplucker Well-Known Member

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    It is not that people say they think that she will not be an effective leader, it is when they add in extra words that demonize her gender, 'nasty woman' for example, that makes people think that the speaker is being sexist. Too many do use extra words and the speaker may mislead others in to thinking that they are sexist themselves.

    His penchant for needing everyone to treat him 'fairly' and not say 'mean things' about him, as well as his litigation history for people that cross that line should be a red flag for most. When one can not sue the leader of another country, but has a vindictive streak and cruise missiles....
    Another way to look at it is that he wants the world to be HIS 'safe place'. I do not know how you feel about these things, safe places, in schools at all levels, but he is acting as though someone needing one.

    Many 'great' leaders did not allow anyone to say critical things of them, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, the Kim family, Putin, and others, mainly dictators. His desire to close off the First Amendment, even part of it, is enough to vote against him.

    We would be left with a double ungood feeling, but not know why, since the press could only say nice things about the beloved leader....

    Now, as long as Clinton is not saddled with a party of blockage, which they have already said that they will do everything to stop her and make her look bad, things will get done for the people. More government shut downs will not garner more votes...

    Thinking back, I wonder which will take precedent for him, running the country, or running his businesses. His skipping out on the campaign to do an opening makes me wonder on this.

    Other than the alleged corruption and the GOP blocking everything that she tries to do, why do you think that she will be ineffective as POTUS?
    wordplucker, Nov 3, 2016 IP
  7. billzo

    billzo Well-Known Member

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    Fine then, would you prefer this: Hillary Clinton is a nasty person? Or perhaps we should say "Hillary Clinton is a nasty gender neutral being"? Or perhaps we should refer to Hillary as "s/he/it"? Or perhaps instead of names which connote gender, perhaps we should replace all names with ID numbers?

    Hillary is the one pandering for votes based on the fact she's female (she is that desperate). And she's the one that made up the ridiculous lie about there being a "Republican war on women" and a "vast right-wing conspiracy".

    Fact is that without lies and platitudes to appeal to empty-headed voters plus promises of targeted spending and free stuff, neither Hillary nor Barack could get elected to anything. To quote Jonathan Gruber, co-architect of Obamacare with Obama himself and former Democratic presidential campaign consultant, on the intelligence of their supporters:

    That's right, those Democrats relied on the stupidity of their voters to get Obamacare passed into law. And to get elected in the first place.

    And in typical Democrat fashion, Gruber capitalized on his party's new law that he helped write by forming a consulting firm to consult states on that very "tortured" law. He made a few million from that, so naturally he's happy to have it.

    What has Hillary Clinton ever accomplished in her life on her own? NOTHING. Well, she's a champion liar. I suppose that qualifies her, huh?
    billzo, Nov 3, 2016 IP
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  8. wordplucker

    wordplucker Well-Known Member

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    The ACA is far from perfect, but the old death panels for profits are gone, which is a good thing really. There are some good points to it, and some bad ones.

    How many countries allow people to die for business profits? If you get to be sick, which I do not wish on anyone, would you want the old style system of them being allowed to kick you off your insurance that you paid in to while healthy because you cost too much?
    I thought that the people of the world passed beyond the survival of the fittest when people become more civilized. Perhaps not.

    What he described is the normal way insurance works, healthy people pay in, the sick get to use that money, and it goes on. Employer based insurance pools are the same. Other than his wording it is normal for all insurances, health, fire, life, auto, etc...
    Unless you can point out where this is different.

    People can be stupid, look at the state of Kansas and them reelecting Brownback. Look at reelecting Bush II. Or, from your POV, reelecting Obama, I would imagine.

    While imperfect, the ACA/PPA is stepping in the right direction for a true civilized society. And, before you cry out that universal health care, which is where I am going, is socialism or some such, all insurance pools are already anyway. When I was a factory worker I paid in a lot of money for the health insurance, and never used it once, but many other employees did. I did not begrudge them in the least. Maybe I should have cried about it being unfair?

    It has been a long time since anyone has accomplished anything 'on their own'. Trump did not accomplish any of his things on his own. Maybe their education, unless one, the other, or both, had someone else do all the class work and tests....

