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Do You Believe In Life After Death?

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by 1234nasir, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. #1
    I'd like to discuss this important question:" Do you believe in life after death?"
    What is there to consider and why?
    We are social animals and know well we should must die any time. Why would we think we are something special that deserves a better life after life?
    1234nasir, Apr 7, 2016 IP
  2. Bushranger

    Bushranger Notable Member

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    Why not is the real question.

    We see others we love die and hope they're in a better place.

    Personally I believe we join the 'oneness' for a bit then decide to come back afresh, hopefully as one of my grandchildren or great grandchildren. It makes me feel better about it.
    Bushranger, Apr 8, 2016 IP
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  3. 1234nasir

    1234nasir Well-Known Member

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    @Bushranger I respect your opinion and like your acceptance of reality. Hence we should have to believe the promises of the Quran and Bible that there is a Real Life after death—and that it lasts forever/endless. Where we go after death is evaluated by the purity of our deeds and acts we have done throughout our life span.
    1234nasir, Apr 8, 2016 IP
  4. Bushranger

    Bushranger Notable Member

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    Before the bible and the Quran ever existed there was a man called Aristotle. Aristotle's principles of ethics were founded on the concept of doing good, rather than merely being good. A person may be kind, merciful, charitable, etc., but until he proves this by helping others, his goodness means precisely nothing to the world, in which case it means nothing to himself.
    Bushranger, Apr 8, 2016 IP
  5. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    This is, of course, perhaps the most important question that humans can ask and try to answer. Just about all religions (as far as I know and I am not an expert on religion by any means) indicate that there is some sort of existence after death. There are the thousands of stories of people who have "died" and then brought back to life who relate being aware of some sort of afterlife. Then there are the "investigators" who try to develop evidence of spirits, demons, etc., and the thousands of witnesses that they interview who are convinced that they have seen the proof of same.

    Whether all of the above is just hopeful optimism on the part of humans or a reflection of reality has been very difficult for me to discern. I have to admit that I have not yet seen bulletproof, compelling evidence either way. But I keep looking. :)
    jrbiz, Apr 10, 2016 IP
  6. 1234nasir

    1234nasir Well-Known Member

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    I was raised Muslim, so I was taught the concept of life after death when I was a child. Actually the life after death is something beyond our senses. Only those enlightened souls who have capable the super conscious levels may be able to answer this important question, but not we, the ordinary human beings who cannot perceive beyond our senses.
    1234nasir, Apr 10, 2016 IP
  7. Barti1987

    Barti1987 Well-Known Member

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    If you believe in a God, ultimately you do believe in some sort of a next life. Religion can never be scientifically proven, it is something based on faith. As a Muslim, my faith does tell me if I do good unto others (regardless of what they do unto me) I will be rewarded (Luke 6:31: Do to others as you would have them do to you). If I don't, I will be punished in hell.
    Barti1987, Apr 10, 2016 IP
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  8. pingpong123

    pingpong123 Well-Known Member

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    So far the evidence from nde research points to the afterlife existing especially after the peer reviewed aware study
    pingpong123, Nov 10, 2016 IP
  9. Chris-

    Chris- Greenhorn

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    I neither believe nor disbelieve, I LOOK for myself :)

    Think about the phrase "do you believe that cars exist" ? The question is a nonsense . . . because if you can verify for yourself that something exists, you do not have beliefs on that subject . . . since you can see a car, hear one, touch one, drive one, you don't have beliefs about their existence. i.e. a person has beliefs in areas where they consider that real awareness is "not possible".

    However, the reason why one is not willing to be aware in certain areas, is actually fairly simple . . . there is something that could be called "spiritual charge", and if there is enough of that on a particular subject, then you won't want to look. For example, you as a "spirit" were present in your current human body when it was born, yet most people cannot remember much before they were 3 or 4 years old. This makes sense, because birth, and the first few years of life were painful and traumatic for the body, thus one doesn't want to look, because one is unwilling to contact areas of pain.

    Given techniques for decreasing "spiritual charge" (EFT is one such technique), one will find that one will start to be able to see areas that one didn't see before, and if one continues to do this, one will open up awareness of the first few years of life, and birth, and before birth, all the way back to conception.

    When I did this (with a different technique, not EFT), I had the beliefs (and I do mean BELIEFS!) of a "scientist", but I had a choice. I could either stick with my beliefs, or I could look for myself, and see whether anything existed, whether "I" existed, before conception. I chose to look (since I already had processes which decreased "spiritual charge" and thus opened up awareness of reality), and found that yes, I existed before that.

    As I removed more "spiritual charge" and opened up more to see, I was able to clearly see what was happening before this lifetime of mine.

    It can be said that a false guru tells you what to believe (thus trapping you), and a real guru gives you a method by which you can increase your own ability to look for yourself (this FREEING you). I choose to reply to this thread with the latter approach, thus, instead of telling you my opinion on the matter, I recommend you remove "spiritual charge" and look for yourself :)

    Chris-, Feb 18, 2017 IP
  10. 1234nasir

    1234nasir Well-Known Member

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    Its your own opinion even deep analysis, but don't ignore .................IF you have to face that will happened after death according to your deeds Hell or Heaven. BTW, don't mind.

    1234nasir, Feb 20, 2017 IP
  11. robyries

    robyries Notable Member

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    You don't know until your died and you life again to tell that story to your son,parents, Friends and your close friend

    But that impossible uh..but I believe in this. We life in this world, do good and bad thing.. At the end we have to responsible what we have do..good either bad..
    robyries, Jul 23, 2017 IP
  12. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I have a follow up question to this thread: what evidence would it take to absolutely convince you that there is life after death? If an organization set out to prove that ghosts/spirits/whatever exist, thereby proving there is another form of existence possible for humans, what would they have to do to prove this conclusively to you? Videos, audio recordings, etc., can be faked. What evidence would provide you with certainty that an afterlife exists?
    jrbiz, Jul 24, 2017 IP
  13. robyries

    robyries Notable Member

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    That is the big problem, we don't know. We just need to believe. You can't life again after died so you can't tell the people there's a life after we life in this world.. Maybe people who already died wanna tell you that there a life after that..but how..?

    So let prepare our self, choose your region wisely. There's something in this universe you can't handle and doesn't make sense..and you just need to believe ..
    robyries, Jul 24, 2017 IP
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  14. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    @robyries you are probably right but I wonder about a few scenarios. For example, if someone gathered 50 famous scientists who did not believe in ghosts at a haunted house and these scientists were allowed to bring all of their scientific equipment to the haunted house and after a few nights there, they all said that they now believe that spirits of dead people exist and that their experiments in the house are repeatable by anyone else who visits the house, would that convince you? Or would you come to the conclusion that these scientists were simply fooled by someone or something and still not believe?

    I a not saying that this could be done, but am mostly exploring whether life after death could ever be proven to the living?
    jrbiz, Jul 24, 2017 IP
  15. robyries

    robyries Notable Member

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    @jrbiz .. Yes. I believe in ghost, in another word there another life except this world that we can't see with our eyes..I don't say outside our earth.. But in this world where we life.

    I believe we can't see them, but they can see us, as long as we not disturb them, they will do the same.

    In my religion, there's a chapter about good luck and bad luck, believe about there's another life except that we life now
    robyries, Jul 25, 2017 IP