'He looks like hell': Donald Trump unloads on Glenn Beck after being accused of voting for Obama

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by qwikad.com, Jan 16, 2016.

  1. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Yes, @wordplucker you are very well informed. "Kelly Ayotte in MA" is proof of that.

    No one is saying that Trump is a great candidate; rather, ANYONE is better than bringing the Clinton Crime Family back into office. I lived through the 1990's and Hillary's Rose Law Firm, Whitewater, Vince Foster and many other scandals that she had, not Bill. And let's not forget that she led the charge on the "bimbo eruptions" to trash and ridicule quite a number of victims of Bill's sexual predation. As for "bottom of the barrel" how about a Chicago thug politician who has managed to totally corrupt the IRS (proven to have targeted conservative groups) and the FBI (you should hear what agents in the trenches are saying about "Crooked Comey") which had been nonpartisan, by design, prior to the Obama regime. We survived eight years of his total corruption and incompetence, but I am worried that we cannot follow that with 4 or 8 years of Clinton corruption and still survive.
    jrbiz, Oct 15, 2016 IP
  2. grpaul

    grpaul Well-Known Member

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    Um. . . Hillary's failures have been brought up and pointed out.

    Newsflash - they are married (supposedly) - so her history is his history. People are bringing up Bill's history as a matter of comparison. It's not a republican conspiracy that Bill did the things he did - it's fact. And it needs to be discussed at some point. Especially while liberal "leaders" try to trash Trump.

    The brainwashed and elitists, don't want us to ever bring anything up.

    How comical - who said it was illegal? The Benghazi situation simply points to one of her many failures. But, that should not matter because it's Hillary..
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2016
    grpaul, Oct 15, 2016 IP
  3. wordplucker

    wordplucker Well-Known Member

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    Ahh, okay, that makes more more sense, and do not let a speed typo mess things up, NH. I had a brain cramp, yes.

    That IRS scandal did not target right wing groups, but, what was proven, was that the IRS was suffering from mismanagement and bungled a lot of things on their handling of both sides of the political chasm. Of course, if you only read the GOP report it would seem that conservative groups were the only ones targeted, but, if you can stoop so low as to read both reports you will see that it was an almost complete failure of that department of the IRS.

    I have read a lot about what people say, but even that one guy says that the reason Bush II invaded Afghanistan was to get to the giants in the caves there. Pat something, or something Patterson.... This one I am only semi informed on as it was a conversation, years ago, that I was left dumbfounded by. At that time they said that I could get more info on him, and a link to his site, on Alex J's site....

    I think, from all that I have read, that you have it backwards a bit. First, history as shown that every economic upturn the US has had ended within a year of the GOP taking over. Second, the GOPs pro business policies actually close more businesses, and cost more jobs, that the left wing's policies. Third, 9 of the 17 times unemployment dropped to 4.0%, since 1948, and work force participation was up high, it was done with left wing in charge of both Houses and the Oval Office, the GOP has never had full control like that and done the same. Fourth, the GOP policies that lead to 1929 and 2008 can not be repeated, or, as you worry, the US will fail and become Syria. Fifth, the reason FDR had to be stopped was that his policies were working great, with America almost back on track before WW2 suck everyone in.

    These are historical facts, rewrite them as desired. The truth is out there, you just need to stop being spoon fed by any news source.

    I think that your hatred of Clinton is overboard, and the "scandals" are exaggerated. Taking a novice in to such a position and passing over experience is shear silliness.
    If you need graphics designed would you hire the person that says, I just downloaded GIMP, or the person that has experience?
    Especially a novice that does things like sue/start a war if you hurt his feelings....

    Having someone like Trump in office that can use the military for 90 days as a method to get revenge on other countries that do not drop to their knees to worship him. I do not think Clinton would do such a thing, and I have no desire to see more people coming home in bags and flags. While you see Clinton as corrupt, I see Trump as solidly untrustworthy
    wordplucker, Oct 15, 2016 IP
  4. Bushranger

    Bushranger Notable Member

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    So let's break down what you're claiming here...

