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Donald Trump 666 Next Leader of The Free World....

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by dscurlock, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. #1
    oh shit.
    We are all going to hell....

    not, the bible says the Anti-Christ will bring everyone together...
    and everyone will worship him because he will bring peace...

    We know trump will never bring anyone together...
    No one will love that bastard other them himself...
    Trump is a hater, and will be a war monger...
    and trump is for the rich, he will raise your taxes....

    I am so not worried about trump being the anti-christ....
    dscurlock, Dec 23, 2015 IP
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  2. Zoti Media Group

    Zoti Media Group Notable Member

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    There was not and will not be a stupid president in the US. Trump have money but not brain to be a successful leader.
    Zoti Media Group, Dec 23, 2015 IP
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  3. Barti1987

    Barti1987 Well-Known Member

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    Trump can be an awesome leader. He is leading in the polls, so the majority of conservatives and republicans like him.

    If anything, at least he would be better than the other democratic options. I am a democrat (who will be voting for Trump), but I believe that 8 years is more than enough for democrat rule, time to spice it up.
    Barti1987, Dec 23, 2015 IP
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  4. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    I didn't realize these types of democrats existed. I wonder how many of them today think the way you do...
    qwikad.com, Dec 24, 2015 IP
  5. KatnissEverdeen

    KatnissEverdeen Active Member

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    I can say that I have voted Republican in the past but I have learned more in the last few years. I do NOT want Trump to my President. He is not for the people. He is more concerned with money. This election my vote will be for Bernie Sanders.
    if you want to learn more about Bernie or support him feel free to go to:
    KatnissEverdeen, Dec 24, 2015 IP
  6. Obamanation

    Obamanation Well-Known Member

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    According to the NY Times, most of Trump's supporters are currently registered Democrats. In fact, he has far more opposition from the establishment GOP than he does from Democrats.

    Oh, I'm sure a few GOP voters (24% of the population) will refuse to vote for him, or even vote for the Democrat, but considering the Democrats only offer the choice of a self avowed socialist, and the only candidate who voted for the Iraq war, you aren't going to see much excitement from Democrats( 30% of the population) about their candidate either. Meanwhile, independents (44% of the population) will likely vote with the guy who best represents their feelings about Washington.

    Mind you, I'm not a Trump fan, but I am a believer in statistics.
    Obamanation, Jan 7, 2016 IP
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  7. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I like any Republican who can keep Cruella de Clinton and her sidekick, Bubba, out of the White House again. Right now, Trump is the only one of them who has recognized that you gain a lot when you stand up to the lamestream press and point out the obvious and numerous flaws and vulnerabilities of the Billary sleaze and corruption machine. For example, did you see how quick the Hillary campaign stopped calling Trump sexist when he counterpunched with Bill and Hill's bimbo eruptions throughout the 90's? He calls a spade a spade and that is so needed right now. All of the other Republicans look like spineless politicians by comparison.

    I like Cruz, Rubio, and Carson, as well, but they have not shown the ability to counterpunch the Democrat sleaze machine with the effectiveness that Trump has. Bush blew it; Christie can go hug Obama again; and Fiorina should be the Veep on the ticket so she can go after Hillary with a passion.

    The main thing is to keep the Democrats (i.e., Hillary) out of the Oval Office in 2017. Eight years of failed ideology and policy is long enough.
    jrbiz, Jan 8, 2016 IP
  8. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    The rest of the world remains in a state of shock that Trump continues and people support him. F'ing unbelievable.

    sarahk, Jan 14, 2016 IP
  9. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    @sarahk I think you'd feel differently if you lived here in the US. We are so freaking sick and tired of all the nonsense that's going on with our politics, economy, society that Trump seems to be the only candidate who understands what doodoo we're really in. I'd vote for Cruz, but to me he's nothing but another slick politician. Will promise a bunch and then nothing will be done. Enough of that. And I am sure it's quite clear that I am not voting for a democrat whoever that might be.
    qwikad.com, Jan 14, 2016 IP
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  10. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I hope you're right - gotta get something out of losing your international credibility!
    sarahk, Jan 14, 2016 IP
  11. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Thinking back to the days of Reagan, it was the same thing. The mainstream liberal US press and most of international (and also liberal) press were horrified that such a "troglodyte" could even be considered for the position. These pointy-headed, useful idiots (as Lenin used to call them) also were tut-tutting about our losing credibility around the world but were proven so wrong as the straight-talking Reagan went on to call the Soviet Union the "Evil Empire" that it was, thereby horrifying its fawning apologists but ultimately freeing hundreds of millions of people who had been subjected to decades of abuse and maltreatment. The truth often is not politically correct but needs to be said and acted on; otherwise, bad actors and bad situations are allowed to flourish.

    Tell me this, how much credibility does Obama have with the world's worst bad guys like North Korea, Iran, Syria, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Putin, etc.? Do they fear him, thereby causing them to limit their evil actions and make the world a safer place? I predict that 2016 is going to see a ramp up of bad actions from all of these players and more because they realize that they have never had it so good with an ally in the Oval Office and may not be so lucky moving forward in 2017. The only way they will be able to continue, completely unrestrained, is if Billary is elected to continue Obama's planned destruction of the U.S.

    I am no fan of the US being the world's bulwark against evil and would prefer to let another country do it, but it certainly won't be the liberal media that is trashing a tough-talking U.S. presidential candidate.
    jrbiz, Jan 15, 2016 IP
  12. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    I didn't watch the debate last night, but this picture speaks louder than words. I wonder if Trump wins he's going to take Rubio as his right-hand man.

    qwikad.com, Jan 15, 2016 IP
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  13. Obamanation

    Obamanation Well-Known Member

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    I thought that disappeared with Bush. If not with Bush, with Obama and his red line, or has bombing Arab states like Libya, turning them into havens for terrorism suddenly come into vogue.