    Now, do not be getting silly with the he/she/it BS, that is typical over extending I have come to expect from right wingers, and far left wingers. Certain groups can not have an argument without getting silly to 'prove' their position. The right wingers talking about minimum wage is a good example, 'Why not make it $50 per hour.', acting like people want to make businesses go under.
    I have never felt bad about making sure my employees are well compensated for their efforts with a decent wage, benefits, and bonuses. If their efforts are making me money why not. I am not Wal Mart and feel that the state can aide my employees while I rake in all the money.
    I divert though, which is not intentional, but it was showing a stupid remark.

    It is not the gender that is making remarks look sexist, it is the quantifier. If you state that you feel/think that she is evil, so be it, but that nasty woman is evil, makes it sound sexist as you are placing the nasty and woman in there.
    I am guessing that you have not worked with people with disabilities before. The people comes first, the disability is second.
    Or is treating people like people wrong and they should be treated by the disability?

    A lot of it is where the focus is seemingly at, nasty and woman, with a lesser concern on the evil. Saying 'She is an evil woman.' can also be sexists sounding since it is emphasizing the female nature of the person in question. 'Clinton is an evil woman.' would be acceptable since it differentiates between the two Clintons. If you are talking about Bruce 'He is an evil woman.' would be acceptable too, due to various reasons.

    It all depends on where you want you emphasis to be, with preceding words having more weight than the others.
    It is like a landing page and selecting the calls to action. Which words do you want to emphasize for people to take action on? The better worded your sales page, the better your calls to action are, the more actions will be taken.
    Also, by continuing to emphasis that she is a woman you are also playing in to the hand that she wants you to be in. This way she can point out what you are saying and play her card without actually playing it, she lets you do it for her.
    (You being Trump supporters in general and not you individually.)
    Essentially you are sending an email to your competitor telling them how to fix their website to make it better and attract more traffic...

    Or are you not selling your candidate to the people that view this thread besides we that are participating?

    Damn, I really have to short my posts, but so many points, so little time and space.... lol
    wordplucker, Nov 3, 2016 IP
  9. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Here is a fair and balanced statement (no misogyny, etc.) Hillary is as evil and corrupt as her husband. In fact, they are a perfectly matched couple as neither one should be trusted anywhere near a position of power again. Let me make another non-sexist comment: Bill and Hillary purposely set up a private server to shield their illegal, unethical, and immoral activities. It was no mistake, just an underhanded scheme that they never expected to be caught red-handed at.

    There, I love being Politically Correct. :)
    jrbiz, Nov 3, 2016 IP
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  10. Bushranger

    Bushranger Notable Member

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    Absolutely agree. I was talking about these guys here being nice, bit nutty yeah but nice LoL. The wider Trump community seem to be a joke. I guess those here can't see that. To me they have their main reason for hating Clinton (possibly criminals fearing gun laws) and any reason is good enough to get rid of her, even if that means becoming a fool sprouting conspiracy theorist. It worked for Donald and that seems to be their way (Righties) these days but on the whole only a dumbed down community will overide logic and fact with conspiracy and smear and the facts point to a huge smear campaign against Hillary, which is exactly how Trump plays the game.
    America is already great yet he's pushing 'he's going to make it great'. Hasn't paid taxes forever but suddenly 'you people are important'. 'We will defeat Isis' - 'It will be a great wall, a real wall, and they will pay for it' - So many holes in every speech... Dodgy - 'you are great people' - Donald. And all he wanted was a payrise, which on that score he's already won.
    Bushranger, Nov 3, 2016 IP
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  11. grpaul

    grpaul Well-Known Member

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    It's pretty pathetic that you literally have to spell out what Trump meant when he said "such a nasty woman". . .

    Being able to run for President of the United States of America while being investigated for breaking the law.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2016
    grpaul, Nov 4, 2016 IP
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  12. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I also want to chime in on the fact that the leftwing participants on this thread are also very likely nice people. They are just naïve, ignorant, or think that they will benefit from crazy leftwing failed policies or some combination of the three. But, I am sure that they are quite nice, otherwise.
    jrbiz, Nov 4, 2016 IP
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  13. Bushranger

    Bushranger Notable Member

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    I'm more of a centrist but understand anyone left of centre-right is labelled a leftie these days. I'm fine with that. I do lean more left than right.
    Bushranger, Nov 4, 2016 IP
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  14. billzo

    billzo Well-Known Member

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    The only good point about Obamacare lie is pre-existing condition thing. That's it.

    How many presidents turn a blind eye to illegal immigrants flooding in and releasing "non-violent" illegal immigrant criminals back into the American population as Obama has done?