    Hillary's Rose Law Firm: First off it was not Hillary's - The firm's origins go back to November 1, 1820. - Rose Law Firm members have historically been active in politics and civic affairs. - Vince Foster then initiated the hiring of Hillary Rodham at Rose Law Firm, where she became its first ever female associate (and later first female partner)...

    so your comment is irrelevant, probably looking for ghosts that aren't there?

    We move on...

    Vince Foster: "Deputy White House counsel Vince Foster was found dead in Fort Marcy Park off the George Washington Parkway in Virginia, outside Washington, D.C., on July 20, 1993. His death was ruled a suicide by six official investigations, but "remains a subject of conspiracy theories"."

    Aah, conspiracy theories...sounding familiar...

    Whitewater: Of all things this was about a shonky real estate deal lol. The Clintons themselves were never prosecuted, after three separate inquiries found insufficient evidence linking them with the criminal conduct of others related to the land deal...

    Trump, famous for his real estate dealings, of course wouldn't ever consider doing a shonky real estate deal now would he? Best not look too deep there I guess

    Led the charge? Do you mean like a lawyer would do? Strange that. Maybe she thought they were lying. Maybe they were?

    Bill's accusers are victims and Donald's accusers are liars?

    Then I guess the 'chicago politician is the current president...all Hillary's fault now.. no, he has nothing to do with her run for President. Mind you I think he's done pretty good considering what he was handed.

    And you think 'we're the low information voters'

    Hahaha - get real. Facts are your friend.
    Bushranger, Oct 15, 2016 IP
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  5. Bushranger

    Bushranger Notable Member

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    You mean conspiracy theorists have created imaginary scandals and repeated them so much they believe them?

    Ridiculous really. Both people are individuals. I don't blame you for your wife's inadequacies. I blame you for yours. Who does that? Let's not talk about Trump's multiple marriages because there's too much dirt we can drag up if they're to be judged as one and the same.

    Bring up what you like, but facts are the only relevant things worth listening to. The rest is just bullshit because you can't stand somebody whose 'not on your team'. That's childish.

    Aah, so failure is the buzzword when it's Hillary, but failure after failure of Trump is irrelevant?

    If you can bring yourself to holding the same standards for both you'll see Clinton has got this one hands down.
    Bushranger, Oct 15, 2016 IP
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  6. grpaul

    grpaul Well-Known Member

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    No, they are not conspiracy theories.

    She's been fully involved in attacking many of the women Bill has been involved with, but probably more "conspiracy theories right? It's all made up.

    Let's not talk about Clinton's marriage in general, because there is even more dirt there.

    I think you have got to do a great job of ignoring facts to ignore her faults, failures and call her the "most qualified person to ever run for office" - to quote Barack. That is not childish at all.

    It is amazing what the Clinton's do to peoples brains.

    I think what I said was pretty clear. The Benghazi situation in my mind was a failure and the way she spoke about it after the fact was appalling.

    Too funny - keep trying.
    grpaul, Oct 15, 2016 IP
  7. wordplucker

    wordplucker Well-Known Member

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    @Bushranger this is the typical way these types of conversations go. It is part of the no compromise mindset that has shut down the US government and will hopefully be reset shortly, some will sink further in to the abyss while others will try and get the GOP to where it should be.

    Has there ever been a union of such people before in America? White nationalist, white supremacist, prosperity religious zealots, neo-nazis, and people that think that Trump is fighting for them from the working class. ((Yes, yes, the Democrats used to be the racist pukes, but the political polarity shift in the 60's changed that. Well, it was the southern Democrats that were racists, and due to desegregation and the civil rights act of 1964 guys like Strom Thurmond jump from Democrat to Republican in order to try and maintain the racial divisions he held dear.))
    People blame Obama for being divisive, but, can you really point to anyone that has been as nasty and as divisive as Don? No one has ever spouted as much crap as he, and gotten away with it.

    Now that he has is Bill Cosby moment going on I am sure that out of all of his supporters there are going to be women stepping up saying Obama has sexually assaulted them. He has given the cue asking why no women have come out against Obama, thus, it will happen by the zealots following him.
    Much like hacked emails when he asked his pal Putin to get r' done....

    Yet, this man, in bed with the Russians, is the one that they want to stand well behind. One that has no clue on what being middle income is all about.