    If Trump turns out to be the President, there are going to be more than a few awkward moments for England, but other than that, our position on the world stage won't change much, and not just because we are the only nation with 11 state of the art carrier battle groups at sea. France elected a socialist and nobody severed ties with them, though the Islamists do seem to love their gun control laws.
    Obamanation, Jan 22, 2016 IP
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  14. Karri

    Karri Greenhorn

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    If you lived here outside USA you'd understand that electing Trump is the last nail in the myth of fat, stupid, arrogant and ignorant Americans. I would say you couldn't do worse if you tried; but voting for Trump is you doing your worst. I mean we do elect these guys to parliament from time to time, but not as presidents. In any case, I believe the fault is, like you say, in the system. The US 2-party system is really a one party oligarchy of sorts. It wont get any better by voting Trump, and you should understand that even if he understand what doodoo you're in, it doesn't mean he intends to do anything else with that understanding than getting your votes. Have to admit that I've given up on voting, waiting for the inevitable revolution.
    Karri, Jan 28, 2016 IP
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  15. Obamanation

    Obamanation Well-Known Member

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    I'll never understand the whole anti-american sentiment that oozes from quite a few Brits, the derision for our weight, our education, our lifestyle choices, and especially our politics, its just strange.

    Nobody here even thinks about Britain or the British. Most of the folks who would remember saving Britain from becoming part of the Nazi regime are long dead.
    Obamanation, Jan 28, 2016 IP
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  16. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    It's a big brother, little brother thing
    The big brother doesn't notice the little brother, the little brother is fixated on the big kid.

    I suspect it's because we grew up being told that America was this hallowed land and suddenly we realise that the people are as flawed as any other and this is rather disappointing.
    sarahk, Jan 29, 2016 IP
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  17. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    LOL, you have hit this right on the head. One funny aspect of this "big brother/little brother" thing is shown by our relationship with Canada which, of course, is quite friendly. I am told that Canada is always paranoid that the U.S. wants to dominate it, make it our 51st state, etc. In the U.S., we know that there is another country on our northern border and its name is Canada, but that is about it. :)

    I have worked with and for British companies (as recently as 2014 and for decades before) and the businesspeople that I regularly communicated with had very similar political views as I have. They have the same problem that we do regarding takers versus makers and, in fact, perhaps more so than us. It is the takers, of course, who bleat the loudest because they run on hatred and envy that the makers are not giving them everything that they desire. So, they tend to make it look like the U.K. looks down on the U.S. when I suspect their political leanings are similar to ours, percentage-wise.
    jrbiz, Jan 29, 2016 IP
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  18. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    Some Americans feel like they are looked down upon by the Canadians.

    This is what I'll do next time I am in Canada:

    The Simpsons - S17E08 - The Italian Bob.avi_000223139.gif

    Stupidly, most Americans are like this when they are in Canada (particularly the millennials):

    Last edited: Jan 29, 2016
    qwikad.com, Jan 29, 2016 IP
  19. Obamanation

    Obamanation Well-Known Member

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    Couldn't agree more. This is all anecdotal, of course, but there is something quite unique about British disdain. I have friends who are Kiwis, Aussies, and Brits, and it feels like only the Brits have an active and ongoing angst with America/Americans. In my experience, Kiwis are always friendly and somewhat ambivalent, while Aussies are actually overtly friendly and welcoming when they hear a "seppo" accent.

    You also nailed it with your separation of Brits by class. The professional/investor class seem to be on par with Aussies in their amiable feelings towards Americans in general, while the mid to lower end of the economic spectrum seems to think Americans are some sort of problem, stereotyping us all as "fat, stupid, arrogant and ignorant".

    I have an enormous extended family in Canada, so don't even get me started on "those people". LOL.

    Hard to disagree with that. In the information age, its hard to keep your dirty laundry under the covers of the bed. This is probably just nationalism speaking, but I still firmly believe America is a shining beacon of liberty in the world, even if quite a few of us are "fat, stupid, arrogant, and ignorant". A "can do" culture built on classically liberal principles is what created the wealthiest nation in the world with a high degree of social mobility, and we have proved time and again capable of reinventing ourselves. There is quite literally no other nation on earth with our size and demography to compare us to, and I like to think that is specifically because of the culture.

    I say this with no disprespect for the culture of other nations like Norway, which I went after a bit in another thread. Norway is awesome, its just not comparable.
    Obamanation, Jan 29, 2016 IP
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  20. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I have mentioned this previously on one of these threads and, hopefully not this one, but can anyone point to any other country or empire throughout the history of mankind that had a vastly superior military, went to war after war and only wanted to do the right thing and did not want to enslave/colonize people, take their natural resources, etc.? Does anyone doubt that the U.S. could not do this today? Does anyone think that such actions are even a possibility for the U.S.? Of course not, it is a silly question. Now, ask yourself, what would happen if some countries (Iran, Russia, North Korea, etc., too many to list) had the U.S.'s military superiority?

    We certainly have our flaws (we are simply a group of humans, after all) but the historic nature of this country and its approach to the world has to be recognized and, as @Obamanation suggests, I believe that it is due to our culture which is the product of our Constitution written hundreds of years ago. That is why there is such an outcry every time Obama tries to circumvent it so that he can impose his dictatorial vision on the country.
    jrbiz, Jan 29, 2016 IP