    Nothing is free. Somebody has to work to pay for it. Taking care of the disabled is great, and compassionate. Giving able-bodied people who should be working to support themselves free stuff is what Democrats do to buy votes. Go walk by a public housing project sometime or Section 8 apartments and see how many of those people getting free cash to pay their rent are disabled and how many are out and walking around.

    That is plain wrong--if it was ever true. I don't think health insurance was like auto insurance in that respect. If you can lose your insurance for filing health insurance claims, then what would be the point of paying for the insurance?

    Wrong, gender-neutral human or other type of species. It's a dog eat dog world and the Democratic Party has fitted all of us workers with Milk-Bone underwear. Add up what the average person pays in taxes, including property tax, sales tax, gas tax, etc., and it's 50% or more.

    The average person has to work an additional 15 - 20 years of their life to pay taxes so the Democratic Party can use it to BUY VOTES. I found out recently that the minimum wage plus benefits cost for general laborers working on state highway projects is $47 an hour. And when they work overtime, they get paid time-and-a-half based on the $47 wage plus benefits cost. This is why taxes are so high and why people will work extra years of their life. Just one example. In no way should someone shoveling gravel get paid that much. And no able-bodied baby momma should get decades of free food, free rent, and free health care to make babies she cannot afford to take care of. That costs taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars--and there are millions of people like that in this country!

    Wrong. In the old system, sick people had to pay in as well. It was a true risk pool. Gruber's comment pertains to the fact that health people will pay more.

    They are different in the fact that many large corporations do not pay insurance premiums for their employees and there is no risk pool. They hire a third-party administrator to administer their employee health care plan and they pay the claims out of the corporate bank account. Read up about the CEO of AOL complaining how two employees with premature babies cost the company a fortune.

    No president in history has dispatched a representative of his administration to attend the funeral of a criminal who robbed a convenience store, assaulted a store employee, then attacked a police officer sitting in his car, except for Obama.

    And voila!, the violent crime rate is going up after 20 years of reversal.

    So tripling the cost of health insurance for millions is a step in the right direction to you???

    Sure, you would have been justified in crying about it being unfair. Young people rarely have expensive health problems and they have always subsidized older people--to a point. Problem is now they are paying much higher premiums for the same insurance they do not use!

    Ah yes, the old Obama "you didn't build that" ideology. Fact is Trump has accomplished things, and has much much more under his belt than Hillary Clinton does--who has nothing. How many skyscrapers has Hillary built? None. How many resorts, hotels, and golf courses has Hillary built? None.

    But she and her husband sure make tons of money giving speeches! It was sickening to learn but not surprising that they used their "charitable" Clinton Foundation to get a foot in the door and pressure corporations to hire them for paid speeches.

    Why not make it $50 an hour? If $15 is good and is not harmful to businesses, then $20 would be even better, as would $50 an hour.

    Employees should always be paid what they are worth. No more, no less. Funny thing, though, is that every employee thinks they are under-paid, and most of them--but not all--are probably right.

    Somebody flipping burgers is not worth $15. Furthermore, this just raises the cost of doing business and causes inflation in which case everyone gets hurt.

    That is utter nonsense. Hillary Clinton is a nasty gender neutral being. Satisfied?

    What are you talking about? As a side note, no Republican has ever championed cutting benefits for truly disabled people.

    So calling Trump a bigot is okay but saying he is a "racist man" is wrong?

    Thanks for the lesson on the nuances of grammar. However, I disagree. Hillary Clinton is a woman, is using her femaleness as a means of attracting female voters, and calling her a nasty woman is fitting.

    Trump supporter? No. Trump would be maybe my fourth (maybe third) pick of the Republican candidates. I preferred Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and also liked Ben Carson.

    The fact that so many people dislike Trump for his stance on illegal immigration (enforcing the law and deporting them), and the fact that he's just a regular guy and the fact that the political "elites" (I hate using that word) dislike him so much makes me like him more.

    Trump was chosen by the people. Hillary Clinton was anointed by her Democratic Party elites. Trump earned his nomination, Hillary did not.
    billzo, Nov 5, 2016 IP
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  15. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Be careful, you are bringing up unassailable facts. That drives the left crazy...
    jrbiz, Nov 5, 2016 IP
  16. wordplucker

    wordplucker Well-Known Member

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    None of the companies that I worked for before, nor none that I have set up, have set up like AOL. There are company run ones, which seemed like a good idea to some, but obviously was not. This also allowed AOL to pocket the interest on the money, so, that good idea was not, was it....