    I am still boggled that it has gone to seed, but, we can thank Reagan for it. The last good POTUS that the right wing produced was Ike, with Bush I being okay.
    Since Reagan's 'welfare queen' BS there has not been a limit on how far they will go to see the falsehoods that they wish to.
    wordplucker, Oct 15, 2016 IP
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  8. Bushranger

    Bushranger Notable Member

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    30 minutes researching this guy...

    The philanderer Donald trump was married to Ivana Trump and had 3 kids with her when he committed adultery with Marla Maples. Irvana dumped him so he married Marla Maples and they had another kid together. When Marla left him she wrote a tell-all book on her marriage which Donald paid her not to publish. After dumping Marla Donald went on to marry Melania Trump having 1 child with her.

    Melania falsely claimed for more than 10 years that she had a degree in architecture and design from the University of Ljubljana and more recently stole Michelle Obama's speech and claimed it was her own. A staffer later admitted he wrote it.

    All Donald's fault apparently, going by the logic displayed here.

    5 kids to 3 different woman. Great father role model there.

    Scandals? Here's just a few, of thousands over the years apparently..

    Peadophilia allegations: Trump is facing a civil lawsuit from a Jane Doe who alleges that Trump raped her in 1994, when she was 13 years old, at parties hosted by the convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who Trump called a friend. That lawsuit is scheduled to proceed in December, and Trump could be forced to testify under oath.

    Sexual-Assault Allegations: Several former contestants in his pageants -including several teenagers- say Trump barged into changing rooms while they were naked or partially naked. Trump denies that, yet he bragged of doing just that in an interview with Howard Stern.

    Racial Housing Discrimination: The Department of Justice sued Trump and his father Fred in 1973 for housing discrimination at 39 sites around New York. "The government contended that Trump Management had refused to rent or negotiate rentals ‘because of race and color,’"

    Trump U: In 2005, the Trump announced an eponymous "university" to teach his real-estate development secrets. Students ponied up as much as $35,000--some after being suckered in by slick free "seminars"-to learn how to get rich. One ad promised they would "learn from Donald Trump’s handpicked instructors, and that participants would have access to Trump’s real estate ‘secrets." In fact, Trump had little to do with the curriculum or the instructors. Many of the "students" have since complained that Trump U. was a scam.

    Bankruptcies: Four times in his career, Trump’s companies have entered bankruptcy.

    Undocumented Polish Workers: In order to construct his signature Trump Tower, the builder first had to demolish the Bonwit Teller store, an architecturally beloved Art Deco edifice. The work had to be done fast, and so managers hired 200 undocumented Polish workers to tear it down, paying them substandard wages for backbreaking work -$5 per hour, when they were paid at all. The workers didn’t wear hard hats and often slept at the site. When the workers complained about their back pay, they were allegedly threatened with deportation.

    Buying his own books with donated campaign money: The Daily Beast noticed in FEC filings that the Trump campaign spent more than $55,000 buying his own book Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again. (The book has since been retitled Great Again: How to Fix Our Crippled America for the paperback edition.) That means Trump used donor money to his campaign to buy a book, sending the cash back to himself. Copies were given to delegates at the Republican National Convention.

    The Trump Foundation: Though Donald Trump often promises to give to charity, his foundation has proven rather skimpy on the gifts over the years--and when it has given, the money has often come from other pockets than Trump’s, including outside donors and even NBC. In the mid-2000s, Trump reconfigured the charity as a pass-through, soliciting donations from other and then giving the money away as though from himself.

    The Cuban Embargo: Although U.S. law prohibits American commercial involvement in Cuba, there’s evidence to suggest that the Trump Organization has been active on the island for almost two decades.


    Admit it, Hillary's an angel compared to this guy.
    Bushranger, Oct 15, 2016 IP
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  9. Bushranger

    Bushranger Notable Member

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    I find it truly bizarre. The last two elections there have been truly bizarre but this one really takes the cake. How could ANYBODY seriously back this fool Trump? I can only imagine they hate the world as it is. They're looking at the bad in everything and missing out on all that's good. Crazy when there's so much more good going on.
    Bushranger, Oct 15, 2016 IP
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  10. wordplucker

    wordplucker Well-Known Member

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    They can not admit it.....

    I did get a voter to change from Trump today. She was going on and on about Hillery doing a gun grab. I told her that Obama was said to be planning the same thing since 2007, I asked her if she still had her pistol. She said yes. I then told her that the only time a gun grab had happened in the US, it was by a Republican, when Bush II had the national guard disarming the people. She did not like that idea at all.

    Spot on

    Plus a lot of them, from the ones that I have talked too, hate themselves and want to blame others, for their own inability to live the American Dream. They skirted every opportunity to make their lives better and blamed the blacks, the jews, the mexicans, the chinese, the homosexual, and on and on the list goes. Others worry about if they can get in to their heaven or not if they do not treat people that are different than them badly, punishing people for having different attractions than they themselves.

    Oh well, keeping themselves in a living hell is there issue, not mine.

    Like I said before though, I almost kind of wish Trump would win, as I know that I will make even more money as he, and the GOP, wreck the economy, yet again.... But, I do not want to subject people to that kind of thing so soon after the GOP did it in 2008.
    wordplucker, Oct 15, 2016 IP
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  11. grpaul

    grpaul Well-Known Member

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    Who are these people you are talking to that hate themselves?

    But, here we go again. . . Only the angry and people filled with hate will vote against a Democrat.

    Last edited: Oct 15, 2016
    grpaul, Oct 15, 2016 IP
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  12. Bushranger

    Bushranger Notable Member

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    LoL, fair enough too. If he was running for the President of THEIR glee club, I'd be all for it and wish them all luck, but he's running for leader of the supposed free world and is promising chaos by fixing things that are not broken whilst leaving the things that are broken as they are. He's a fool. On that point I fully agree with everyone sane that I know. "For that particular role he is not fit."
    Bushranger, Oct 15, 2016 IP
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  13. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    What is sad is how easily the lamestream media can convince a chunk of the population with their re-write of not only history, but the present.
    jrbiz, Oct 15, 2016 IP
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  14. grpaul

    grpaul Well-Known Member

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    Yep. What is even more sad is that the republicans always get stuck defending themselves against people that literally think they never do anything wrong.
    grpaul, Oct 15, 2016 IP
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  15. Bushranger

    Bushranger Notable Member

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    You really got to ignore reality to keep defending the sleazebag. If he became President, and I don't think there's a real chance of that, then it would turn the position of President into a joke. First we'll all laugh then the world would turn its collective backs on you as politically as it can imho.
    Bushranger, Oct 15, 2016 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  16. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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  17. wordplucker

    wordplucker Well-Known Member

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    Not only people filled with hatred and fear, but also people mislead in to thinking that the current GOP policies are for the middle income. The current left wing's policies are more aligned with middle income workers by far.
    If you cared to do the research you would find that only big businesses benefit from the GOP's policies. If smaller businesses did then they would not close at such an increased rate as soon as the right wing takes over.
    The Warren/Coolidge/Hoover policies all but destroyed the US, and, yet, some want to return to those days? Silliness.
    The Bush years all but destroyed the US, and some would be happy to return to those policies. Silliness

    You may see Clinton I as corrupt, but, did you know that he did not run a deficit after he got his policies going?
    LBJ did before that, Ike (a RINO now) did, and and Truman.
    Reagan, the father of today's extremism of the right, spent like hell, making him not a fiscal conservative, yet pulled the wool over a lot of eyes and was involved with Iran-Contra. So corruption runs in various places.... Yet he is on a pedestal to be admired....

    The investigations in to Clinton, even by GOP led committees, have found nothing, even running them as the longest in US history. This tells me that you are turning a blind eye to even what those committees find and listening to people harp on those 'scandals' that do not want to let faux issues die.

    Run another Ike as your candidate, the father of the US Interstate System, and perhaps the right wing could become something worthwhile again. But the right wing has got to stop trying to push the middle to the right, or it will keep losing, and stop scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for people that 'tell it like it is' when all they are doing is 'telling it like you want to hear'. Remember, Trump is an entertainer first and foremost, and like all actors, not everyone likes them.