    You have never known people that have lost their insurance as they exceeded their lifetime benefits cap? Do some research and learn the facts on this, much like the above post states in a half manner, as the same is sad about people on the right (and is usually more accurate*), do not be surprised that the 'death panels' Palin cried about stopped existing after the ACA.

    * Look at the history of the failed right wing policies that lead to 1929, 2008, and the current state of the State of Kansas to see what a conservative run nation would look like. Trump's trade wars will spark something similar since he will not strike a grand deal with them, and the US will face another wave of businesses closing and increased unemployment, increasing the burden on 'makers' that should be lessening, as it has been for the last 70 some odd months. These facts should scare the shit out of you really.

    Or do you really think that the outside world is going to bow down to Trump since he would be 'shaking' up DC? Quite the opposite will happen as he weakens America and disregards our current alliances and they step back from us. Multinational businesses have made world global...
    wordplucker, Nov 5, 2016 IP
  17. billzo

    billzo Well-Known Member

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    Many, if not most, catastrophic plans pre-Obamacare had a $2 million lifetime maximum. And no, I have never known anybody who has run up $2 million in medical bills. Someone in that situation is probably in very bad shape and better off dead anyway.

    There was no "economic crisis" in 2008. It was a liberal media-hyped crisis to try to get Barack Obama elected.


    And those "toxic assets" the Federal Reserve purchased from those banks? They were extremely profitable for the Fed.


    The biggest losses as a result of the "foreclosure crisis" occurred in the government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And whose fault was that? Democrats.


    So the dim bulbs at the New York Times could see in 1999 what Bill Clinton could not.

    If you know anything about Economics, you know that recessions are normal. The economy ALWAYS springs back from them--except under Obama. The job losses in 2008 were sharp, but not unprecedented as a percentage of the civilian workforce. Look at the Labor Force Participation Rate for yourself, it was the highest the day Obama took office and fell constantly AFTER the recession ended in June 2009:


    And that is with a growing population of working-age people. Less of them are working. Why? For the same reason the Federal Reserve has kept the economy on life support through record low interest rates each and every day of the Obama presidency: the economy sucks.

    As for as the stock market crash of 1929, that was precipitated by massive fraud on the part of Democrats like Joseph Kennedy, father of future president John Kennedy. Joseph Kennedy--and others--drove up the price of stocks and cashed out before the prices fell.

    Kansas is multitudes better than Democrat-run Chicago, which is what a nation run by Democrats would look like.


    Name one Republican community that violent. You cannot, because there is no such thing. Speaks volumes about the quality of Republicans versus Democrats. And Chicago is the hometown of crooked Democrat politics and, of course, Barack Obama.

    Macy's is closing another 100 stores on top of the 50 it previously closed because of Donald Trump? No, because of Barack Obama.

    Donald Trump is completely wrong on foreign trade, except with Mexico. A trade war with Mexico and a ban on travel to the country (and cash transfers) would send their economy into a tailspin. Such a threat could induce them to patrol their own borders and prevent millions of poor people from Mexico and Latin American from coming into the USA!

    Otherwise, Trump's trade views are wrong and something I disagree with him on.

    Donald Trump has already shaken up the political establishment in Washington DC. OMG, could you imagine a president who actually ENFORCES THE LAW? Heaven forbid!

    And the Democratic Party's taxes drive up costs, cause inflation, and make American costs of production out of line with the rest of the world.

    Why do you think more corporations have moved their headquarters out of the USA under Barack H. Obama than under Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, and Reagan combined? Because they love those high Democrat taxes so much?

    Former Apple, Inc., CEO Steve Jobs was a huge Democratic Party donor and supporter. It was he who insisted that Apple's profits remain overseas so as not to trigger American taxes. You see, those rich limousine liberal Democrats are such hypocrites they don't even want to pay the taxes they helped create.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
    billzo, Nov 5, 2016 IP
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  18. grpaul

    grpaul Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, it's all a "conspiracy".
    grpaul, Nov 5, 2016 IP
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  19. Bushranger

    Bushranger Notable Member

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    Well there's so many holes and mis-statements throughout, but with the posts being so long I can't be bothered responding to each point, especially to people who don't really want to hear the truth.

    I mean, no economic crisis in 2008, all democrats fault, LoL. C'mon. Does that really need a response?
    Bushranger, Nov 6, 2016 IP
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  20. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Nah, just keep re-writing history. The low information voters will believe it.
    jrbiz, Nov 6, 2016 IP
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