    There is less hate for Clinton than there is disgust and fear of Trump, so he is going to lose, no need for the minuscule amount of voter fraud to help Clinton, no need to rig elections, none of that. He only deeply appeals to a certain base, and that base is not large enough to win a national election. There are former RINOs voting for Clinton, or tossing their vote away with write in names, that demographically were counted as Trump votes..... He is losing Utah, a state that has been red for how long? And Trump is losing it?
    If that does not cause you concern on the likelihood of him not seeing office I do not know what will.

    Stop listening to Tammy and stop standing by your man and start finding another one that will lead your party back from the dark side, get it back to something swing voters will want to toss their vote at. You will be lucky to hold majorities in Congress with him on the ticket.

    If Clinton is like you say, then you should be voting for her, running politics as a free market and all. This is what the right, and far right, are all about is it not? Free markets? Trump wants to stop this free market enterprise, so he should be considered evil....

    I also wonder about some Trump supporters in that the idea that he can hit a golf ball something like 280 is an influencing factor in their voting.... NPR story about a family in PA, the wife is for Clinton and the father and son are for Trump. Dad raved about the 280 gold ball thing. WTF? When it comes to not grabbing Angela Merkel by her womenhood I do not think it matters...
    wordplucker, Oct 16, 2016 IP
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  18. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    It seems like Trump's statements and unproven accusations about his private life are viewed to be as important as Billary's clear corruption, graft, and incompetence while in and out of office. For people to also say that they want to keep the Chicago thug politician in office to continue his corruption and incompetence is even more troubling. Obviously, liberals and the political/media elites care nothing about honest government and policies that will work; they just want to keep their piece of the rigged system. Yes, many of them are misguided into thinking that they, themselves, will benefit from such policies (which never happens; look how badly the black community has fared under their golden boy, Obama) but it is not to be, yet they continue to blindly believe.

    Should Billary win office, the graft and corruption will scale up beyond what it is today to levels never seen before, including during the 1990's when the Lincoln Bedroom was rented out, a billionaire on the run from the law was pardoned, etc. And her supporters, the low info voters, minorities, the takers, etc., will continue to be used and abused.

    But let's keep focusing on the lamestream media/Democrat narrative that a billionaire, who is not owned, lock, stock, and barrel by Wall Street and Middle Eastern Dictator sponsors, is a terrifying choice.
    jrbiz, Oct 16, 2016 IP
  19. Bushranger

    Bushranger Notable Member

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    Funny how you can't quote any "Billary's clear corruption, graft, and incompetence" when I clearly presented Trump's deficiencies though, don't you think? You're running with conspiracy theories as I debunked your claims earlier. Is that really all you have on her?

    Fire away, I'd love to see some real dirt on Hillary, not her husband or Barrack. Hillary dirt please. Back them up with facts. Thanks.
    Bushranger, Oct 16, 2016 IP
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  20. wordplucker

    wordplucker Well-Known Member

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    @jrbiz Check history, see the facts, that the GOP's policies suck. Why do more people loss jobs, and more business close, then the GOP is in control? Skip the media and research it using bls.gov as that data does not change by administration. Use other sources, but the fact remains that this 'corrupt party' has done more for the economy than the GOP ever has.

    If creating a surplus of US funds is incompetence, then give us more. Clinton I did a good job making the US better, which the GOP tossed out the window as soon as Bush II took office, and created deficits again when America got stupid and voted in Bush II. I, myself, was delusional and voted for Bush II, but when the SCOTUS handed him the election over the ignorance in Florida, which Gore won, I was disgusted.

    The right wing, which supposedly venerates the military and military heroes, swift boated Kerry with lies and degraded him, much like Trump did McCain. Another disgusting act.

    Talk about low information people. Keep repeating the talking points of Rush and Sean without backing up anything that has not been debunked though right wing investigations already.

    And, give it some thought, the people overseas from us, are getting news that is not spun like you get. Their news makes money reporting on America making an ass out of itself, whether it is from the left or right wing, and, money is the name of the game.

    Yet, people still back a candidate, and try spinning his innuendo on assassinating Clinton as something other than what it was. The world was appalled by this, yet some can not see through that this is a treasonous act alone.... So much for love of country when you admire banana republic actions and strong dictators....

    Astounding, to return a phrase.
    wordplucker, Oct 16, 2016 IP